PSS SINCAL 16.0: Network Reduction

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Network Reduction
Static and Dynamic Network Reduction in Electrical Networks

Published by
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction


The PSS SINCAL manuals can be divided into the following parts:

● the PSS SINCAL System Manual

● manuals for Electrical and Pipe Networks
● the Database Description
● the Automation Manual

The PSS SINCAL System Manual contains a general description for using the application.

The technical manuals for Electrical Networks contain detailed descriptions of the various
calculation methods for electrical networks - such as load flow, or short circuit calculations - and
their input data.

The technical manuals for Pipe Networks contain detailed descriptions of the various calculation
methods for pipe networks - water, gas and heating/cooling - and their input data.

The Database Description contains a complete description of the data models for electrical and
pipe networks.

The Automation manual contains the documentation of the automation functions for PSS SINCAL.


This manual and all the information and illustrations contained in it are copyrighted.

SIEMENS retains all rights, in particular the right to publish, translate, reprint, photocopy, make
microcopies or electronically store in a database.

Previously expressed written permission from SIEMENS is required for any reproduction or use
beyond the limits specified by copyright law.


Even though our manuals are thoroughly checked for errors, no liability can be taken for errors
found or any resulting problems or difficulties. Modifications are frequently made to the text and the
software as a part of our routine updates.

PSS® is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG

Copyright SIEMENS AG 2019 All Rights Reserved
SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Network Reduction 7

2. Static Network Reduction 9

2.1 Operating Principle 9

2.2 Wizard for Static Network Reduction 10

3. Dynamic Network Reduction 13

3.1 Operating Principle 13

3.2 Wizard for Dynamic Network Reduction 18

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PSS SINCAL Network Reduction SIEMENS
Table of Contents

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SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Introduction to Network Reduction

1. Introduction to Network Reduction

The calculation methods provided by PSS SINCAL for network reduction offer an effective tool for
reducing large networks to the part relevant for the analysis. For this both a Static Network
Reduction and Dynamic Network Reduction function are provided.

Static Network Reduction

The static network reduction is the usual method of reducing a network for stationary analyses, i.e.
for load flow and short circuit calculations.

Either Ward or Extended Ward procedures are used for the reduction. Both procedures simulate
the impedance ratios of the reduced network area. The network reduced in this way supplies the
same results with load flow and short circuit calculations as the non-reduced network.

Dynamic Network Reduction

The dynamic network reduction is an extended form of the reduction procedure. This also
simulates the reduced network with equivalent impedances, however the generators and
asynchronous machines of the network are correctly simulated with suitable coherent equivalent
elements. These coherent equivalent generators and machines form the correct dynamic behavior
of the reduced network.

The dynamic network reduction places additional requirements on the original network. This must
be modeled suitably for the dynamic simulation, and the generators and machines in particular
must be correctly simulated with all the dynamic data.

Definition of the Reduction Area

The area of the whole network to be reduced must be defined. For this either a graphic polygon
or a network element group can be used.


This method surrounds the section of the network to be reduced with a graphic polygon. The
elements contained in the polygon are reduced. PSS SINCAL determines the topological structures
for the network to be reduced and the remaining network based on the graphic area defined.

Network Element Group

This method assigns all elements to be reduced to a Network Element Group. PSS SINCAL
determines the topological structures for the network to be reduced and the remaining network
based on the network elements assigned to the group.

Generation of the Reduced Network

The reduced network is an equivalent mathematical model which no longer consists of the original
topological structures. Only the boundary nodes are left, which are connected with boundary
injections depending on the reduction method.

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PSS SINCAL Network Reduction SIEMENS
Introduction to Network Reduction

All these boundary nodes are in turn interconnected with equivalent impedances. It is therefore
obvious that it is not really useful to graphically display the reduced network.

When the reduced network is generated, PSS SINCAL offers two options Single network or
Separated network for selection.

Single Network

This generation variant modifies the whole network. In other words, all nodes and network
elements to be reduced are removed from the whole network. Only the boundary nodes are kept.
Boundary injections and boundary branches are connected to these boundary nodes.

Whole network
Whole network with reduced network

Reducing a subnetwork Reduced network

Separated Network

This generation variant produces a 2nd network which contains all reduction elements. The reduced
network is linked here to the whole network as an "include" network. Connection definitions are
inserted here both in the whole network and also in the reduced subnetwork at the boundary

It is possible to select for the whole network whether the subnetwork to be reduced should be
removed from it or whether the whole network is to be completely retained.

