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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


Jayant R. Swarakar, Rupesh D. Belkhade, Vivek G. Dalal, Chetan D. Ghode,
Shubham L. Maskar, Sanket M. Fulmali, Shubham B. Shelki

Prof. A. R. Raghatate , Mechanical Engineering , DMIETR , Maharashtra , India


The initial aim of the project is to design, develop and utensil Automatic Wall Painting machine which helps to
resolve low cost painting attachment. The advances in machining and its wide spreading applications, interior wall
painting has shared little in research activities. The painting chemicals can cause unsafe to the human painters such
as eye and inhaling system problems. Also the nature of painting procedure that requires repeated work and hand
rising makes it boring, time and effort consuming. When construction workers and robots are properly combine in
building tasks, the whole architecture process can be better managed and savings in human labor and timing are
obtained as a consequence. In addition, it would offer the opportunity to reduce or eliminate human exposure to
difficult and unsafe environments, which would solve most of the problems connected with safety when many
activities occur at the same time. These factors motivate the development of an automated robotic painting system.

Keyword : - Building automation; Machine; Construction; Spray Painting; Safety


Today industrial automation of spray painting is limited to high part volumes and robot trajectories that
are programmed by off-line programming and manual teach-in this presents an approach that uses geometry of an
unknown part and to automatically generate the robot spray painting trajectories. (a geometric library containing
constraints specific for the painting application) geometric primitives are detected in the range data. From the
geometric primitives a normal vector field is generated that enables to extract main faces. The process knowledge
related to each geometric primitive is utilized to obtain the trajectory for the paint gun. Results of painting a car
mirror and a steering column are given.
The objective of the project is to automate robot programming for painting applications of small lot sizes
with a very high number of part variants. Presently robotic painting is economically feasible for large lot sizes, since
a robot needs to be established (using off-line programming and/or manual teach-in) for each single part variant.
The project goal is to provide commercial capabilities for usage of robots in painting of large part families. The goal
is to reduce human programming effort by 75 percent and the human spray painting effort by 90 percent. The
technical challenge is to develop a method that can fulfill the spray painting task similar to a human painter, who is
able to paint a geometry never seen before.
The project objective is to provide commercial capabilities for usage of machines for industrial painting
tasks. As a matter of fact, economic realization hinder the application of the currently used conventional automation
technology (off-line programming and/or manual teach-in) used for high volume production.


Mohamed Abdellatif In this paper author describe the design and working of an automatic wall painting robot
machine. The visionary design of a movable painting robot to be used for painting interior walls of residential
building had been described. The robot uses roller fed with liquid paint and keeps contact with the wall surface. The

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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

robot enables the roller to scan vertically as well as horizontally to the painted walls. The robot can maneuver to
adjust itself in front of the wall.[1]

Dhaval Thakar This paper gives basic information about small and medium scale industries manufacturing
components have to paint for protecting from rusting so the spray application consumes maximum time and paint
which required the skilled worker emerged with the application. They cannot manage robotic arrangement for higher
efficiency so the rise of the such process have to be made which is affordable, gives better accuracy, consumes
minimum time for coating so objective has to developed such mechanism which coat the object with the dipping
technique having semi-automatic arrangement which is suitable for our requirement and which can be valuable for
small and medium scale industries.[2]

P.Keerthanaa They research that automatically paint the wall surface of given importance has been designed and
accompanist in massive manner. The approach uses Infrared transmitter and flaming receiver to identify the
appearance of wall. The microcontroller unit to regulate the movement of the DC motor. The robot wipes out the
risky caused due to the painting chemicals to the human painters and also the nature of painting techniques that
require imitated work and hand rising makes it dull, time consuming. The robot is cost effective, reduces work force
for labors, reduces time consumption. The drawback of the project is that the robot continues painting later the end
of the wall so it can be eliminated by adding some indicating objects such as alarms.[3]

