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a oo ee MiG@vseL IQ. ReFleckon of vach 4 1. How les tt lbecn Huockoay, onltrer To me is more drFGieath , because in muy Woure | dant rove a place to do muy wok , bb | Hint that Wars sc Cla llage endl 1 con do whe 2, Whet dtd 1 ineave sm Oar} SP The eronunsation of Vhe verbs ra 7 my aqanee nt ra Hhe, sk sim@le ond try Poncleatron w bile, 3, A ceacdina, “Ho gpoc wot done dort ont d, gede Hoursl€ cad. suegech xt BL Verh dna 1] worked herd bok 1 cone be lac tee job. ) remembered & Lok of the grmple Past and my Pronuctabion is “he Her now Mibu a | READING 1-The Creators of Grammar No student ofa foreign tanguage needs fo be told that grammar s complex, By changing word sequences and by | Aling a range of auxiliary verbs and sutixes. we are able to communicate tiny variations in meaning, Wenee | uma statement into a question, state whether an action has taken place ori soon to take place. end serge ay other word tricks to convey subtle differences in meaning. Nors this complexity inherent tothe Eneish Language. All languages, even those of so-called 'primtve' tribes have clever granvnatical components. The (Cherokee pronoun system, for example, ean distinguish between ‘you and I, Several other people and I and yo, English al these meanings are summed up the one, rude pronoun we GBH ine ae OMAN NSe Oe est es aed A frst t would appear that this question is impossible to answer. To find out how grammar is created, jomeone needs tobe preset al the time ofa language's creation, documenting its emergence. Many historical Tinguists are able to trace modern complex languages back to earlier languages, but in order to answer the Wes el (Gielt te eedeished , conn ofaemy abies 3 All Pre Pallourea, San frees aloud Ne coray ro $0 se eco foe exeot? The Jongrese ces pecekd Voy gum Ceildcony Alan 03, where Ne Closter, bre he P mas dla Sheclebed oe ok rrempoticel coals Prot eaisled om padhe Veo erdgen wer We Fettpece of Whe Colder eas, So From Gralla so Case 2 ts diet ra parry £1 rom the teow Wegrentre 6 Molemshith on peaugaelh’> ts cag tr meeting i Peivete cca prsore MIGUEL 1 L Gully ssvtrce Ts clupesd re meat te Hoe Targhlighted sivened romance a eemusel = Chey AACE ey eyay Jerquere » ne athe hea evtderernd ib iS A\t Vectesgn ght he Rey cts selon by 4 few Prope oa Jeb oe qagle (cena Beoreceol« TAM af lla cqe. Rulers ofthe rem Nroeiteen -yran Lenquse EXCEPT! The Kecd mevarn ts wee smactker orl sire (he “. Whreh res is Pecunted rr the Gal QacageehP Eagialh Ges acts bly once a cetole Ve lek af Yhe sued censishak ta aeagee hte This word me res} be teploed by aihich of He Gllonrngd Unters MGUR 16, oT: Mle | When ase toute esin Ladin he iver, ot ero okt cles any other big influential names in scity. When it comes to me, the person | admit most inthe weg any mother, Weal have people wim we consider tobe highly inspirational ad inten woe | Yn, and in ese my mother san excelent example of thes chatacters, Shes nextardnny | Person in my life because of her enduring strength that I dearly admire, and she is also kind as well ss q supporive Voter he Loan | One thing 1 most admire about my mother for is her strength, which appears tobe resistant throughout hard times. My mother is a single mother, and she has managed to raise three children all by herself providing us with a good life and education, while still balancing work For instance, when my brother ‘nd [cleared high school, only one of us hoped to join college because of our financial situation, but she worked two jobs to ensure that we enrolled in college. Single mothers across the globe face financial instability where they are forced to engage in other strategies to extend income to take cate of their family (West et al. 359). [hold great admiration for my mother because o° her determination, how she never backs down, and the Way she stands up for what she believes in no matter th hardships that come along, *: | My mother has a striking appearance, but behind this, she ie very alluring, admirable, and kind. At first, ‘one can conclude that she is a blunt and cold person because of her quiet nature, but after knowing her, she tums out to be a friendly, warm-hearted, gentle, and generous person. My mother has been a dedicated individual inthe society through volunteering in church during weekends and holidays as ‘well as helping in the local homeless shelters. Kindness is crucial and healthy since one takes pride in caring for others since they need caring, and it gives people a pleasant feeling (Adamu par. 6). Thanks | to my mother, I have grown to be a kind-hearted and deeply-caring person since I believe that it's upon (me to help those in need whenever Iam capable 4 || Tam lucky to have a mother who always supports me no matter my misgivings No matter the activity I } am in or the decision I make, my mother is stil therefor me to give me advice and encouragement, but | atthe end of the day, she is at all times by my side. [had a difficult time adapting to my first year in | igh school, and I almost quit, but my mum listened to my grievances, and with her support, managed || 10 finish high school. Supportive behavior is crucial for individual well-being, especially when it comes || 10 emotional support where a person can be able to relieve distress from a challenge (MacGeorge and ‘Van Swol 7). My mother’s supportive character has given me the strength to endure a lot of challenging situations in life as well as learn a lot in what life has to offer. 5 | Special people like my mother exist to make our lives better and to mold us to become a better version of ourselves. My mother isa strong spirited person, kind-hearted, has unbreakable strength and very 7 | supportive, Over the years, | have leamed a lot through her character and thougits, which have molded | me to the caring, decent, and biliant person Iam today. The people around us urn out tobe the best role models. MyQuel IG Throoghoot (arepasi bn vedual) ia @very got, of docrdy the whole Period of Atme + People Lreousheet he unten oce cub of or K Heedshiess Gaon) a condi hon g@ fale Prat causes dr CEical ts oc suFFeciog +The 193804 Were atime of Wigh Grempbyrent od eenrorsc hodshi? 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