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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering

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Preparation and Application of Amphoteric Polyacrylate Containing Long

Hydrophobic Aliphatic Chain in the Presence of Poly(vinyl alcohol)
Peizhi Lia; Yiding Shena; Xiaorui Lia; Xiaowu Yanga
Key Laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education,
Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an Shaanxi, P.R.China

Online publication date: 19 January 2011

To cite this Article Li, Peizhi , Shen, Yiding , Li, Xiaorui and Yang, Xiaowu(2011) 'Preparation and Application of
Amphoteric Polyacrylate Containing Long Hydrophobic Aliphatic Chain in the Presence of Poly(vinyl alcohol)',
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 1, 29 — 35
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2010.512345


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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 29–35, 2011
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-2559 print=1525-6111 online
DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2010.512345

Preparation and Application of Amphoteric Polyacrylate

Containing Long Hydrophobic Aliphatic Chain in the
Presence of Poly(vinyl alcohol)
Peizhi Li, Yiding Shen, Xiaorui Li, and Xiaowu Yang
Key Laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Ministry of Education,
Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an Shaanxi, P.R.China

latexes stabilized with low molecular weight surfactants.

Amphoteric polyacrylate containing long hydrophobic aliphatic Furthermore, the polyhydric alcohol polyvinyl alcohol
chain in the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was synthesized. (PVA) has several unique features: it is water soluble, crys-
The influences of PVA on the properties of the emulsion and its film tallizable, and capable of hydrogen bonding. Compared
were investigated in details. In addition, the emulsion and the film with the conventional emulsion polymerization, the incor-
were characterized by various examining methods. Furthermore,
the applied properties of paper sized by amphoteric polyacrylate poration of PVA as protective colliod can endow latex with
in the presence of poly (vinyl alcohol) were measured, in contrast one or more of the following advantages: no emulsifier
to acrylic polymer prepared with the conventional low molecular migration during film formation, excellent shear stability
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

weight emulsifier, the physical indexes were all improved. and monodisperse particle size distribution and strong
hydrogen bonding.
Keywords Amphoteric polyacrylate; Application; Hydrophobic In general, the stabilizer of polymer emulsions strongly
aliphatic chain; Poly(vinyl alcohol); Preparation affects not only the emulsion colloidal properties but also
the film properties, and then it affects the application of the
INTRODUCTION polyacrylate. However, there are few researches about
Polyacrylate latex can be directly used without causing amphoteric polymer emulsion using poly(vinyl alcohol) as
pollution from organic solvents, accounting for its diverse protective colloid in paper sizing agent. In this paper, PVA
applications such as in coating, adhesives, paper and textile was directly employed to copolymerize with acrylate mono-
finishes[1–4]. In emulsion polymerization, the surfactant mers as protective colloid by radical polymerization for pre-
plays important roles in the stability, rheology, and control paring paper sizing agent without any purification ways.
of the particle size of the resulting latexes. Conventional Besides, the influences of PVA on the properties of the emul-
latex is prepared from emulsion polymerization in the sion and its film, such as particle size and rheology behavior of
presence of low molecular weight emulsifiers, the residual emulsion, and mechanical properties of its film were investi-
emulsifier in latexes would have negative effects on the gated in details. In addition, the emulsion and the film were
properties of the products, possibly cause a reduction in characterized respectively. Furthermore, the applied proper-
water-resistance and durability of the final product, and ties of amphoteric polyacrylate in paper sizing are determined.
can even cause the environmental pollution[5–8].
There are some researches about the polymerization EXPERIMENTAL
using PVA as a protective colloid[9–18]. Poly(vinyl alcohol)
(PVA) plays an important role as a protective colloid in the
Butyl acrylate (BA), styrene (St), methacrylic acid
emulsion polymerization, the PVA will become grafted
(MAA), methacrylatoethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride
and=or adsorbed on the latex particles providing stability
(DMC, Fig. 1) and octadecyl acrylate (ODA) were all pur-
during the polymerization. An emulsion stabilized with
chased from Tianjin No. 3 Chemical Reagent Factory and
PVA has many advantages over surfactants, including
used without further purification; poly (vinyl alcohol)
Newtonian fluidity, superior primary wet tackiness, high
(PVA), at an 88% hydrolysis degree, were bought from
strength and creep resistant film properties compared to
Shantou XingHe Fine Chemistry Limited Company and
used without further purification; 2,2-azobis (2-amidinopro-
Address correspondence to Peizhi Li, Key Laboratory of
Auxiliary Chemistry & Technology for Chemical Industry, Minis- pane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) was purchased from
try of Education, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Shanghai Huarun Chemical Corporation of China; Deio-
Xi’an Shaanxi, 710021, P.R.China. E-mail: nized water was applied for the polymerization processes.