Berardo Naticchia In this paper, they shown that mechanized painting can be not only aimed at upgrade
productivity, but also quality checking. A robot arm with high precision is required. An automated system to convert
the normalized coordinates of the liquid colors to be reproduced into the movement speed of the robot end tool and
valve opening end of the mixing board. Most of the work will be probably necessary to achieve high resolution.
Because of the shape of full scale robots, probably also the resolution of the human scale robot will be lower.
Another particularity of the small scale arrangement is of course the ability to access some hard places of buildings
under construction, where human range robots could not be allowed.[4]

Takuya Gokyu They have shared that construction of Wall-Surface Operation Robot plan to automate and increase
the efficiency a series of restoration works by adding, changing of an attachment, new task for cleaning. Tile
departure perceive and repair work to the initial functions of picture painting in a single and multiple colors is also
done. The analysis of this example was introduced as a periodic inspection of the 10th year for the office building
concerned. And, high profitability is expected because of presence of many similar structures.[5]

Pal Johan In this paper, they present a technique for increasing the speed at which a standard industrial manipulator
can paint a wall surface. The approach is based on the perception that a small error in the direction of the end
effecter does not influence the quality of the paint job. It is far more important to maintain constant velocity
throughout the orbit. In doing this, they cast the problem of finding the optimal orientation at each time step into a
convex minimized problem that can be solved efficiently and in real time. They show that aim to allows the end
effectors to keep higher constant velocity throughout the orbit guaranteeing constant paint coating and substantially
decreasing the time needed to paint the wall.[6]


 To minimize time requirement for painting work multi spray gun and auto filling system is used.
 To obtain work by a machine it is not required to move the machine manually to paint the other wall.
 To minimize the paint requirement spray gun is used.
 To minimize human efforts the machine is automated and operated by electric supply.
 To obtain smooth cleaning surface air sprayer is used.
 To minimize the paint requirement spray gun is used.

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4. 2-D MODEL


The construction of paint paths is apart into the following steps: outlining of the painting process,
planning of encounter free spray gun motions. Specifies a trajectory of the spray gun, which satisfies the desired
paint quality. In this module only spray gun motions are considered in relation to process quality. No restrain of

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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

machine are made and collisions between the spray gun and its background are not considered. The system uses the
“Geometry Library” and the “Procedure Library” in order to plan this trajectory. The arithmetic library specifies for
each arithmetic primary or more painting scheme, which may be e applied for painting that particular type of
geometric primitive. The painting procedure specifies how to apply spray gun motions to the surfaces in order to
achieve a satisfactory process quality. The procedure library is established through experimental work. The basic
idea is to enable outlining of paint strokes that continue everywhere the parts even though different geometric
primitives must be covered along the surface and even though continuous robot motions cannot follow the surface.
The system will attempt to approximate the triangular patches of the surface model by larger plane regions (virtual
surfaces), which are oriented in a few main directions.
DP/DT switch has an central OFF position, when operated to one of the ON position, the motor will rotate in
clockwise direction , operating the worm gear box and thereby the pinion shaft. The pinion rotates to rotate the gear
and thereby the main shaft and stand in clockwise direction taking the stand to close position.
When other ON position is operated the motor will rotate in counter clockwise direction , operating the worm gear
box and thereby the pinion shaft. The pinion rotates to rotate the gear and thereby the main shaft and stand in
counter clockwise direction taking the stand to open position.

Sr. No. Name of Component Specification
1 Threaded Rod Length:1 m
Diameter:12 mm
2 Spray Gun Max. delivery rate:0.26 Lts/min
Operating Voltage:220/230V
3 Motor RPM:100
Operating Voltage:12V DC
4 Wheel Diameter:6 inch
5 Switch 2 way
6 Connecting wires For Remote & Chassis
7 Battery Operating Voltage:12V, 7 Amp
8 Electric Spray Gun Operating Voltage:230V DC
9 Fixture Diameter:12 mm


TOTAL COST = Raw Material Cost +Machine Cost + Miscellaneous Cost +cost of Purchased Parts +Overheads

= Rs 11043

 The painting process is virtually impossible without the painting robot set up.
 The painting robot saves on time required for painting.
 The painting robot saves on the labor cost.
 As robot is automatic, it reduces human effort.
 Easy to maintain.