The following illustrations show the operating principle:

Whole network
Whole network Reduced network without reduced network

Reducing a subnetwork

8 October 2019
SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Static Network Reduction

2. Static Network Reduction

The reduction can be started with Tools – Network Reduction – Static Network Reduction. This
opens a Wizard where the required control settings for network reduction can be entered. The
parameters selected in the Wizard are used to reduce the network.

2.1 Operating Principle

With the Ward and Extended Ward model, PSS SINCAL supports the two most recognized
reduction procedures for static network reduction. Both simulate the impedance ratios of the
reduced network area precisely.

The following illustration shows the schematic structure of the reduced network.

BI BI BI Boundary injection

Bounding node

Boundary branch

Boundary injections are connected to all boundary nodes that reflect the power flow from and to the
reduced network. These boundary injections are simulated as Ward or Extended Ward, depending
on the option selected. The boundary nodes are in turn connected to boundary branches that
simulate the impedance ratios of the reduced network.

In order for the calculated equivalent network to supply exactly the same results as the original
network, both for load flow calculations as well as for symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuit
calculations, the data for load flow and short circuit are calculated separately and are provided at
the boundary injections and boundary branches.

Load Flow Modeling

The computation is based on the sparse nodal admittance matrix. The sequential reduction
algorithm is the well known star-delta transformation. Boundary nodes are excluded from
elimination. Thus the remaining matrix contains the equivalent branch parameters as off-diagonal
elements. Shunt elements at boundary nodes are computed by adding up matrix lines including the
diagonal element.

Short Circuit Modeling

Basically, the network model used for 'load flow-type' features equals the positive-sequence
system. However, there are special short circuit models for some network elements. E.g. the
subtransient reactance of generators and the short circuit power for network injections are required
in order to model these network elements correctly.

The zero-sequence system model is applied to single-phase-to-ground short-circuit calculation

(SC1). The zero-sequence system model is mainly influenced by the transformer and generator
neutral grounding.

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PSS SINCAL Network Reduction SIEMENS
Static Network Reduction

2.2 Wizard for Static Network Reduction

The static network reduction is integrated in PSS SINCAL in the form of a Wizard in which all
required settings can be defined step by step. This can be started with Tools – Network
Reduction – Static Network Reduction.

Selection of Reduction Area

This page of the Wizard is used to define the network area to be reduced and the output form of
the reduced network.

The Reduction mode defines the form in which the reduced network is to be generated. The
following options can be selected here:

● Single network:
This generation variant modifies the whole network. In other words, all nodes and network
elements to be reduced are removed from the whole network. Only the boundary nodes are
kept. Boundary injections and boundary branches are connected to these boundary nodes.
● Separated network:
This generation variant produces a 2nd network which contains all reduction elements. The
reduced network is linked here to the whole network as an "include" network. Connection
definitions are inserted here both in the entire network and also in the reduced subnetwork at
the boundary nodes.

The Elements for reduction option defines which elements are used for the reduction. One of the
following options can be selected:

● Polygon:
The 2nd selection list selects the polygon which surrounds the subnetwork to be reduced.
● Network element group:
The 2nd selection list selects the network element group which contains the network elements
to be reduced.

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SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Static Network Reduction

● Reduction file:
The option makes it possible to specify a reduction area via a special XML file containing the
elements to be reduced and those to be retained. The XML reduction information must be
provided in the correct format of the NMM module (Network Model Merge).

The Action for reduced elements selection list is used to select what is to happen with the data of
the subnetwork reduced from the original network. One of the following actions can be selected:

● None
● Delete elements
● Set elements out of service

Caution: The action cannot be undone, so the selection should be made very carefully.

If the Invert selection option is activated, the area to be reduced is replaced by the area not to be
reduced. In other words, the selection defines the area that remains after the reduction.

Select an empty PSS SINCAL network where you want to store the data of the reduced
subnetwork in the Reduced Network section. Click the control button at the end of the input field to
generate an empty network.

Create graphic for boundary nodes creates a "minimum" graphic display in the reduced network.
This does not really make sense, however, since there is no recognizable topological structure.
Only the limiting nodes specify the reference to the original network and these are the nodes that
can also be generated as needed with graphics.

Control Data of Reduction

This page can be used to define the general control data for the reduction procedure.

