Heat Preserved Chilled Foods

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HEAT PRESERVED CHILLED FOODS  Thermal processing conditions of hold temperature and

hold time are calculated from knowledge of the intended

 refrigerated products of extended durability (REPFEDS) in
storage conditions, which dictate which microorganisms
which foods are given an in-pack retort process to extend
can grow.
their chilled shelf-life beyond 10 days (short shelf-life foods
 This is a form of commercial sterility, although many thermal
that include ready-to-eat cooked meat, fish and poultry
processing specialists do not recognize the definition when
applied to the chilled foods sector.
 severity of the heat process given to a product depends on
the length of chilled storage and must be sufficient to target
 Food products sold chilled with up to 10 days
the organisms that can grow over the storage time
 Food products with up to 10 days chilled - pasteurization
 Food products with 10 days and beyond shelf-
treatment at least equivalent to 2 minutes at 70°C
 Microorganisms of concern - aerobic pathogens; this
 A common theme with pasteurization treatments is the
includes Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. and
design of a 6-log kill process (Ex. initial loading of
Escherichia coli (exist only as vegetative cells thus relatively
psychrotrophic C. botulinum spores is 102/g, then 6 log
easy to kill by heat.)
process reduce the number to 10-4/g)
 Food products extended beyond 10 days – thermally
processed at 70oC for 40 minutes. Also known as sous vide PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS RELEVANT TO CHILLED FOODS
(originated in France for manufacture of high-quality foods
1. Clostridium botulinum
sold to catering sectors)
 C. botulinum is also classed into groups, with
 As shelf-life is extended beyond 10 days, the possibility that
groups I and II responsible for the largest number of
psychrotrophic strains of Clostridium botulinum can grow.
foodborne botulism cases.
 recent sous-vide processes have targeted the psychrotrophic
 Spores of group I are proteolytic and have a higher
strains of C. botulinum that have required the process
heat resistance; typically, these spores are
severity to be increased beyond 70°C for 40 minutes.
controlled by an F03 process.
 A process equivalent to 10 minutes at 90°C is designed to
 Organisms in group I are not of concern to chilled
achieve at least 6-log reductions in numbers of C. botulinum
foods, as the minimum growth temperature is 10 to
UNDERSTANDING MICROORGANISM BEHAVIOR  Group II organisms are non-proteolytic and have a
lower minimum growth temperature of 2.5 to
 Microbial behavior is a key consideration to the shelf-life of
3.0°C and therefore are of concern in the chilled
any food
food sector
 HACCP plays a crucial role, as it quantifies three main areas
2. Bacillus cereus
of biological risk: (Introduction to the food, Growth within
 found in soil and many foods such as rice, milk,
the food & Survival through production stages). THESE
dairy, spices and vegetables, and can be
present in cooked chilled foods
 Temperature is the main preservation action, both from the
 The organism can cause two different types of
storage of raw materials and finished products, but also
food poisoning;
from the processing perspective.
 emetic and diarrheal, depending on
 Most of the pathogenic microorganisms fall within the
the type of enterotoxin produced
mesophilic category, such as Salmonella spp., L.
 this organism causes food poisoning at levels
monocytogenes (LM) and E. coli O157, and so food
of 105 to 108 cells per g in the contaminated
production conditions are designed to minimize their
food, but has caused limited outbreaks at
growth and survival during manufacture.
levels of 103 to 104 per g
 Microorganisms can evolve within their short lifecycle
 Some strains of the organism are
stages, so can adapt to adverse conditions.
psychrotrophic and are capable of growth at
 This presents a challenge to chilled food factories and
4°C, which makes them of concern for
requires good standards of hygiene coupled with
refrigerated pasteurised foods.
temperature control, otherwise microorganism colonies
 risks of food poisoning are controlled by
can evolve and become established.
selection and/or treatment of raw ingredients
 lag phase is critical in chilled foods production
and a reduction in shelf-life.
 A chilled food manufacturer will prepare the food in a clean
environment held at low temperatures (8–10°C) to control
and suppress growth.
 Preparation is usually done in a low care environment
where standards of hygiene are high
 Psychrotrophic strains of C. botulinum and B. cereus are the One option to increase the security of the packed food is to
two organisms that could result in food poisoning incidents hot fill into the package. Provides few more days of
with extended shelf-life foods. storage compared to cold fill
 Most other known pathogens either cannot grow at chilled Hot filling needs to take place in clean conditions so that
conditions or are less heat resistant bacterial contamination is prevented, and the risks are
only from air-borne yeast and mold spores.
Factories that manufacture REPFEDs will usually enclose the
Production methods for chilled foods can be categorized
filling environment in a high care or high-risk area.
into those where the thermal process step occurs:
Standards of hygiene are stricter than in a low care
 Prior to packaging – ex. Heat exchangers and
environment where the food product receives its cooking
 After packaging – ex. retort
If microbiological contamination gets into a food before or
Packaging materials for heat preserved chilled foods do not
during cooking, the thermal process will destroy the
need to provide the strength or protection demanded by
contaminating microorganisms.
fully sterilized ambient stable foods.

 temperatures are in the pasteurization region (e.g.
70–105°C) rather than sterilization (e.g. 112–
 pressure differential between inside and outside of
the package is much lower;
 storage life is a few weeks compared with many
 storage temperature is 5 to 8°C and so gas transfer
occurs at slower rates.
Typical packaging: plastics (pouches, bowls or trays), but
with some paperboard cartons used for soups
Multi-layered materials are required to provide protection
against ingress of water, oxygen and light.
These multi-layered packages are less strong than the metal
can and require greater caution during the processing
steps to avoid container damage.
important consideration when choosing the packaging
materials is to avoid metal cans for chilled foods.
These should not be used for this type of food because of
the risks of the consumer confusing how the cans should
be stored.


Foods such as soups, sauces and ready meals were often
prepared in large kettles and hot filled into packages.
These were then chilled or frozen in the sealed packages
using air blast refrigeration. Has shelf-life of up to 10 days
A significant reliance is placed on the chilled storage
because of the lack of quantification of the time and
temperature processes achieved in both cooking and hot
filling. Applicable for products within 10-day shelf-life.
For longer shelf-life it is necessary to increase the thermal
process severity for the cooking process and to ensure the
hot filling achieves at the very minimum a yeast and mold
 It is advised to use 90oC in 10 minutes to obtain 6
log reduction of C. botulinum. This organism can
grow down to low temperature, albeit slowly

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