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Eyebrows, The Watcher

An Origami Doodle, Made with a 3x5 Index Card

By Perry Bailey c 1998

2 Valley fold at top where lines
1 Fold the index card in half, At the top fold the corners to the center,
then fold the sides in to the converge, fold the top where
unfold. Then fold the corner on bottom
center. Unfold. the lines converge as well,
to the side unfold do the other bottom unfold.

5 6
This shows a map of all the creases
Fold as indicated. This is where everything comes
in the fold, make sure they match on together, fold the top down, before
the model. you pinch the sides together push
the bottom part marked with the
7 pointer up into itself as you
Squeezed between squeeze the model together.
your thumb and fore
finger it should vaguely
resemble this. Now as And here he is, eyebrows,
you release the model T The Watcher!!!!
pull the points at the h
u ng
bottom apart, or he er
won’t stand up.

Created in honor of children every

where who drive adults nuts, just,
by watching them.... PVB

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