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1) Draw the projection of a triangular prism of base side 30mm,axis height 65mm,is kept
such that the axis is parallel to VP,inclined at 60 degree to HP with the corner on HP.
2) A hexagonal prism base side 25mm and height 70mm is lying on the ground on one of
its base edges such that the base is making an angle os 60 degree with the HP.draw the
3) Draw the projection of a square prism of size 30mm X 60mm with a solid diagonal
vertical .
4) A pentagonal pyramid of base side 30mm and axis height 60mm is lying on the ground
on one of its base corners, with the axis inclined at 45 degree to HP.draw the projection.
5) A tetrahedron of 40mm side rests on one of its faces on the HP with a base edge
inclined at 45degree to is then titled such that the resting face is inclined at 30
degree to and with a corner on HP.draw the top and front view of the solid .
6) Draw the projections of a hexagonal pyramid 70mm high and base 30mm when one
triangular face of the pyramid is vertical.
7) A square pyramid of base side 35mm and axis 65mm height has one of its slant edges
on the HP with the axis parallel to VP.draw the projection.
8) A right pentagonal pyramid of height 65mm and base side 25mm is lying on the ground
on one of its triangular faces and the axis is parallel to VP.draw the projection.
9) A pentagonal pyramid of base side edge 20mm &height 60mm is suspended by one of
the base corners with the axis parallel to VP.draw the projection.
10) Draw the projection of hexagonal pyramid of sixe 25mm x 70mm rests on HP on its
shorter edge,which is perpendicular to VP such that the apex is 50mm above HP.
11) A triangular pyramid of base side 30mm &axis 65mm lies on the ground on its apex with
the nearest base corner is 35mm above HP and the axis is parallel to VP.draw the
projection .
12) A cylinder of diameter 50mm and altitude 70mm is titled such that the axis makes an
angle of 60 degree with the HP.draw the projections of the cylinder.
13) A cone 50mm diameter and axis 70mm long touches the HP on a point of its base circle
with the axis is parallel to VP and inclined at 30 degree to HP.draw the projection.
14) A right circular cone of diameter 50mm and height 70mm stads with one of its
generators making 90 degree with HP.draw the projection.
15) A cone of diameter 50mm,height 65mm is lying on one of its generators with the axis
parallel to VP.draw the projection.
16) Draw the projection of a cone of diameter40mm &altitude 60mm rests on HP with its
apex such that the nearest base circle point is 20mm above HP and the axis parallel to
17) Draw the projections of a square prism of base 25mm side and axis 70mm height has
one of its longer edges on the ground with its axis inclined at 40 degree to the VP.
18) A cube of side 30mm is resting on HP in such a way that one solid diagonal is parallel to
the HP and inclined at 45 degree to VP.draw the projection.
19) Draw the projection of a pentagonal pyramid of base side 30mm &height 65mm whose
axis is parallel to HP and inclined at 40 degree to VP with a base corner in VP.
20) A cone of 15mm radius &70mm height on the ground on one of its base circle points
such that the apex is 30mm and the nearest base circle point is 60mm infront of VP and
the base is perpendicular to HP.draw the projections.
21) Draw the projections of a cube of 40mm edge with one of its corners in the VP with a
solid diagonal perpendicular to VP.
22) A square prism base 25mm side and axis 50mm long stands with one of its base edges
on HP such that the axis is inclined at 30 degree to HP and the plan of the axis is 45
degree to VP.draw the projection.
23) A square pyramid of side of base 38mm side and axis height 50mm has one of its slant
edges on the HP,with the plane contained by the axis inclined at an angle of 45degree to
the VP.
24) A square pyramid of base 45mm side and axis 60mm height has one of its triangular
faces on the ground with the plane containing the axis making an angle of 30 degree to
VP.draw the projections of solid by auxiliary projection method.
25) A square pyramid of base 30mm side and axis 50mm is suspended freely from one of
the corners of its base.the axis of the plan makes an angle of 40 degree with VP.obtain
the projections of the pyramid .
26) A pentagonal pyramid of base 25mm side and axis 50mm long has one of its triangular
faces in the VP,such that the base edge contained by the resting triangular face is
inclined at 30 degree to the HP.draw the projections of the solid.
27) A triangular pyramid of base side 30mm &height 70mm lies on the HP on its triangular
face such that the nearest slant edge containing the resting face is parallel to VP.draw
the plan and elevation.
28) A cylinder of 30mm diameter and 80mm axis rests on HP with a point of its base such
that the axis is inclined at 30 degree to HP and the plan of the axis makes 40 degree to
VP.draw its
29) Draw the projections of a cone of diameter 60mm and altitude 80mm when it rests on
the HP on a point of its base with the axis inclined at 40degree to the HP and the plane
containing the axis is inclined at 30 degree to the VP.
30) A cylinder of diameter 50mm and axis 70mm is lying on the ground on one of its points
of the base such that the axis is inclined at 30 degree to HP.also a 30 mm square hole
is drilled through the cylinder .draw the projection.
31) A hexagonal nut of side 40mm and height 40mm has a hole of diameter 40mm drilled
centrally through its ends .draw its projections when it is resting on one of its faces
corners of base on the ground with its axis inclined at 60 degree to HP and two of its
faces parallel to VP.
32) A vertical cyinder of diameter 30mm &axis height 65mm is placed centrally over a right
hexagonal prism of the base side 30mm &height 20mm.its is titled such that the axis is
inclined at 30 degree to HP and parallel to VPwith a base edge of the hexagon in
HP.draw the projection.

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