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Static Network Reduction

Modeling of Equivalent Network

The option Extended ward on bounding node activates the generation of extended boundary
injections at the boundary nodes. The boundary injection in the load flow is simulated by a supply
source with a constant power J as well as an additional voltage source E. The voltage source is
connected via an impedance Zw, with which the voltage-dependent reactive power supply source of
the equivalent network is modeled. Due to the impedance, the voltage source behaves like a "soft"
PV node for which the supplied active power is always zero.

The Modeling field makes it possible to control whether a complex Ward impedance (R+jX) or only
a reactance (jX) is to be generated.

If the Maximum impedance of the Extended Ward is greater than the set value, a simplified
simulation for the boundary injection without Extended Ward is selected.

The Maximum frequency char. attribute allows a limit value for the maximum permissible
frequency characteristic to be set for boundary injections. If a greater value for the boundary
injection is determined for the network reduction, the value is limited to the set value. If 0.0 is set,
this limit value is ignored.

The Short circuit 3-phase data option controls whether the suitable equivalent impedances for the
3-phase short circuit calculation are to be determined during the reduction. These data are
assigned to the boundary injections and the boundary branches and also enable a three-phase
short-circuit calculation in the reduced network.

The Short circuit 2-phase and 1-phase data options control whether the zero-phase sequence
data for the reduced network are also to be determined during the reduction. This enables the
calculation of asymmetrical short circuits and ground faults in the reduced network.

Neglect Shunt Impedances in Pos. and Neg. System

The Lines, Transformers and Passive shunt elements options make it possible to control
individually which shunt impedances of the reduced subnetwork are to be considered.

Equivalent Serial Elements

The Modeling field defines whether boundary branches are simulated with complex impedance
(R+jX) or reactance (jX).

The Maximum impedance field enables the maximum permissible limit value for the boundary
branches to be defined. If the maximum impedance that is determined during the network reduction
is greater than the set value, the boundary branch is ignored.

12 October 2019
SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Dynamic Network Reduction

3. Dynamic Network Reduction

The reduction can be started with Tools – Network Reduction – Dynamic Network Reduction.
This opens a Wizard where the required control settings for network reduction can be entered. The
parameters selected in the Wizard are used to reduce the network.

To reduce a dynamic network, the following prerequisites have to be met:

● The network must be suitably modeled for the dynamic simulation. This means that the network
elements and the machines in particular must be correctly simulated for the dynamic
● The network being reduced has to be coherent. The network that is not reduced may be
divided into subnetworks – and can even have isolated nodes.
● Only lines can be used to link the network being reduced with the one not being reduced.
● The dynamic network reduction is only carried out for a symmetrical network and cannot be
used for asymmetrical networks.

3.1 Operating Principle

The dynamic network reduction replaces all passive elements of the network being reduced with
impedances. Generators and asynchronous machines are replaced by coherent equivalents.

Network Reduction

Transmission Network

The network with the nodes which aren't (equivalent) generator nodes nor belong to the "not-to-be-
reduced" network or any special nodes, are reduced as for static load flow calculation.

A reduced, equivalent transmission network results and consists of only:

● Generator nodes
● Coupling nodes for the "not-to-be-reduced" network
● Special nodes, special machines and special branches, which are in the "to-be-reduced"
network but still have to be preserved.

This network would have been totally meshed. To reduce the number of the branches, only the
low-ohm connections are selected, which, in a short circuit case, can transmit a power with more
than a predefined limit (as default 10 MVA).

Load Modeling

The loads, which are given by the load flow reduction network at the remaining nodes, can be
selectively modeled as impedance loads (I type) or as PQ loads.

The supply of the equivalent identified generators are added after the original load flow and
considered as sum-supply for the equivalent generators (Coherence Generators).

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Dynamic Network Reduction

For the equivalent loads the user can choose between two possibilities:

● The equivalent loads result from the load flow network reduction
● The equivalent loads received from the load flow network reduction are cancelled. Instead, a
load is positioned at each equivalent generator node. This load has the same size as the
generator's supply, but with a negative sign. It is provided that there are no large transmitted
powers in the equivalent network, so that generation and consumption compensate each other

This produces a quasi-no-load equivalent network. There are no problems concerning the load flow
convergence. The equivalent network can be connected to any external network with any voltages
at the coupling nodes. The power delivered to the "not-to-be-reduced" network can be controlled by
loads at the coupling nodes.

Dynamic loads, which are modeled by asynchronous machines, are reduced in the same way as
the generators.

Coherent Generators

To recognize the coherent generators, all the coupling nodes as assigned a time-dependent
voltage change with equal distribute random distribution. In order to excite active and blind power
flows at the same time, the real and the imaginary part of the voltage must be changed.