30 P. LI ET AL.

tester TS2000-S (Scientific and Technological Limited

Company of High Iron in Taiwan). Tensile test bars
(5  70 mm2) were cut from films of 0.4–0.8 mm thickness.
The standard tensile test performed was an adaptation of
ASTM 412–83, D638–84 and D 882–83 methods.
FIG. 1. Structural formula of DMC.
Preparation of Amphoteric Polyacrylate Emulsion Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometry.
A 250-mL 3-necked round-bottom flask was equipped FT-IR spectra were obtained with a Germany Bruker
with a reflux condenser, a thermometer and a mechanical Vector 22 FT-IR Spectrometer using solution cast films
stirrer. The reactor flask charged with PVA (variable) and on KBr Discs.
deionized water were heated to 85 C in a water bath. It
Micromorphology Measurement of Emulsion. The mor-
was stirred at 350 rpm until the PVA was completely soluble
phology of amphoteric polyacrylate emulsion was observed
in water solution, the polymerization was started with 5 g of
by Hitachi (Model S570) transmission electron microscope
aqueous solution of AAPH initiator (1.5 wt%) and the
(TEM). The sample was diluted to the required concen-
mixture of St (10 g), BA (10 g), DMC (10 g), MAA (2 g)
tration with distilled water before measurement.
and ODA (5 g) monomers added dropwise and finished
within 1.5 h. The reaction was kept at 85 C for 4 h. Named X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The sample was dried at
as 1# acrylic resin. 40 C to a constant moisture content in a vacuum oven prior
For comparison, the preparation of 1# amphoteric to X-ray scanning with a Rigaku model D=Max-B X-ray
polyacrylate was repeated, except that PVA was not diffractometer (Brandt Instruments, Inc., Slidell, LA) with
added, and the traditional emulsifier OP-10(0.5 g) was used a Bragg–Brentano parafocusing geometry, a diffracted
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

instead. Named as 2# acrylic resin. beam monochromator, and a conventional copper target
X-ray tube set to 40 kV and 30 mA. The X-ray source was
Film Preparation CuKa radiation. Data were collected from 3 to 70 (the
Films were obtained by casting the amphoteric polya- angle of diffraction) with a step width of 0.02 and a step
crylate emulsion on tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) plates and time of 0.4 s.
allowing them to dry at room temperature for 5 days and
then at 60 C for 12 h. After demoulding, the films were Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA). Thermogravi-
kept into a desiccator to avoid moisture. metric experiments were performed on a Germany Netzsch
209 TG analyzer. A film sample about 5 mg was placed in a
Performance Measurement and Characterization platinum sample pan and heated from room temperature
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The particle size of to 500 C, under N2 atmosphere, at a heating rate of
the amphoteric polyacrylate emulsion was analyzed by a 10 C=min.
dynamic light scattering (Zeta-plus, Brookehaven Instru-
The Application in the Paper Sizing. Sizing of the
ments Co.). All samples were redispersed by sonificator
unsized hardwood bleached paper sheets was performed
before analyzing the particle size.
respectively by dipping the sheets into two kinds of poly-
Rheology of Emulsion. The viscosity, pseudoplasticity mer aqueous solutions (1 wt%). Wet sheets were pressed
and thixotropy of emulsion were analyzed in an American at 0.35 MPa for 5 min, then dried in an oven at 105 C for
Brookfield DV-III Ultra Programmable Rheometer. The mea- 10 min, and conditioned at 20 C and 65% relative humidity
surements were carried out at 20 C in the rotational mode for more than 24 hours.
using concentric cylinders type SC4–21. Then, 100 cm3 of Sizing degree of paper sheets were evaluated by Stockigt
aqueous emulsion was used in the measurements. Controlled method. Measurement of tensile strength was tested by ISO
shear rate (CSR) experiments were carried out as follows: 1924. Measurement of folding strength was tested accord-
shear rate was increased from 10 s1 to 120 s1 and maintained ing to ISO 5626. Surface strength was measured according
for 200 s to provide a uniform and standardized state in all the to ISO 3783.
solutions. Then, the shear rate was gradually increased from
10 s1 to 120 s1 followed by a gradual decrease from 120 s1
to 10 s1. The preceding experiments were repeated and an
Effect of the Content of PVA on Particle Size
excellent reproducibility was always obtained.
Effect of the content of PVA on particle diameter of the
Mechanical Properties of the Films emulsion is shown in Figure 2. It is found that the particle
The tensile strength and elongation at break of the films size decreases first then increases according to the content
were measured on a multifunctional electronic strength of incorporated PVA. When the incorporation of PVA

