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First Language Acquisition Theories

Bogota D.C

Michael Stiven Avila Rendon

ID 663539

Diego Fernando Montaña Morales

ID 657156
It’s also known as behavioral psychology, is
Behaviorism a theory of learning based on the idea that all
behaviors are acquired through conditioning.
Conditioning occurs through interaction with
environment. Behavioristas believe that our
responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions.
It’s mainly concerned with first language acquisition.
The innatist theory It asserts that human have access to the knowledge
that is processed innately. One of its main pioneers is
Naom Chomsky. He called this biological ability as
the Language Acquisition Device (LAD).
That theory explains why the brain is the most
The Cognitive Learning incredible network of information processing and
interpretation in the body as we learn things.
This theory can be divided into two
specific theories: the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT),
and the Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT).
It refers to ideas, arguments, hypotheses, thought-
Social theory experiments and explanatory speculations about how
and why human societies or elements or structures of
such societies come to be formed, change, and
develop over time or disappear.
That theory is based on the principle of active
Connectionism learning and is the result of the work of the American
psychologist Edward Thorndike. This work led to
Thorndike's Laws. According to these Laws, learning
is achieved when an individual is able to form
associations between a particular stimulus and a


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