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A BattleCorps Unit Digest is a gameplay aid designed to offer
players a glimpse into one of the myriad unnamed and un-
known national-and-smaller level military units in the Inner
Sphere. Products such as the Field Manuals and Field Reports
offer playable game notes and information about the front-
line regiments of each nation of the Inner Sphere, Clans, and
Periphery, but for each of those regiments there are a hundred
or more conventional, non-BattleMech battalions working for
no higher power than a planetary duke or corporate security
Each of the units found in these small PDF exclusives is too
small to ever be in the pages of Field Manual. Each of them
may have been coopted or destroyed the day after the report
was compiled. Perhaps they were absorbed into the mainline

military; perhaps they lost their funding and were disbanded;

perhaps they exist at the same time period your player group the AdvAnCed plAnetAry Conquest
A Core rules

sits down to play a game of BattleTech or an A Time of War role-

playing campaign. Our intention in creating these reports isn’t
to increase the already-considerabe canon of BattleTech lore,
although they are official and sanctioned units, but rather to
offer you a chance to add a harmless and perhaps fun bit of
flavor to your games.
As we launch this series of free-to-subscriber content to Bat-
tleCorps, please note that the era icon and a year will appear in
each one. The unit listed existed during that era and specific
year, and may or may not have existed before or after. Unless TM

they appear in other products, they have vanished into the

mists of histrory.

BattleCorps Managing Editor
Jason Schmetzer
BattleCorps PDF Exclusive Cover Design
Ray Arrastia
Jason Schmetzer
It is the 31st century. Mankind has spread to
the stars and spawned titanic stellar empires,
each controlling hundreds of worlds across a
thousand light years and beyond. Yet the sins
of man have followed him from the cradle of

©2010 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech

Political machinations of feudal lords plunge
whole sectors into war; unscrupulous merchant
starship captains smuggle weapons to their
own faction’s enemies; greedy military

Record Sheets: 3085, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, Bat-

commanders demand tribute from worlds
they’re protecting; animalistic pirate kings
harvest high technologies and human slaves
in lightning raids; betrayals from oath-bound
allies leave honorable soldiers growing cold on

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forgotten worlds; death at the tip of knife from
a concubine turned assassin to avenge a world
and love lost: it is a time of war.

What empire will you swear allegiance to: a

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warrior merchant of House Steiner; the honor-
bound samurai of House Kurita; the vat-bred
warriors of the Clans; a mercenary that fights
only for the highest bidder?

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Choose your life in the universe: a MechWarrior
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the tide of any battle; a spy deep behind enemy
lines discovering critical secrets; a merchant
carrying critical supplies; a scientist unleashing

produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

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How will you become a legend?

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©2010 WizKids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech,
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35005 the battletech rpg

hawkes horde
Hawke’s Horde was a mercenary-unit-turned-pirate that attacked several worlds of the Taurian Concordat from 3012 to 3014.
Based out of an abandoned training outpost on Laconis, the Horde struck with impunity across New Vandenburg, Landsmark, an
even as far as Samantha without meeting significant resistance. Their possession of several BattleMechs made them tougher than
most of the Concordat planetary militias could handle, although many tried.
The Horde’s tactics never seemed to display what their ultimate objective was. Their first few raids into the Concordat were little
more than resource raids: a strike on Landsmark to capture water purification equipment; a lightning-raid on Brisbane to com-
mandeer a DropShip of colonial supplies earmarked for a newly-colonized world; even two distraction terrorist attacks on New


Vandenburg that let them make off with two containers of BattleMech components from Vandenburg Mechanized Industries.
The detachments of Taurian Defense Force units sent to hunt them down always failed to track them back to their nest.
On Laconis the Horde based themselves on the small equitorial island of Little Idaho. Little Idaho was on the opposite side of
the world from the larger cities, and so the Horde was able to boost and land their DropShips without being seen. In fact, it was
the Horde that intercepted the cargo ships bringing a planetary sensor satellite array in 3013, specifically so the TDF wouldn’t be
able to monitor their movements. From their cantonment on Little Idaho they raided with impunity until their discovery in 3014.

