A Wonderful and Different Post-Apocalyptic Anime

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A wonderful and different post-apocalyptic anime

Dr. Stone is an awe-inspiring anime, this mixes genres like science fiction, adventure and comedy
in an excellent plot, with an incredible character design. Many years in the future, after for strange
reasons almost all the humanity ended up petrified, the main character (Senku) faces the idea of
reconstructing the society from his knowledge in different disciplines and with the help of those he
finds in his way, this animation astonishes anyone by presenting scientifically correct data as if
these were fantastic acts, in addition, it introduces a debate about if the civilization should return
to as it was before or if it is necessary to modify everything from the beginning. Animation and
design are not left behind, with an incredible setting of a post-apocalyptic world consumed by
nature and characters with varied physical characteristics that highlight their personalities, in
conclusion, this is a must-see anime for its visually appeal, its entertaining story and many other
things that make it compelling, if you decide to watch it, you won’t regret it!

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