AEE Class Test 1

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Academic Year: 2019-2020
Class Test 1
Course Name: Automobile Engineering Shift: I
Course Code: AE6I Semester: Six
Subject: AEE Subject Code: 22651
Duration: 1 hr Marks: 20
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Illustrate the answer with neat sketches whenever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Assume suitable data if required.
CI 603.3 Troubleshoot starting and ignition Systems
CI 603.4 Use advanced accessories for passenger safety and comfort
CI 603.5 Use diagnostic tools and instruments

Q.1 Attempt Any FOUR of the following: (02X04 = 08 Marks)

CI603.3 1) State function of Ignition System in Automobile
CI603.5 2) List different types of sensor used in modern vehicles
CI603.5 3) During Electronic Injector sound test, chattering sound is heard, infer the result.
CI603.4 4) Explain reasons for providing time delay in automatic head light system.
CI603.3 5) State function of i) Distributor ii) Ignition Coil
CI603.5 6) Identify full-form of GPS and GPRS

Q.2 Attempt Any TWO of the following: (06X02 = 12 Marks)

CI603.5 1) Draw a neat sketch of Oxygen Sensor and Write testing of Oxygen sensor using
scan tool.
CI603.3 2) Explain working of computer controlled ignition system with block diagram.
CI603.4 3) Describe Electric two wheeler: Layout and functions of components


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