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Resident Short Reviews

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

Jesse Jaso, MD; Reenu Malhotra, MD

Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant tumor with a
benign histologic appearance characterized by
may predict prognosis. Surgical removal is often difficult
given the tumor’s propensity for invasion into adjacent
indolent, locally invasive growth with high propensity for structures and completely negative margins may not be
local recurrence and distant metastasis. The tumor is attainable. Radical surgery has not been shown to improve
composed of basaloid cells with small, angulated, and survival or reduce local recurrence when compared with a
hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm arranged into conservative surgical approach and postoperative radia-
3 prognostically significant patterns: cribriform, tubular, tion.3 Currently, the prevention and prediction of late local
and solid. Some tumors undergo dedifferentiation into a and distant recurrence remains difficult and there is a lack
high-grade form. Numerous studies have attempted to of prospective randomized multicentric trials to guide
elucidate accurate histologic prognostic features but have optimal treatment and surveillance.
often yielded conflicting results. Microarray analysis and
gene expression profiling have provided new potential CLINICAL FEATURES
diagnostic and prognostic markers. However, tumor grade, Adenoid cystic carcinoma is most common in the fifth
stage, lymph node metastasis, invasion of major nerves, and sixth decades of life. However, it can appear at
and margin status remain the most consistent predictors of virtually any age. The patient population in 1 recent
prognosis. The combination of surgery and postoperative review was reported to range from 10 to 96 years.4 Gender
radiation therapy has improved locoregional control of the predilection is an inconsistent feature in the literature with
disease. Despite this achievement, late local recurrence some authors reporting a male predominance and others
and distant metastasis rates remain high and may occur finding a female or no gender predilection.1,5–7 In
decades after initial diagnosis. decreasing order, the most common sites of ACC appear
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2011;135:511–515) to be the minor salivary glands of the oral cavity, the major
salivary glands, and the extraoral seromucinous glands.4
The clinical course is characterized by an initial period of
O verall, adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare
tumor, accounting for only 1% of all malignant
tumors of the oral and maxillofacial region. It accounts for
slow and indolent growth that is usually asymptomatic. In
most cases the tumor goes unnoticed until it has invaded
local nerves and structures causing varying symptoms
22% of all salivary gland malignancies and is one of the depending on location.4 Thus, most patients will present
most common malignant tumors of the minor salivary and with locally invasive disease. In a recent review of ACC of
seromucinous glands.1,2 The most common site is the the nasopharynx, 74.3% of patients showed advanced
minor salivary glands of the oral cavity.2 However, disease at the time of initial evaluation.8 Despite this,
involvement can occur in almost any site with a secretory cervical lymph node metastasis is a rare event. Instead, the
gland component and has been reported in sites such as tumor spreads through a hematogenous route with
the lacrimal gland, breasts, uterine cervix, esophagus, distant metastasis appearing years, even decades, after
lungs, and prostate.2 initial diagnosis.4,9 In 1 recent series, rate of distant
First described in 1853, this neoplasm underwent metastasis was reported as 47.8% with mean time to
numerous name changes before being given its current distant metastasis reported as approximately 5 years.10
name by Spies in 1930.3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma is well Yet, the disease-free intervals in this study ranged from 8
known for its prolonged clinical course and tendency for to 150 months, highlighting the need for close long-term
delayed onset of distant metastases. The tumor has a well- surveillance. The most common site of distant metastasis
described histologic appearance with certain features that is the lung, followed by bone with other common sites
including the liver and the brain.4,5,7–10 Unlike lung
Accepted for publication March 26, 2010. metastasis, the course of disease is usually fulminant if
From the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Medical School metastases occur in bone, especially the spine.5
and University of Texas Medical Center-Houston (Dr Jaso); and the Most patients will undergo extensive resection followed
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas by postoperative radiation regardless of margin status.
Health Science Center at Houston Medical School, Houston, Texas (Dr With this treatment modality, disease-free survival rates at
Malhotra). Dr Malhotra is now with Caris Diagnostics, Irving, Texas. 5 years are generally high. Consistent use of postoperative
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or
companies described in this article.
radiation therapy has been associated with a local control
Reprints: Jesse Jaso, MD, Department of Pathology, University of rate of 95% at 5 years.11 Unfortunately, despite improved
Texas Medical Center-Houston, 6431 Fannin St, Houston, TX 770030- local control, disease-free survival rates decline signifi-
1501 (e-mail: jesse.jaso@uth.tmc.edu). cantly at 10 and 15 years.4,5,7–9 Additionally, 1 recent series
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 135, April 2011 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma—Jaso & Malhotra 511
found no difference in survival, rate of recurrence, and also be seen.14 As in the cribriform pattern, true ducts will
time to recurrence between patients treated with surgery occasionally be seen scattered among the sheets of cells.
and postoperative radiation and those treated with This feature, along with accompanying areas of cribriform
surgery alone.12 Furthermore, distant and local recurrence or tubular growth, can aid in differentiation from other
can occur concurrently and despite initial local control, basaloid neoplasms.
leading several authors to consider distant and local The percentages of each pattern form the basis of the
recurrence as separate diseases.1,10 Guidelines regarding grading system composed by Szanto et al.17 Grade I
management of metastatic disease are still not fully tumors contain only the tubular or cribriform growth
