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Parents Bible Story:

God’s Unfolding Story

Connect Jesus Calmed the 1. God created everything
Storm (Luke 8:22-25)
Bible Phrase: “Even the 2. People disobeyed God.
winds and the waves obey 3. God chose a special people.
Jesus” (Matt. 8:27).
Bible Truth: Jesus was not 4. God sent Jesus to help us.
an ordinary man. Because
Jesus was God’s Son, 5. Jesus began the Church.
He could do
amazing things. 6. Jesus is preparing heaven for us.

Unfolding God’s Story to His disciples, “Let’s cross

over to the other side of the
For Parents
This month, we cover some
So the disciples began to row
of the most exciting stories to the other side. Jesus was
from the ministry of Jesus. Kids probably tired from His day of
love today’s story. Just as the teaching as He fell asleep in the
disciples were amazed at Jesus’ boat. Suddenly, a great storm
power over the elements, your came up, and the waves begin
preschooler will be amazed to grow larger. The winds were
that Jesus could calm a raging so strong that the boat was
storm with His words! Share being tossed wildly over the
your amazement with your lake. Water was coming into the
preschooler. boat. The disciples were terribly
afraid! They knew a great wind
Begin this conversation by asking could tear the boat apart. The
your preschooler, “Have you ever men probably rowed with all
wished you could change the their strength to try to get to
weather? Sometimes, wouldn’t the shore.
Finally, the disciples decided
you like to make it sunny instead
to wake Jesus. They called out
of rainy?”
saying, “Master, we are going
Explain: “People do not have the to die!”
Jesus of course woke up and
power to change the weather,
saw how afraid His friends were because of the storm.
but in today’s story we will find out about a time when
Jesus calmly got up and said, “Peace be still.” The wind
Jesus changed the weather.” stopped blowing, and the waves became quiet and still.
The disciples said to each other, “Wow, even the winds
Tell the story.
and waves obey Him.” The disciples were amazed at
Ask: “What did Jesus do in the story that was amazing?” what Jesus did that day.
Later in the week, share the story again during bath
time. Talk about how amazed the disciples were with Activity Suggestion
Jesus and His power over the wind and the waves. Help your preschooler experience the story. Get a box
for a boat, a fan for the wind, some spray bottles of water
Share the Bible Phrase and pray—with your preschooler for the rain and waves. You can help your preschooler
all through the week. decorate his or her box boat with as much detail as time
allows. Add a sheet for a sail and a spatula for a paddle.
Bible Story Tell the story repeatedly, but this time using the wind and
Jesus Calmed the Storm waves to experience the storm.
Jesus had spent all day teaching the people beside the
Sea of Galilee. It was almost night time, and Jesus said This can be a very memorable story for your preschooler.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2012 - NT03 Lesson 1

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