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‘Materials * PCCs and Rime Cards: see Review * Units 1-3 Word Cards: eat, map, wig mop, top, hop: lock, Fock, sock; dot, hot, pot, TG cD2 + Tricky Word Cards: This, is, for, you, |*|TGCD2 * Rhyming Pictures: top, TG CD 2 * Letterland Word Buiders, or individual letter sets Preparation * Write chant on chart paper ‘Small group/independent * Copies of large, plain ock for picture-coding, TG CD 2 * Cards with chilren’s names Word Building © PCCs&, b, d, 7, 1,4 ch, ck, sh, 7 the euler oes h, ch. Rime Cards: ©P. Of, ock, at, ip Use © Practice saying the chant together several times, © Ask which words rhyme. ‘© Underline the ock words. Qe mow oon weed ico eta an you spot my © sound in word the Tock rd soy my words all round the coo” © Ask the children to say any of the words they can ES J remember from the chant that rhyme with rock. © Ask the children which two Letterlanders make their sounds in all four of these rhyming words © If practical, quickly picture-code Oscar Orange and Peter Puppy at the end of each rhyming word. Words to read: dot, lot, hop, shop, ship, lip, lick, lock Words to spell: back, bat, hat, hot, pot, pop, chop Letters: a, b, c,d, h, i, k, I, 0, p, p,s,t Gi the children in building words to read © This activity may be'saved for small group time. © Say the letter sounds in the word with a pause in between (e.g. A//0/ Children pull down the letters to form a word to read, Lefs pul our fingers under each letter os we say the sounds, /d/ /o/ /¥/. Now, lets slide them under the letters «as we blend the sounds together, dot. Impy nk has a dot at the top. © Guide the children in changing one or two letters and reading the new word they make, © Continue with the word list above. Say words for the children to spell © Say the new word, © Children repeat. © Stretch the word with them. © Children change one letter to make the new word, Word Cards: mop, top, hop, lock, rock, sock, dot, hot, pot words ot the top cee eine Word Cards for pot, rock, and hop across the top of the pocket chart Scanned with CamScanner ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | © Ask children to n ead th them with the ehewe 17° Words to themselves, so they can be ready to read © Point to each word and read with the class . Always have everyone read down the column after each word is adde © Call on a child to place the next we corrections if needed. Practice the words © Alter all the words are placed, practice poi T , practice pointing to and read playing the Tractors, Trains, Planes, and Helicopters game (see, a on y © Let some individuals try a sequence of words by themselves, Word Card: top Tricky Word Cards: This, is, for, you Rhyming Picture: top Practice sentence reading © Form the sentence as shown on the pocket chart. © Point to the sentence as the children read it twice. © Point to words in the sentence at random for children to read Work through ‘Lesson 124 Sentence Practice’ worksheet with the class ‘© Guide children in finger-point-reading the worksheet and filling in the blanks. ‘© Each child may choose their own words to complete the third box. ‘ord in @ column. Help individuals with © Picture-coding Provide copies of the large, plain ock and display PCCs as a model. Children picture-code and add rhyming words and pictures around the Letterlanders. © Chant review Let pairs of children reread the earlier chants. rd Cards in © Word practice and Concentration Game Display the o family Wo rhyming columns. Practice reading the words using the Tractors, Trains, Planes, ‘and Helicopters game (see page 80). Then play the Concentration Game (see page 67). © Sentence Building Spread the Word or place them on a mat they can move around. it. Then let children take turns placing the words i card is played, everyone rereads the sentence as 0 three sentences if time allows. Word Cards: top, sock, map, cap, Tricky Word Cards: This, Is, for, you Cards out within reach of all the children, Call out a sentence. All repeat in sequence. Each time a ne child points. Make two or wig, [=]plus name cards for each child Scanned with CamScanner

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