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Tema 1

1. This video it’s very useful for harpists and non-harpists, because it
shows how many-sided is the harp. Most of the people think that
the harp is an angelic instrument and they don’t know anything
else about that. These amazing artists show us how many
different technique can be used on the harp, from the regular
glissando and glass sound to the most interesting sounds. Like to
use a drumstick on the instrument or a bow on the strings to
make a really unique sounding, which create a scary and
mysterious vibe. Or knocking on the harp it’s another. So, I loved
this video so much, it is helpful and relaxing too.
2. I think this boy made a really amazing example for us about

practicing. He not just practice, he is in love with music and his

instrument. I think this is the most important thing about playing,
because loving your instrument it helps you to get your dream
without the feeling you work hard. But perseverance it’s
important too, for your wishes coming true.

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