properties. Rheological measurements can be a powerful

tool to investigate this aspect, since the flow behavior is
not only a fundamental property by itself, but it also car-
ries the fingerprints of the microstructure of the dispersion
and the forces acting between the particles. PVA is capable
of providing a series of desirable properties to the final
product, such as better shear resistance, and superior stab-
ility. The application conditions of paper sizing are mainly
determined by their rheological properties. Therefore, the
rheology property of amphoteric polyacrylate emulsion
has been considered in this study.
According to the Ostwald-Dewael Power-law Equation,
the rheological behavior can be described as follows:

ga ¼ k  cn1 or r ¼ k  cn ð2Þ
FIG. 2. Effect of the content of PVA on particle diameter of the
where r is shear stress, c is shear rate, n is flow-behavior
index (Newtonian fluid, n ¼ 1; Non-Newtonian fluid,
increases from 4% to 8% (the percentage is relative to the n<1; k is consistency coefficient (the apparent viscosity
mass of the total monomers, the follows are as the same), increases with increasing k), ga is apparent viscosity.
the particle size decreases with increasing amount of Equation (3) can be obtained by Equation (2):
PVA. However, when the incorporation of PVA is more
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

than 8%, the particle size of the emulsion increases. lg r ¼ lg k þ n lg c ð3Þ

According to thermodynamic law, Equation (1) can be
used, when polymer was dispersed into water with tempera- Since there exists a linear relationship between lgrand
ture and pressure kept constant. lgc, the n and k values can be calculated using a linear
regression approach.
DG ¼ r  DA ð1Þ Figure 3 shows the flow curves of latexes with different
PVA content and their flow-behavior index (n) and consist-
where 4G represents variation in free enthalpy; r repre- ency coefficient (k) were calculated from Figure 3a (as
sents interfacial tension between polymer and water; 4A shown in Table 1). The n value of the emulsion increased
represents variation in interfacial area. greatly with increasing PVA content. This indicates that
In general, if the polymer can be well dispersed into these emulsions are non-Newtonian liquids, i.e., there is
water, 4A would be positive, as well as r. And therefore great variation of viscosity by increasing the shear rate.
4G would be positive, as a result, the dispersion can’t pro- At the same time, addition of PVA amount produces an
cess spontaneously until in virtue of external force. In order increase in the apparent viscosity of emulsions. The consist-
to increase 4A, that is, thinning down the particles, the ency coefficient (k) increased from 3.557 to 4.418 when
interfacial tension should be low enough when the external amount increased from 4% to 10%. The main reason is that
force is the same. As to a polymer with good hydrophilicity, PVA is usually viewed as a steric stabilizer, where hydro-
r is relative small, so accordingly 4A can be bigger, and phobic groups attach onto the polymer particles, while
particle size is just the opposite. hydrophilic moieties stretch out in the water phase to pro-
In emulsion polymerization a partially hydrolyzed PVA is vide stability to the dispersion. PVA chains tend to extend
commonly used in order to exploit its hydrophobic– and associate in the water phase, creating bridges among
hydrophilic characteristics. While at the beginning with different particles, similar in this respect, to associative
increasing amount of PVA, which is mainly exhibits hydro- polymers or other PVA chains, which lead to the change
philic characteristics more than hydrophobic characteristics, of interaction force between the polymer’s latex particles.
the interfacial tension would increase, leading to the decrease On the one hand, due to hydrogen bond action of polymers
of particle size. When the incorporation of PVA is more than in water phase, the viscosity increases. On the other hand,
8%, the situation reverses, hydrophobic property is main the increment of moieties stretching out in the water lead
factor, which leading to the increase of particle size. to the interaction force between latex particle and water
increases, manifesting the increase of the apparent viscosity.
Effect of the Content of PVA on Rheology Properties In addition, it is also found that ga decreased greatly at
The rheological properties not only affect workability the beginning and then become invariable with increasing
but also have something with their stability and some other shear rate (as shown in Fig. 3b), which manifest that
32 P. LI ET AL.

