Imb Assignment Arslan Anwar BBHM-F16-081: Marketing To Black Brazil

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Arslan Anwar
Marketing to Black Brazil:

After Nigeria, the second largest black population are living in brazil. Some of them are African or mixed
race origin. Due to large segmentation companies like Unilever, took the advantage and have launched
products for the emerging black middle class.

Situation in Brazil is different from the United State, they treat equally both the white and the black
people. Government in brazil also encouraged intermarriage between white and black. Due to this brazil
has not had black rights movement or racial self-identification similar to that in the US.

Brazilian people doesn't consider them to be white or black instead they choose dozens of skin tones to
categories themselves.

Keeping in mind, Unilever change their promotional strategy to featuring different skin tone women for
the intensive care lotion. They recognized that people in brazil are different from African-American and
their marketing massage should be suitable for all segments.

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