Four Customers in Search of Solutions Bell Canada Case

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Marcela Gómez Paola Gonzalez

Marisol Londoño Iván Ponsoda



1. Based strictly on the information indicated, how many possibilities do you see to
segment the telecommunication market?

According with the information indicated we see many opportunities of segment the
complain customers on the communication market. For be clear and with the objective of
illustrate possible segmentations we have design the following charters:

High Use
Depending Depending On
The Hour Afternoons
On The Medium Use
frecuency of Depending On
When It the Nights
Low Use service Is Used
Weekend Pack
Depending On
The Day
Week Days

High Amounts
Depending (More Than X
On Added With Additional Services Amount)
Without Additonal Services Depending On
The Bill Cost Medioum Amount
On The Call Asian Pack
National Low Amount
Destination America
Europe Stressed
Pack High Risk
Over Problematic
Company charged
Mistakes Depending On Medium Risk
Depending Customers
On The User Comunity Customer Mood
Issue Issues Deficient Calm
Technical Issues
Low Risk
Customers Curious

Marcela Gómez Paola Gonzalez
Marisol Londoño Iván Ponsoda

We have found seven different simple strategies if customers just fulfill one of the
conditions, but it is a fact that customers could fulfill more than one condition, That it’s the
reason why the number of segmentations that we found with the given could be in a
extreme case 2200 (7* 19* 16) different ways of see this, because a customer could full fill
all the conditions at each of the charts. It is important to clarify that those opportunities are
done with the given cases but the cases could be more that the enounced.

2. As a customer service rep, how would you address each of the problems and
complaints reported?

Winston Chen

For this case a customer service rep should explain to Winston, the different
promotions depending on the location where a person calls, and explain the cost of every
call done.

Marie Portillo

The service rep informs to Marie of the availability of technical service to customer
service that can solve problems when them occur.

Eleanor Vanderbilt

The company can offer her an added value services like, calls identifier or a filter, in
this way she will be able to eliminate all calls that she don´t known.

Richard Robbins

The service rep of the telephone company could offer a free technical service that
repair the telephone line, installed noise filters or directly enter a budget for the telephone
system, depending on the circumstance.

3. As a Marketing manager, do you see any Marketing opportunities for the

telephone company in these complaints?

Winston Chen

Nowadays, all the telephone companies have plenty kind of promotions for
international calls, national calls, during the week on weekends and special horary. This
company could offer to Mr. Winston different promotions, to reduce his bill, as these ones:

1. On weekends, special price for National calls from Friday 12:00pm until Sunday
12:00pm, like that Mr. Winston will be able to call to Vancouver and British

2. At night, from 8:00pm to 12:00, Monday to Friday, an offer with special prices for
international calls, only to the Asian countries.
Marcela Gómez Paola Gonzalez
Marisol Londoño Iván Ponsoda

3. At noon, from 12:00 to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday, a promotion with special price
for local calls.

Marie Portillo

The marketing department can approach this complaint offering her a voicemail
and a double line free, if she takes a special promotion, a package of international calls to
American countries during one year; like this, when the phone is busy and another
incoming call ring she will be able to answer it.

Eleanor Vanderbilt

The company can offer her an added value services like , calls identifier, in this way
she will be able to identify the incoming calls and report to the police if is needed, some
dangers she can register.

Richard Robbins

The telephone company could offer to Mr. Robbins a new answering machine and
moreover a package of International calls during the weekends.

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