A method has been advance for mechanize spray painting of unknown parts. This machine is very
useful for painting of any shape with very time period less closeness of this machine is more as compared to
manually painting .It also saves the labor cost and the total cost of painting the any jobs.

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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

I Would like think to our honorable project guide Prof. A. R. Raghatate, under whose necessary guidance I have
completed our project successfully. Without his unending help, encouragement and motivation this would not have
been possible. Dedication and perseverance when supported by inspiration and guidance leads to success. For me
the inspiration and guidance leads to success. For me the inspiration and guidance was given by our Prof. A. R.
Raghatate who was accessible for me to obviate the darkness our problem with light of his knowledge of the
relevant subject enriched by his hand on experienced in the field of technology. I truly sense it was privilege for
ours, to have them as our guide. I fill highly honored working under them.
I am thankful Prof. D. R. Ikhar (HOD, Mechanical Engineering) for his support and for providing me all
the necessary facilities.
I could not forget to express our sincere thanks to Dr. P. Zade, (Principal, DMIETR, Wardha) for his
inspiration and encouragement. He has helped immensely to in providing institutional facilities and giving timely
suggestions. Last but not the least; I would like to thank the lab assistance and lab in charge for their co-operation.

[1]. Mohamed Abdellatif “Design of an Autonomous Wall Painting Robot” Mechatronic and Robotic Dept. Egypt-
Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt, 7 February 2016.
[2]. Dhaval Thakar, Chetan P. Vora “A Review on Design and Development of Semi-Automatic Painting Machine’’
Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 7), April 2014.
[3]. P.Keerthanaa1, K.Jeevitha2, V.Navina3, G.Indira4, S.Jayamani5 “Automatic Wall Painting Robot” International
Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, Issue 7, July 2013
[4]. Berardo Naticchia, Alberto Giretti and Alessandro Carbonari “Set Up of an Automated Multicolour System for
Interior Wall Painting” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2007),ISSN 1729-8806,
pp. 407-416
[5]. Takuya Gokyu, Masayuki Takasu, Sumio Fukuda “Development of Wall Painting Robot” Tokyu Construction
Co. Ltd. 1-16-14 Shibuya-ku , Tokyo, Japan.
[6]. Pal Johan & Jan Tommy Gravdahl “A Real-Time Algorithm for Determining the OptimalPaint Gun Orientation
in Spray Paint Applications” IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, october 2010.
[7]. Praneet Singh, Deepanshu Suneja, Prachi, Jitendra Kumar“Android Based, Arduino Powered Automated Wall”
Praneet Singh et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) ,
2014, 4490-4491
[8] I. Aris, A. K. Parvez Iqbal, A. R. Ramli and S. Shamsuddin. “Design and development of a programmable
painting robot for houses and buildings.,” Jurnal Teknologi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, vol. 42(A), pp. 27-48,
[9] B. Kahane, Y. Rosenfeld: “Balancing human-and-robot integration in building task,” Computer-Aided Civil and
Infrastructure Engineering, vol.19, pp. 393-410, 2004.
[10] Warszawsky, Y. Rosenfeld: “Robot for interior finishing works in building: feasibility analysis,” ASCE Journal
of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.120 (1), pp. 132-151, 1994.

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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

BIOGRAPHIES (Not Essential)

Author Photo-1 Prof. A. R. Raghatate

Lecturer Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering
Technology and Research, Sawangi (M), Wardha

Author Photo-2 Jayant R. Sawarkar

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of

Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi (M),

Author Photo-3 Rupesh D. Belkhade

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of

Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi (M),

Author Photo-4 Vivek G. Dalal

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of

Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi (M),

Author Photo-5 Sanket M. Fulmali

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of

Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi (M),

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Vol-4 Issue-2 2018 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396

Author Photo-6 Chetan D. Ghode

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of
Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi
(M), Wardha

Author Photo-7 Shubham L. Maskar

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of
Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi
(M), Wardha

Author Photo-8 Shubham B. Shelki

Final year student at Datta Meghe Institute of
Engineering Technology and Research , Sawangi
(M), Wardha

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