where ga is systematic apparent viscosity, Vi is particles’

interior phase volume, u is stacking coefficient, ke is shape
factor, ge is particle’s outside viscosity. Deformation took
part in particles with the action of shear stress, ke decreased
and u increased which eventually lead to the decrease of ga.
And accordingly ga keeps invariable when the particles
keep steady shape. Furthermore, due to the existence of
polar groups in polymer molecular chain, hydrogen bonds
are produced, and eventually forming hydrated layer. The
hydrated layers would be destroyed with the increase of
shear rate, which make the particles’ relative movement
more easily and therefore decreases ga; but when shear rate
increases to a certain degree, the hydrated layers would be
totally destroyed, ga would not decrease any longer. It can
be described according to a hard-sphere behavior: associ-
ation of polymer blocks from PVA chains in the water
phase, generate reversible particle flocks through bridging
mechanisms, and destroyed by shear, which make particle’s
crustaceous hydrated layer thin.

Effect of the Content of PVA on Mechanical Properties

Table 2 shows variation of mechanical properties with
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the dosage of PVA. The tensile strength and elongation

at break reach the peak while the dosage of PVA is 8%.
PVA is capable of forming hydrogen bonding between
polymer particles, which served as cross-linkages when
casting membranes. To a certain degree, PVA can prevent
molecules from sliding, which results in the increase of
stress and strength. However, excessive cross-linkages
make macromolecular chain hardly oriented under external
force, which leads to the decrease of tensile strength, tensile
modulus and elongation at break.

FIG. 3. Effect of PVA content on rheology curve of emulsion.
The infrared spectrum of the amphoteric polyacrylate
under the incorporation of PVA is 8% is illustrated in
emulsions are endowed with pseudo-plasticity. Mooney Figure 4. The peaks at wavenumbers of 3430 cm1 come
equation can explain this phenomenon, which was from the O-H groups in PVA and MAA monomer. The
described as follows: one at 1731 cm1 is associated with the vibrating absorption
of carbonyl groups, and the one at 1164 cm1 is associated
ln ga ¼ ln ge þ ke Vi =ð1  Vi =uÞ ð4Þ to the C-O-C groups in acrylate monomer. The peaks at

TABLE 1 Mechanical properties with variation of dosage of PVA
The n and k values with variation of dosage of
PVA for emulsion PVA Tensile Tensile Elongation at
(%) strength (MPa) modulus (MPa) break (%)
Samples PVA (%) n K
2 12 32 72.1
A 4 0.941 3.357 4 15 46 73.2
B 6 0.818 4.252 6 21 52 83.5
C 8 0.739 4.416 8 28 71 92.4
D 10 0.734 4.418 10 23 63 90.8

FIG. 6. The particle size distribution of the amphoteric polyacrylate

FIG. 4. FT-IR curve of amphoteric polyacrylate.

