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Habit 4: Think Win-Win

In this package, we will focus on Habit 4: Think

Win-Win. Below you will find a list of 5 activities for
you to do with your family. You can choose to do as
many as you have time for.

At the bottom of the page, you will find links for story-
read alouds related to this week’s topic. You can view
these on any of your devices.

1. Find a recipe you’ve always wanted to try and offer

to help an adult make it, including helping with the dishes at the end.

2. Call up a friend or family member like a grandparent you haven’t seen in a

while and check in.

3. If you have a pet dog, take it out to play fetch or for a walk. The exercise
will be good for both of you. If you don’t have a dog, ask an adult to go for a
walk or bike ride. Exercise makes your brain release dopamine which makes
you feel happier!

4. Have a family member teach a game to you. Try to focus on how to

become better without getting upset when it doesn’t work out the way you
want it to. Try asking questions like, “Can you show me how you did _____?”

5. When you ask someone in your house what they would like to do today,
how can you come to an agreement and make sure you are both happy with
how you spend your time?

Story links: The Boy Who Wouldn’t Share by Mike Reiss The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss The Scarecrow’s Hat by Ken Brown

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