established. However, prolonged survival, even in the pattern, grade II tumors contain cribriform or tubular
presence of multiple lung metastases, is not unusual.6,9,10 growth with less than 30% solid component, and grade III
Fordice et al5 suggest that there may be 2 patient tumors contain more than 30% solid component. Al-
populations in ACC: One ‘‘doomed to rapid death from though the prognostic significance of this grading system
aggressive tumor’’ and another doomed to a prolonged has been questioned,1 the presence of a solid component
course measured in decades. has been a consistent predictor of poor prognosis in
several series.4,5,7 However, a recent series of 23 patients
GROSS PATHOLOGY with ACC found no statistically significant associations
The tumor is typically a firm, poorly circumscribed, and between histologic grade and local recurrence, distant
unencapsulated mass. Tumor size typically averages from metastasis, or overall survival.10 In addition, grading can
1 to 8 cm in maximum dimension. Tumor size greater than be difficult as 1 tumor may show varying degrees of more
3 cm has been associated with increased rates of distant than 1 subtype. Instead, several authors have reported that
metastasis.9 The cut surface is white to gray-white with a staging using the American Joint Committee on Cancer
solid appearance. Hemorrhage and necrosis are rare tumor stage is more predictive of prognosis and distant
features and should raise the suspicion of high-grade metastasis.1,7,12 Careful documentation of perineural inva-
transformation into dedifferentiated ACC.13 sion during staging is especially important as identifica-
tion of invasion of major (ie, cranial) nerves has been
HISTOPATHOLOGY shown to be of greater prognostic significance than minor
The microscopic appearance of the tumor is heteroge- nerve invasion.5,6,11
neous, consisting of varying amounts of 3 distinct growth High-grade or ‘‘dedifferentiated’’ ACC contains 2
patterns; however, the cytology of the tumor cells histologic components: an area of conventional ACC of
themselves is relatively uniform. The cells of the tumor any grade and an area of high-grade undifferentiated
display a basaloid appearance with angulated, hyper- carcinoma or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.13,14
chromatic nuclei and scant, clear to eosinophilic cyto- The most common histologic appearance of the dediffer-
plasm.14,15 Electron microscopy and immunohistochemical entiated component in 1 recent series was poorly
analysis have shown that the tumor cells represent 2 differentiated cribriform adenocarcinoma.13 The high-
populations of cells showing either myoepithelial or grade areas do not display any histologic features of
intercalated duct cell differentiation.16 ACC and most importantly display loss of ductal-
Three growth patterns for ACC have been described: myoepithelial differentiation.13 Other findings include
cribriform, tubular, and solid. The cribriform subtype is increased (.5 per high-power field) mitotic activity,
the most frequent.14 It is composed of islands of basaloid comedonecrosis, micropapillary and squamoid growth
cells surrounding variably sized cystlike spaces forming a patterns, and fibrocellular desmoplasia.13
‘‘Swiss cheese’’ or sievelike pattern (Figure 1). The cystlike
spaces are referred to as ‘‘pseudocysts’’ because they do IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL FINDINGS
not represent true glandular lumina and are contiguous Use of immunohistochemical stains such as smooth
with the surrounding stroma.14 The pseudocysts contain muscle actin, S100, and smooth muscle myosin heavy
basophilic glycosaminoglycans and/or eosinophilic, peri- chain will highlight cells showing myoepithelial differen-
odic acid-Schiff–positive basal lamina material.14–16 Rare, tiation surrounding the pseudocysts (Figure 3). The
true glandular lumina composed of cuboidal cells show- lumens of the pseudocysts will stain positively for
ing ductal differentiation can also be found scattered basement membrane components such as type IV collagen
throughout and their presence greatly aids in diagnosis and laminin.15 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary
(Figure 2). gland has also been shown to be strongly positive for c-
The tubular pattern shows similar cytology with the KIT (CD117) regardless of grade.18,19 Strong c-KIT expres-
tumor cells arranged in nests surrounded by variable sion will be seen in almost all neoplastic cells in the solid
amounts of eosinophilic, often hyalinized stroma. Occa- pattern, all cells surrounding pseudocysts in the cribri-
sionally, the stroma component is increased, compressing form pattern, and all luminal cells in the tubular pattern18
the tumor cells into thin strands, forming a ‘‘trabecular’’ (Figure 4).
pattern. Well-formed ducts with recognizable inner Many markers have been studied as potential prognos-
epithelial and outer myoepithelial layers are more tic indicators in ACC. Increased expression of the cellular
prominent than in the cribriform pattern. The continuity proliferation marker Ki-67 is seen with increasing
of the pseudocysts with the surrounding stroma is also amounts of solid (grade III) component and has been
more prominent. shown to correlate with worse prognosis.6,20 Thus, it may
The solid pattern contains aggregates of basaloid cells be a useful adjunct in assignment of tumor grade and
without tubular or cystic formation. Although the basa- prognosis. Ki-67 and p53 may show increased staining in
loid cytology of the tumor cells is retained, the tumor cells areas of high-grade transformation.13 Increased p53
may be larger and nuclear pleomorphism may be more expression may also be an independent marker of poor
pronounced. Mitotic figures and comedonecrosis may prognosis.2,4
512 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 135, April 2011 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma—Jaso & Malhotra
Figure 1. Cribriform growth pattern displaying several prominent pseudocysts surrounded by basaloid cells with hyperchromatic angulated nuclei
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200).
Figure 2. High-power view displaying the characteristic eosinophilic basement membrane material in pseudocysts. Several true glands lined by
cuboidal epithelium are visible in the center (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3400).
Figure 3. Immunohistochemical stain for smooth muscle actin as a marker for myoepithelial differentiation (original magnification 3400).
Figure 4. Immunohistochemical stain for CD117 (c-KIT) showing strong staining around pseudocysts (original magnification 3400).