134 nm to 203 nm, and exhibits monodisperse particle size

wave numbers of 1641 and 952 cm1 are assigned to the
methyl groups of quaternary ammonium in the cationic
Crystallinity determines the flexibility of the molecular
chains of polymers. XRD was used to observe the crystal-
The peaks at wave numbers of 3027, 758 and 699 cm1
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

linity of the film. Figure 7 shows the X-ray diffraction

are associated to the C-H groups and the one at 1459 cm1
curve of the amphoteric polyacrylate. From Figure 7, it
is associated to the C¼C groups with the vibrating in
can clearly seen that there is a weak diffraction peak of
benzene ring. The peaks at wave numbers of 2952 cm1
the crystalline amphoteric polyacrylate, the crystallinity is
come from the C-H in the backbone of the copolymer.
commonly considered as ordered structure of chain seg-
The appearance of all these peaks demonstrates that ampho-
ment owing to hydrogen bonds occurring in the polymer.
teric polyacrylate has been successfully copolymerized.
The microcrystallinity is beneficial to the improvement of
The morphology of amphoteric polyacrylate emulsion is
mechanical property.
presented in Figure 5. Figure 5 demonstrates that the latex
Thermal decomposition behavior of the amphoteric
particles exhibit the regular typical spherical, the surface of
polyacrylate film was investigated by TGA. The thermo-
the particles is as clean as smooth, and uniformity distri-
gram of the amphoteric polyacrylate is shown in Figure 8.
bution. As shown in Figure 6, the average diameter of
amphoteric polyacrylate is about 172.4 nm, ranging from

FIG. 5. TEM photograph of amphoteric polyacrylate (100000). FIG. 7. X-ray diffraction spectra of the amphoteric polyacrylate.
34 P. LI ET AL.

increased by 44.23% and the tensile strength improved

by 48.67%. Besides, the surface strength and folding
strength were improved by 38.13% and 16.28%, respect-
ively. There are two reasons for these, one is amphoteric
polyacrylate prepared by using PVA as the protective
colloid avoids the water-uptaking reaction of the small
surfactants; two is that PVA has better strength and
microcrystallinity, added PVA protective colloid can
improve the strength largely.

Amphoteric polyacrylate containing long hydrophobic
aliphatic chain in the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol)
(PVA) as protective colloid was synthesized via radical
polymerization prepared with styrene (St), methacryla-
toethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DMC), butyl
FIG. 8. TG curves of membrane of the amphoteric polyacrylate. acrylate (BA) and methacrylate acid (MAA). The influ-
ences of PVA on the properties of the emulsion and its film,
From Figure 8, it can be seen that the film remained fairly such as particle size and rheology behavior of the emulsion,
stable because the weight loss was less than 7.1%, even mechanical properties of its film, were investigated in
when the temperature was raised up to about 200 C, which details.
can meet the temperature requirement of the paper sizing In addition, the FT-IR spectra spectrum showed that
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

absolutely. the amphoteric acrylate copolymer was formed. TEM

and DLS analysis exhibited that the polymer latex particles
Application Property were uniform spheres with the diameter of about 172.4 nm,
Table 3 shows that the physical mechanical properties ranging from 134 nm to 203 nm. XRD revealed that the
of paper surface sized by amphoteric polyacrylate using microcrystallinity existed in the polymer was beneficial to
PVA as the protective colloid when the incorporation of the improvement of mechanical property. TGA concluded
PVA is 8% and by amphoteric polyacrylate using conven- that thermal decomposition behavior of the amphoteric
tional emulsifiers, respectively. In contrast to sizing by the polyacrylate film can meet the temperature requirement
polyacrylate using conventional emulsifier, the physical of the paper sizing absolutely.
mechanical properties of paper surface sized by ampho- Furthermore, in contrast to acrylic polymer prepared
teric polyacrylate using PVA as the protective colloid with the conventional low molecular weight emulsifier,
were improved evidently such as the sizing degree the applied properties of paper sized by amphoteric poly-
acrylate in the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) were
measured: the sizing degree increased by 44.23% and the
TABLE 3 tensile strength improved by 18.67%, besides, the surface
The physical mechanical properties of paper strength and folding strength were improved by 38.13%
surface after surface sizing and 16.28%, respectively.
Sizing Tensile Surface Folding
degree strength strength strength ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Type (s) (102 N=m) (cm=s) (n) We would like to express our great thanks to the
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Paper sizing 75 40.36 290.5 50 numbers: 20876093 and 50973057) and the Graduate
with 1# Innovation Fund of Shaanxi University of Science and
Acrylic resin Technology for financial support.
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