The Learner and Learning

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Eryn Calfee


Professional Growth Plan

The Learner and Learning

Each field experience opportunity has built upon pre-existing knowledge and skills in this
area. I have developed strong skills in observation and reflection in the field which is where I
find the most experience in a functioning classroom at the level at which I am hoping to teach,
being high school.
1. Learner Development
The educational psychology aspects of my education have grown significantly over the course
of the last semester being in EDPS390. I have goals for myself in the area of applying this
knowledge to a choral music classroom, which will be fulfilled through conversation and
collaboration with my professors as well as my colleagues to learn more about how I may build
lessons around the development of my students.
2. Learner Differences
Through reflection I have gained insight on how the variety of student abilities and
development in any classroom can become an asset to the classroom experience as students
can learn from one another. I will continue to build upon this by using the UDL in my lesson
plans moving forward.
3. Learning Environments (Classroom Management)
I experienced growth in managing the classroom in field experience this semester through
stating my expectations clearly, keeping these expectations consistent throughout the class
session, and working in the area of engagement to provide an experience that is of high interest
for my students. Making this practice a lifestyle in my classroom is the next step to continuing
growth in this area.
Content Knowledge
Previous semesters in Voice Tech and Choral Methods have revealed areas of weakness in
piano skills and providing a vocal model, but this semester has shown significant growth for me
and given me areas to improve on specifically.
4. Content Knowledge (vocal, piano, aural, conducting)
The biggest area of growth and benefit for my students has been applying skills of audiation
and vocal modeling during repertoire rehearsals. I have successfully conducted lessons in the
field with little piano assistance which improved pacing and engagement. Moving forward, I will
continue to improve piano skills by regularly practicing creating adjusted piano charts to follow
that still provide rhythmic/tempo support.
5. Application of Content
A content application that I haven’t had much experience with is conducting, as I have mostly
applied my skills with lab ensembles as per the course work of MUSP390. I will continue to
practice my conducting skills in preparation for lessons to keep my skills fresh, and be ready to
conduct well in the field when this skill is needed.

Instructional Practice
This area was improved upon during my field experience as well as my Peer Teaching
6. Assessment
I improved assessment through creating prompts for assessment in my lesson plans that are
easy to follow and apply with each activity, strongly utilizing the direct instruction cycle. The
next step for improvement as revealed in my Peer Teaching is to plan better for closure when
speaking in terms of a longer lesson.
7. Planning for Instruction
Area for improvement in planning overall were revealed in my Peer Teaching, as I could’ve
planned better for a knowledge concept and carrying this through in my lesson. I will improve in
this area by revising my plan with comments and apply this feedback to future opportunities.
8. Instructional Strategies
I improved in creative approaches to instructional strategies throughout my field experience
but can apply more of this earlier on in the next semester to get a head start on giving new
opportunities to my students. I will achieve this through reflecting on my successes as
preparation for next semester.

Professional Responsibility
My professional responsibility took to new heights this semester through joining the
CNAfME board and I was able to learn more about the responsibilities in planning and providing
professional development opportunities for the local music education program.
9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
I attended the IMEA conference for a second consecutive year, attending several sessions,
taking notes, and networking with other music educators. I will continue my participation in
CNAfME as Program Coordinator to continue to organize events for my local music education
10. Leadership and Collaboration
I achieved new successes through collaboration this semester by initiating a more thorough and
consistent correspondence with my Mentor Teachers in field experience. I plan to maintain this
in future semesters, as well as designate a long-term mentor in the field that I can work with for
several years into my career to continue to learn after I leave BSU.

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