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Micro teaching

Metodology of english teaching

Michael Stiven Avila Rendon


Bogota D.C
Stage/Timing Procedure/Activities Stage Aim Materials
Warm Up Activity The teacher will give To involbe the cards
(3 minutes) the students some cards students in the class
about the verb to be and
the students should
organize the letters
Pre- Teach The teacher provides a To clarify
Vocabulary new list of unknown vocabulary.
(3 minutes) words for the students
after the teacher
explains the new
vocabulary meaning.

The teacher says the

definition and the
students must give the
correct word.
Pre speaking The teacher creates a Involve the student
activity situation and the in the situation
-situation students must try to

Speaking Activity The teacher recreates Through repetition, Situation created

Teacher’s role play the situation and students will be able by teacher
provides an L2 model to acquire new
for repetition. vocabulary and they
will also be able to
practice their
listening and
speaking skills.
Individual work The teacher provides an To produce Worksheet
exercise to the students something new
so that they can practice using previous
the previous knowledge.
Fedback The teacher gives an To clarify
explanation of what was
worked in the class.

Method used: Audio- lingual method

Mary: Hello, my name is Mary. What is your name?

Joseph: Pleased to meet you, Mary. My name is Joseph.

Mary: Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

Joseph: I am from Michigan. Detroit, And you? Where are you from?

Mary: I am from Las Vegas.


Fill the sentences with the corect verb to be.

I ____ a waiter
She _____ my mother
They _____ students
My father ____ is in the park
Camilo ___ is in the school


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