Due to the voltage injection in all coupling nodes, the network reduction is almost independent of
the excitation location, provided it appears in the "not-to-be-reduced" network as expected. Due to
the random-formed character of the voltage the process is almost independent of the kind of the
excitation. Since the level of the excitation also has no effect on the network reduction due to the
correlation analysis, the process can be almost independent of place, kind and level of the

A further substantial effect arises as a result of the fact that the "to-be-reduced" network is
completely decoupled from the "not-to-be-reduced" network (different network) due to the
specification of the voltage on injecting the voltage changes at all of the coupling nodes. Thus no
information about the "not-to-be-reduced" network is necessary; the network reduction can be only
performed with the knowledge of the data of the "to-be-reduced" network (own network).

Selectable functions (e.g. speed deviations) of all generators are simulated by the user. The data
set in it is still complete, i.e. the result of the simulation is exact and can be used later for the
validation of the reduced, equivalent network.

The selected functions are subjected to a correlation analysis within the concerned time period
(e.g. 8 s), which can discover and evaluate the similarity of the function curves among each other.
Exact equally oscillating machines have the correlation coefficient 1, opposite phase oscillating
ones the coefficient -1, all other values lie in between.

With the help of a standard routine for the cluster formation, generators are identified as coherent –
build a cluster, when their correlation coefficient is 1. Investigations have shown that values of 0.8
give very good results; also correlation factors of 0.7 still give useful network equivalents.

In this cluster formation the number of the remaining machines must be given; the routine then
decides the optimal group distribution. But in the network reduction, however, not the number of the
remaining machines should be given, but the worst correlation coefficient within a group, which
forms the measure of accuracy in the group formation.

14 October 2019
SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Dynamic Network Reduction

Therefore the number of machines will be changed iteratively so that the worst given correlation
coefficient can be kept. The middle correlation factor within a group, which is determined on the
base of the portion of the rated outputs relative to the total's group rated output, serves for the
comparison with the worst correlation factor. Thus the effect of small machines on the correlation
factor is reduced.

Generators, which have been identified as members of a group, are connected in parallel to a
single node with the voltage 1 pu by an "ideal" transformer (impedance near zero) with a complex
transformation ratio. The original generator nodes will be removed later through the load flow
network reduction and replaced with this single equivalent node.

The voltage 1 pu has been chosen because the generators in general run with this voltage.
Deviated values affect only the main field saturation of the equivalent generator.

The complex transformation ratio, which is built from the voltage (magnitude and phase angle) of
the "to-be-reduced" generator nodes and the voltage 1 pu, adapts the voltage magnitude and angle
of the load flow at the common nodes of 1 pu. With this measure the load flow is exactly
maintained – even in case of major angle differences.

If no complex transformation ratio is allowed, e.g. in a network reduction for a later use on an
analogous network model, then the user can request real transformation ratios by inputting a
suitable control. With that the load flow isn't maintained exactly.

The equivalent generator should react at once as a response to the voltage and frequency
changes. This will be approximately achieved by parallel connection of the impedances of the
direct and quadrature axis of the individual generators for specific oscillation frequencies.

The input impedances for the following frequencies (s) are calculated:

From 50 Hz (s = 1) the subtransient input impedances follow

𝑍 " = 𝑅" + 𝑗𝑋 "

From 0.5 Hz (s = .01) the transient input impedances follow

𝑍 ′ = 𝑅′ + 𝑗𝑋 ′

From 0.001 Hz (s ~ 0) the synchronous input impedances follow

𝑍 = 𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋

The input impedances are connected parallel for the individual machines of a group:

𝑌𝑒𝑞 = 𝑌1" + 𝑌2" + … + 𝑌𝑛"

𝑌𝑒𝑞 = 𝑌1′ + 𝑌2′ + … + 𝑌𝑛′

𝑌𝑒𝑞 = 𝑌1 + 𝑌2 + … + 𝑌𝑛

From the three parallel-connected total admittances we can recalculate the single data of the
equivalent generator. For example, this applies (index eq cancel in the following):

= 𝑍 = 𝑅𝑎 + 𝑗𝑋𝑎𝑠 + 𝑗𝑋ℎ𝑑

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Dynamic Network Reduction

Ra and Xhd, when Xas is known

1 𝑗𝑋ℎ𝑑 × (𝑅𝑓𝑑 + 𝑗𝑋𝑓𝑑 )

= 𝑍 ′ = 𝑅𝑎 + 𝑗𝑋𝑎𝑠 +
𝑌 𝑅𝑓𝑑 + 𝑗𝑋ℎ𝑑 + 𝑗𝑋𝑓𝑑

Rfd and Xfd

The armature leakage reactance Xas is determined from the "to-be-reduced" machines through the
rated power; the value affects only the distribution of the currents on the rotor side. Even if this
value is a little inaccurate because of the middle-value formation, the dynamic behavior of the
machine is affected insignificantly, and even the short circuit behavior is not affected at all.