MOLECULAR/ANCILLARY STUDIES Because of the poor response of ACC to chemotherapy,

newer studies have attempted to use molecular techniques
Past studies have shown that tumor aneuploidy to define potential future therapeutic targets. A recent
correlates with more aggressive disease and a poor large-scale microarray analysis of 15 cases of ACC found
prognosis.21 A recent study of 52 cases of ACC showed the transcription factor–encoding gene SOX4 was signif-
that deletion of 1p-32-36 was the most common genetic icantly overexpressed in ACC relative to normal salivary
change in ACC and was significantly associated with solid gland tissue.23 Genes encoding AP-2a and AP-2g as well as
tumor phenotype and decreased overall survival.22 genes highly involved in the Wnt/b-catenin signaling
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 135, April 2011 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma—Jaso & Malhotra 513
pathway were also overexpressed. The study also con- be obtained using Ki-67 and p53 staining. There may be an
firmed increased expression of genes indicative of increasing role for cytogenetic and gene expression
myoepithelial differentiation as well as those involved in analysis as additional prognostic factors. However,
the production of basement membrane and extracellular studies evaluating the efficacy of chemotherapeutic and
matrix. As previously mentioned, ACC of the salivary molecular therapies remain disappointing.2 Close follow-
gland has been shown to strongly express c-KIT. A recent up and surveillance of all patients for recurrence and
study found multiple heterogeneous point mutations of metastasis is essential, although no formal guidelines exist
the c-kit gene in 8 of 14 cases of ACC of the salivary regarding the most appropriate mode and duration of
gland.19 The application of these findings regarding surveillance. Once metastatic disease has occurred,
therapeutic targets remains to be defined. especially in the lungs, many patients can survive for
long periods. Despite this, ACC is currently incurable and
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS most patients will eventually succumb to local recurrence,
The differential diagnosis of ACC includes tumors that distant metastasis, or both. The clinical course of the
also exhibit tubular and cribriform structures such as disease can be surprisingly heterogeneous with some
polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma, tumors with patients surviving decades and others surviving only
basaloid cellular morphology such as basal cell adenoma months. In 1 series, survival in patients with initial
and basal cell adenocarcinoma, and tumors with a dual recurrence presenting as distant metastasis ranged from
population of ductal and myoepithelial cells such as 5 months to 12K years.8 Clearly more accurate measures
pleomorphic adenoma. of prognosis are needed, along with studies examining the
Pleomorphic adenoma can be identified by the presence use of molecular and genetic changes as therapeutic
of mesenchymal, especially cartilaginous, differentiation targets. Therefore, proper physical examination followed
in the stroma. The differential diagnosis may be more by surgery and radiation with close surveillance and
difficult on fine-needle aspiration biopsy, especially in careful attention to quality of life issues are the corner-
cases of cellular pleomorphic adenoma with scant stroma. stones of management of this disease.
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