Hawke’s Hammers Hawke’s Harriers

CO: Charley Hawke CO: Tim Reyes
Lance / Regular / Questionable Reinforced Company / Regular / Questionable

The four BattleMechs that make up the Hammer are the The Harriers are made up entirely of combat vehicles cap-
Horde’s real strength. Charley Hawke’s Griffin is the best-main- tured, stolen, or salvaged from defeated Taurian militia units.
tained of the four machines, while Danielle Radcliffe’s Zeus is Led by Tim Reyes, a former Free Worlds League Military armor
the heaviest. The Zeus is heavily damaged and rarely commit- officer, they represent the most active combat power in the
ted to battle; Radcliffe’s attachment to Hawke makes her the Horde. Expendable enough to be risked in regular combat,
obvious choice to remain behind and guard Little Idaho while but powerful enough to overpower the civilian or mostly-
the rest of the Horde is raiding, a task her Zeus is well-suited to. infantry paramilitary military units they face, the Harriers are
In battle the Hammers offer few tactics; before their disgrace crewed by expatriate Federated Suns and Capellan Confedera-


they acted as corporate mercenaries and saw little combat. In tion deserters. Their hatred of each other often results in so-
fact, their last contract was the raiding mission that damaged called “friendly-fire” accidents that do more damage than the
the Zeus and made them turn pirate. Taurians are able to.

Hawke’s Whirlwind Hawke’s Headmen

CO: Sera Bly CO: Victoria Sbarge
Company / Veteran / Questionable Platoon / Regular / Questionable

The Whirlwind is an orphaned cavalry company that surren- The Headmen are aptly-named. The majority of them came
dered to Hawke on Laconis in 3011 when he arrived. Formerly from Blasdel Prison on Samantha; Hawke opened the prison’s
members of a mercenary armored regiment, the Whirlwind doors when he raided the planet to distract the constablury.
were abandoned when their officers were arrested for embez- A number of the former-prisoners departed the world with
zling funds from the regiment. Hawke met their commander, Hawke and have become his own little special-operations
Sera Bly, in a bar in Barkston on Laconis and induced them to team.
join his band. The Headmen traditionally scout a world in advance of the
The Whirlwind have the most experience of any of the Horde’s arrival. They infilitrate in pairs and trios, acting as tour-
Horde’s elements, but they lack the parts to do proper main- ists or researchers to gather intelligence for Hawke. Several
tenance. Of the even dozen blowers they had in service when of them, including former-Lady Victoria Sbarge, were in prison
they joined the Horde, only seven remain active. The rest are for white-collar crimes which make them very good at locat-
deadlined, waiting for parts. ing suitable loot for the Horde’s attention.
notable personalities

Charley Hawke Danielle Radcliffe

Charley Hawke joined the Capellan March Militia at seven- Danielle Radcliffe is a large, dark-haired woman who hates
teen but was dishonorably discharged for assaulting a supe- life with a passion. She pilots a Zeus she inherited from her
rior officer when he was twenty-two. He then joined a small, father, who was a MechWarrior with the Donegal Guards. One
now-defunct mercenary group who served corporate clients of the few mercenary MechWarriors to survive Hawke’s leader-
in 3009. In 3010 he killed the mercenary leader and took con- ship, she followed him to Laconis before becoming his lover.
trol, before leading the mercenaries on a raiding mission that Her Zeus is a near-wreck, with barely forty percent of its ar-
killed more than two-thirds of them and forced the remainder mor present and no ammunition for its missile launcher or au-
into piracy in the Taurian Concordat. tocannon. She normally remains behind on Little Idaho island
A large man, Hawke distrusts everone around him and rules when the rest of the Horde goes out raiding. Unbeknownst to
through fear and intimidation. Hawke, she has begun an affair with one of the Horde’s hos-
Special Abilities tages.
Hawke is a Veteran-level MechWarrior, but he has a -2 TP Special Abilities
Reputation (Pirate). He also has the Demoralizer special ability A Regular-level MechWarrior, Danielle suffers from the Com-
(see p.225, AToW) bat Paralysis Trait (see p. 110, AToW).