With this method for determining the equivalent impedances, the subtransient, transient and
synchronous short circuit injections of the equivalent machines are exactly maintained.

The equivalent starting-up time constant taeq is calculated by the sum of inertial moment referred to
the equivalent sum of apparent power:

𝑡𝑎𝑒𝑞 = × 𝑆𝑖

The injected power of the generators is added to a sum-supply. The injections can be selectively
modeled in the load flow as PQ load, I load or PV load:

𝑃𝑒𝑞 + 𝑗𝑄𝑒𝑞 = 𝑃𝑖 + 𝑗𝑄𝑖

To separate the generator's own oscillations from the controller effects, the coherent groups can –
but mustn't – be first determined without controllers and later complemented with the controller's

Coherent Asynchronous Motors

Since asynchronous motors opposite to generators have substantially different data and an
electromechanical behavior, the two kinds of machines must be distinguished. Thus, the clusters
are produced separately for the generators, which are swinging together and asynchronous
motors, which are swinging together.

The approach of the cluster formation is the same as described under Coherence Generators.

Properties of the Reduction Process

The dynamic network reduction can be performed only when the own network data and the tie lines
to the external network are known. Data of the original network environment (external network)
aren't required.

The degree of the reduction can be specified through the definition of a correlation factor or
through the number of the remaining machines in the subnetwork.

The definition of a correlation factor is better because it leads to an optimal number of remaining
machines. It has been noticed that by giving the worst correlation factor of 0.8 the results are great,
but also with a correlation factor of 0.7 the results are quite good.

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SIEMENS PSS SINCAL Network Reduction
Dynamic Network Reduction

The given worst correlation factor can't be maintained because of the integer number of the
machine groups; it can be only considered as a guide number. The correlation factor between two
machine numbers closer to the given value is the one considered finally. The final number of the
two machine numbers will be that number, whose correlation factor corresponds most closely to
the given value.

The procedure gives the worst, as well as an averaged, correlation factor within a combined group
of machines. Thus, the quality of the obtained reduction – compared with the correlation factor 0.8
– can be estimated.

The "to-be-reduced" network is defined through the specification of the tie lines between the "to-be-
reduced" network and the "not-to-be-reduced" network.

The following elements of a "to-be-reduced" network can be kept not reduced (original):

● Nodes
● Machines
● Branches, e.g. lines, loads, transformers.

The short circuit behavior and also the load flow behavior of the equivalent network don't change
by the load flow reduction.

Load flows into tie lines, which connect the "to-be-reduced" network with the "not-to-be-reduced"
network, and also load flows within the "to-be-reduced" network remain exactly the same. Small
deviations result due to the fact that the limited number of digits is possible for the output of the
reduced network data and because the high-Ohmic connections are eliminated.

The short circuit currents in the reduced network are reproduced because the short circuit
injections remain the same, due to the described method for the determination of the equivalent
data of the machines.

The dynamic network reduction will only be done for a symmetrical network. Therefore only
symmetrical faults can be simulated.

Physical data and parameter with elements usually found in stability programs are the results of the

Any models can be chosen as equivalent structures of controllers; the user should preferably use
IEEE models.

A reduction of an already reduced network is possible but it may lead to less reduction accuracy.

The results of the network reduction are almost entirely independent on type, place and level of the

Voltage and frequency dependent loads are taken over directly, i.e. they will not be reduced.

Dynamic loads, which are modeled by asynchronous machines, are reduced in the same way as
synchronous machines.

The user can prove the error free reduction by examination of the permissible short-circuit times in
the reduced and unreduced network and/or by an Eigenvalue analysis.

The reduction process is also suitable for large scale networks, the calculation time increases
linearly with the size of the "to-be-reduced" network, it goes down in the input and output time.

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Dynamic Network Reduction

3.2 Wizard for Dynamic Network Reduction

In PSS SINCAL, the dynamic network reduction is done by a Wizard, where all required settings
can be defined step by step. Start it in the Tools – Network Reduction – Dynamic Network
Reduction menu.

