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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 20 2017, 437-441

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


G.Vasumathi, 2S.Elakkiya
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai-73
UG Student, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai-73

Abstract: With the advance in IT technology sensors

and processing power exist to achieve fully automated
Robot programming in industrial tasks. This paper
Reports on the EU-project Flex Paint, which devised a
Methodology to automatically generate robot Programs
for spray painting of unknown parts. The Solution uses
four steps: laser triangulation sensing, geometric feature
detection, tool path planning, and the generation of the
collision-free executable robot program. Demonstrations
at industrial partners show the results.

Keywords: Automated robot programming, feature

detection, path generation, collision avoidance, spray The procedure is to automatically obtain robotic paint
painting. Paths from range sensor data and to[18] automatically
1. Introduction Generate a feasible, complete and executable robot
The objective of the European RTD project Flex Paint to Program [6,7].
automate robot programming for painting applications of
small lot sizes with a very high number of part variants. 2. Related Work
Presently robotic painting is economically feasible for Related work is the automatic generation of a 3D.Paint
large lot sizes, since a robot program needs to be path, which has been attempted in the Smart Painter
established (using off-line programming and/or manual project. The painting motion was Generated by virtually
teach-in) for each single part variant. The project goal is folding out the surfaces to be Painted, putting on the
to provide economic possibilities for usage of robots in painting motion and folding Back the surfaces and letting
painting of large part families (e.g., see Figure 1).The the painting motions Following this folding of
goal is to reduce human programming effort by75 percent surfaces[7,8] .However, This strategy is only applicable
and the human spray [17] painting effort by 90 Percent. when 3D models of The objects are available and the
The technical challenge is to develop a method that Can curvature of the Objects is relatively small. The user
fulfill the spray painting task similar to a human Painter, decides on the screen where to apply paint Strokes.
who is able to paint a [16] geometry never seen Before [20]The path planning for a robot is then done
[1,2,3]. A possible solution is to utilize CAD data to automatically [9,10]. First approaches to obtain an
calculate a paint path and to measure the actual part automatic tool path in3D are known from milling turbine
Location. However, 3D CAD data is often not fully blades by considering planar cross sections or using a
available and hence this approach is limited to few grid cell approach.[19]
Applications. Within Flex Paint an "inverse approach “Is
developed, which does not require any CAD data [4,5].
3. Flex paint Approach
The Flex Paint approach is based on the observation
That the parts comprise a large number of elementary
Geometries with typical characteristics for an entire
Product family[10,11].

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The specification of elementary geometry types is Schematic drawing of part measurement Using the sheet
based on the observed part geometries and on the of light system of IVP, Sweden. Often several parts are
constraints of the painting process. The idea is to detect mounted on frames or skids .In this case a scan of the
elementary geometries that can be linked to specific frame/skid is taken and Subtracted from the final
process model, that is a model for the painting process of image[15,16]. Figure 5 shows an Example for a part
this elementary geometry[12,13]. For example, the measured with frame and the part Data automatically
geometry "flat surface" can be painted with a simple extracted. For every part detected All other processing
pattern of straight paint strokes. More complex geometric steps are performed individually. Finally, if parts are
shapes, such as cavities or ribs, need specific painting close to each other, larger robot Painting motions are
strategies: [21]spraying into the cavity and painting obtained by painting several Parts with one stroke[17,18].
parallel to the rib orientation, respectively[14].
The elementary geometry types are defined in the
Geometry Library and related to the process
Knowledge, which is specified in the Procedure

Original depth image of part and frame

(top) and the extracted part (bottom).

3.2 Feature Finder

The Feature Finder developed by ACIN has the task
Of detecting the part geometry using the geometric
Definitions of the geometry library. The output is a
Description of the scanned part surface using Elementary
geometries. Feature Finder detects three classes of
features, which are relevant for the painting process: free-
3.1 Part Measurement with Laser Triangulation Sensor form Surfaces, cavities and rib sections[19,20]. Classical
When the parts move along a conveyor, a laser range range Image processing typically starts from
segmentation. Finding features is Then constrained to
Sensing device scans the parts and obtains a 3D defined geometric[15] properties such as planes or
Measurement of point data of the object. The scans conics. The specific geometry of the three classes of
Are triggered by the actual part motion of the conveyor features is not known; attributes (lower than surrounding
For a part size of one meter[22]a resolution of better than rim, Parallel ribs) define the feature. Hence, a generic
one millimeter is obtained. Approach to feature detection is required. This
Up to 700 scans per second are taken. This is summarizes the developed image processing
Obtained with a calibration Procedure[21].

A cavity is defined as a region where surface points

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Are locally lower (in the sense of an outward surface surroundings. It uses a simplified solid model(a convex
Normal) than a surrounding rim.[35] The challenge is to hull approximation) of the part to include The work piece
Develop a robust procedure to handle noise and into collision avoidance. This Simplified geometry
Shadows of the range data.[36] The rim of the cavity is model, frame and paint paths
detected with accuracy in the range of the resolution. By
using interpolation. Points the discovered cavities also
include potential Areas of sensor shadow. This is
important to detect. The full cavity region for the painting
process. The Cavity is then represented as a mesh that
covers the Opening of the cavity[22]. It shows the
misrepresentation of the complete part. The opening
2.3 Paint Planner
In the next process step the painting trajectory for the
Spray gun is calculated for each of the elementary 4. Experimental Results
Geometries. Neighboring paint strokes are fused to The system is already implemented as a prototype and
Obtain longer and smoother trajectories.[24] The final has been tested in ABB's technical center in Eichen,
Result is a [11] complete paint path for the spray gun. Germany (see Figure 4).
The module "Generate Painting Trajectory", shown in The purpose of this experiment was to prove the
Figure 2, specifies a trajectory of the spray gun, Which basic system concept. It was realized that process quality
satisfies the desired paint quality [23]. In this Module has to be optimized by establishing validated painting
only spray gun motions are considered in Relation to procedures for the individual geometric primitives [25].
process quality. No restrictions of robots.Are made and The painting procedures [38] used was not established by
collisions between the spray gun and its surroundings are preceding experiments. Since the surface was scanned
not considered.[37] The module uses the Geometry only from one side of the part it was only possible to
Library and the Procedure Library in order to plan this perform automatic spray painting of the scanned surface.
Painting that particular type of geometric primitive.
The painting procedure specifies how to apply spray Gun
motions to the surfaces in order to achieve a Satisfactory
process quality.[14] The Procedure Library is Established
through experimental work[29].
The basic idea is to enable planning of paint strokes
That continues throughout the [30] parts even though
Different geometric primitives must be covered along 5. Conclusions and Outlook
Each virtual surface represents only one.Type of An approach to automatically spray paint families of
geometric primitive and the same painting. Procedures Unknown parts has been presented.[39] The approach
can [26] be therefore used for the entire part Surface. In uses a sensing cell in front of the painting cell, where the
case different geometric primitives are Present along the part geometry is acquired. From the part geometry
surface, [13]t he system will attempt to Establish process-relevant [10]features are extracted and
continuous spray gun motions covering Virtual surfaces, Corresponding paint routines are found and grouped To
which are in continuation of each Other.[31-34] obtain optimal painting trajectories. Finally a Collision-
free robot path and an executable robot Program are
3.4 Automatic Generation Of Collision-Free generated.[40-43]
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