Sera Bly Tim Reyes

Sera Bly commands the Whirlwind, the cavalry company of Leader of the Harriers, Tim Reyes enjoys his duties like few
the Horde’s armored forces. She despises Charley Hawke, but other man. A former prisoner in Blasdel Prison, he killed the
knows that he could crush her small command and everyone former commander of the Harriers in a bar fight and took over
in it if she doesn’t do what he says. She still retains a small command. He commands from the turret of a Vedette tank,
reserve of cash from her earlier embezzling scheme, but it isn’t gleefully firing his autocannon at anything that strikes his
enough for her to let her whole command escape. fancy. He is especially adept at setting ambushes for pursuing
A small, lithe woman, Sera is a master of tae kwon do as well Taurian militia units, leading many to suspect he has previous
as a notable pistol marksman. She has killed four men in duels experience in the Taurian military.
in the last year, mostly after they made inappropriate advanc- Special Abilities
es toward her. Lately she has been considering challenging A Regular-level Vehicle crewman, Reyes recieves +2 bo-
Hawke for leadership of the entire Horde as a means of escape. nuses to all To-hit rolls when facing Taurian opponents. When
Special Abilities Hawke’s ‘Mechs are not on the field, though, any force he com-
Sera recieves +3 bonuses to all Small Arms and Unarmed Com- mands suffers a -2 Initiative penalty.
bat skill rolls. Her prickly honor manifests as a -1 TP Compulsion.

Liam Semmes Victoria Sbarge

A tank commander in one of the Harriers’ Scorpion Light Formely Lady Victoria Sbarge of Kenton on Sterope, she was
Tanks, Liam Semmes is also a Taurian Defense Force agent. He arrested in 3009 for embezzling government funds from the
infiltrated the Horde in 3011 but has been unable to inform Exchequer and sentenced to life in prison in Blasdel Prison.
his comrades in the TDF of the Horde’s location. Little Idaho While there a latent sadistic streak emerged. She was suspect-
island is very remote, and his tank crewmen pay too close at- ed in the torturing deaths of two prisoners when Hawke freed
tention for him to leave a sign when the Horde attacks. He the prisoners, and she jumped at the chance to leave with the
is considering trying to subborn Sera Bly, whose hatred of pirates and do, as Hawke told her, “literally anything she wants
Hawke he senses clearly. to anyone I say.”
Special Abilities Special Abilities
Liam Semmes’ role as a Taurian spy in the Horde’s midst gives Sbarge’s sadism manifests as a -3 TP Compulsion to hurt
him a -3 TP Dark Secret. He is a Green-level Vehicle crewman, anyone who disappoints or upsets her. As commander she
and his tank will always move last of any Horde unit in combat. doesn’t tolerate any failure, and the Headmen fear her more
than death.

unit special abilities

In any scenario where the Horde faces a Taurian militia force,
they recieve a +2 Initiative bonus if they deploy BattleMechs
and the militia does not. If they deploy only vehicles, they re-
ceive only a +1 bonus.


If during any scenario Charley Hawke’s Griffin is disabled,
destroyed, or forced to withdraw, the entire Horde will imme-
diately retreat.


Hawke’s Hammers
The Hammers should begin every scenario with 1D6 round
of ammunition missing from each ammunition bin. Roll 1 1D6
for each critical slot of ammunition.
In addition, the Hammers player may roll 1D6 before the
start of play. On a result of 5 or 6, he or she may place Rad-
cliffe’s Zeus per Hidden Unit rules (see p. 256, TW)

Hawke’s Harriers
When rolling units randomly, reroll any result that yields a
hover or VTOL combat vehicle. In addition, in any scenario
where the Harriers begin with at least two platoons (8 vehi-
Hawke’s Horde1 (3013)
cles), they recieve a +1 Initiative bonus.
No Harrier vehicle may weigh more than sixty tons.


Roll Hover Wheeled Tracked
1 Savannah Master Skulker Hunter
2 Harasser Packrat Goblin
Hawke’s Whirlwind
3 Saracen Striker Vedette
When rolling units randomly, reroll any result of Green or
Elite on the Random Experience Table (see p. 273, TW) unless 4 Scimitar Striker Manticore
the unit is the designated commander of the Whirlwind in the 5 Saladin Hetzer Bulldog
6 Savannah Master Hetzer Galleon
In addition, the Whirlwind may field only hover vehicles. For
every unit, roll 1D6; on a result of 6 roll 1 5-point damage block Mechs
to the Front Hit Location. GRF-1N Griffin
CDA-2A Cicada
Hawke’s Headmen DRG-1N Dragon
In BattleTech games the Headmen deploy as one Foot Rifle ZEU-6S Zeus
Platoon of Regular experience.
In A Time of War role-playing campaigns, treat the Headmen
as the Renegade Warrior sample character (see p. 100, AToW).

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