Selection of Reduction Area

This page of the Wizard is used to define the network area to be reduced and the output form of
the reduced network.

The Reduction mode defines the form in which the reduced network is to be generated. The
following options can be selected here:

● Single network:
This generation variant modifies the whole network. In other words, all nodes and network
elements to be reduced are removed from the whole network. Only the boundary nodes are
kept. Boundary injections and boundary branches are connected to these boundary nodes.
● Separated network:
This generation variant produces a 2nd network which contains all reduction elements. The
reduced network is linked here to the whole network as an "include" network. Connection
definitions are inserted here both in the entire network and also in the reduced subnetwork at
the boundary nodes.

The Elements for reduction option defines which elements are used for the reduction. One of the
following options can be selected:

● Polygon:
The 2nd selection list selects the polygon which surrounds the subnetwork to be reduced.
● Network element group:
The 2nd selection list selects the network element group which contains the network elements
to be reduced.

18 October 2019
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Dynamic Network Reduction

If the Invert selection option is activated, the area to be reduced is replaced by the area not to be
reduced. In other words, the selection defines the area that remains after the reduction.

Select an empty PSS SINCAL network where you want to store the data of the reduced
subnetwork in the Reduced Network section. Click the control button at the end of the input field to
generate an empty network.

Create graphic for boundary nodes creates a "minimum" graphic display in the reduced network.
This does not really make sense, however, since there is no recognizable topological structure.
Only the limiting nodes specify the reference to the original network and these are the nodes that
can also be generated as needed with graphics.

Control Data of Reduction

The general control data for the reduction procedure can be defined on this page.

The fields for Time Beginning and Time End define the time interval for the correlation functions.
The correlation analysis is carried out and the functions defined for signal output are monitored
during this period.

Lower Limit defines the limit for the correlation factor. The correlation factor is a value in the range
from -1 to 1, where 1 implies identical signals and -1 signals mirrored in the phase.

Number of Machines defines how many machines you want to be available after correlation.

There are two ways to group coherent generators with the following properties:

● Lower Limit for correlation factor: The user does not have any influence on the number of
coherent generators from the cross correlation. This is done by the limit selected for the
correlation factor.
● Number of Machines: The user does not have any influence on the correlation factor. This
depends on how many machines there are, i.e. there is no direct influence on the quality of the
reduced results.

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Dynamic Network Reduction

Functions selects the signal used for the correlation functions. PSS SINCAL has the following

● Slip
● Low Angle
● Active Power
● Reactive Power
● Voltage

Experience has shown that the best results are attained with the Slip function, but other functions
can also be used.

Options is used to define enhanced control settings. The important thing here is to select the
reference node. This is a node in the network being reduced and needs to be selected in the Ref.
Node in the Net to be reduced field.

Max. Power of equiv. Line defines the limit used to limit the number of branches in the reduced
network. Normally, the reduced network is completely meshed. When you use this setting,
however, the only low-resistance lines that remain are those that can transfer more than the
indicated power in the short circuit.

Output Data

This page defines enhanced options for network data output.

Prefix equiv. Nodes/Branches can be used to assign any additional name you want to the
elements in the reduced network.

The selection fields for Nodemodel Net, Nodemodel Machines and Nodemodel Coupling select
the internal network element display in the reduction procedure.

Keep Names of single Machines assures that the names remain the same as those in the original
network even after the network is reduced.

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Dynamic Network Reduction

Controller Data

This page defines the controllers for machines that should be used at the equivalent machines in
the reduced subnetwork.

These options control how the controller is used in network reduction. PSS SINCAL has the
following options:

● Machines in the Net to be reduced without Controller

● Machines in the Net not to be reduced without Controller
● Keep Controller of single Machines

Three types of controllers can be predefined for the equivalent machines. To do this, the names of
the controllers in the input fields for Name PSS Controller, Name Exciter Controller and Name
Governor Controller need to be defined. The parameters for these controllers are defined on the
next page of the Wizard.

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Dynamic Network Reduction


This page defines the controller parameters to be identified during network reduction.

This dialog page can contain any parameters you want and their limits, i.e. start values, lower and
upper boundaries.

During network reduction, the parameters undergo a special identification process. The controller
parameters defined on this page can be varied with all the equivalent machines to achieve an
operating behavior that is as similar as possible to the behavior in the unreduced network.

22 October 2019

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