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Cloud Computing Model

Many enterprises opting for cloud computing because of its

advance features like scalability, elasticity, virtualized, multi-
tenancy, self-healing and service oriented. It is also providing
freedom of choice of services which makes it comfortable
adopting for an enterprise. For adopting it, various deployment
models are available such as private, public, community, and
hybrid. Most of the organizations are willing to implement private
and public deployment model since they have got great value
over past few years. Before selecting any model they must look
for security, reliability and manageability of the deployment
There are many questions which must be answered, and many
questions still to be frame. In this research of private and public
cloud model, we are dealing with the three important questions
that are:
1. Which one is reliable for small and medium-size enterprises

2. How we can provide security to Public, since Private cloud is


3. How an enterprise can startup with Private cloud at low cost?

“Which one is reliable for small and medium-size

enterprises (SME)1?

The reliability of cloud computing is always a key concern for

an enterprises, but the adoption of any of the model depends
upon their capability and their requirements. Since SME are
started at low cost and always take more concern of their profits.
Since a cloud computing is not a simple technology that can be
easily adopted at low cost and implemented, for this, enterprise
need huge amount to pay to the service providers or the third-
party who will manage their clouds. When it comes for selecting
the cloud deployment model, IT personnel must look at various
aspects of both private and public cloud and based on which SME
can easily find out which is reliable for them.

In case of the public cloud charge basically based on month

to month basic, so when we need the facility of cloud we can just
pay for the particular GB space, encase private cloud need not to
be on month basis, an enterprise need to pay the full private
cloud amount at initial stage itself which depends upon the cloud
space and service requested by the enterprise. The initial
investment in the private cloud is not comparable to the public
cloud, since it is onetime payment.

In public cloud computation, the main major functionality

(means security, hardware, managing, etc) conducted by the
service provider for the cloud facility on behalf of who is using the
cloud. But in case of private cloud, it’s created using the both
software as well as hardware, which is provided by the customer.

In private cloud, the storage isn’t shared with anybody

except the owner or organization of the cloud. In a public cloud, it
can economically employ someone to design and optimize his
services. Security and storage services can provide in efficient
manner. So, in terms of service quality, public cloud is better for
providing higher quality services. In public cloud user can fully
utilize the space based on the cost. In public cloud, providers save
money on infrastructure skill through buys. Volume enables to
develop optimized components, such as high-efficiency power
supplies that offer little economic advantage for small
organization. Due to its large size, in the public cloud some are
growing, another can shrinking but net demand always stable
with its size. That’s why in a public cloud user can go with higher
utilization with low risk factor pegging in the cloud system2.
Cloud storage is also the factor which helps in decision
making. Since cloud computing provides the services based on
the cloud space, cloud storage must be understood before
adopting the cloud model. SMEs basically go for small storage
since they cannot afford the huge capital investment as the large
enterprises do. SMEs also require less cloud space as they do not
provide much database storage and requires minimum of 2GB
which is affordable.
Selecting cloud model may also very for SMEs if they look
out for security concerns. In public cloud all the database and
application services will be available on the service provider
systems, which do not classify any sort of secure policy for their
confidential data, so many of the SMEs are planning to move on
to private cloud.

Ryan Skipp, head of Global Data Centre Technology

Architecture at T-Systems, says that the data classification policy
is being considered by many SMEs. They are attempting to know
that how their confidential data, available for multi-tenants, is
safe since the number of intruders and hackers are also rising.
SMEs also consider the fact that they, public cloud are providing
the same cloud space to other from its own data storage space
i.e. cloud space. This leads to discomfort to SMEs and changing
their tracks for private cloud.

According to Skipp, this new web technology has been

around for decades, but the different alterations taken place in
the past five years. The change is that the storing e-mail, CRM
and ERP applications off-site which are hosted by server
providers. SMEs are also looking out for the benefits provided by
public cloud such as flexibility to scale up quickly, low risk factor,
and finally cost of hardware and software licenses. He also added

that, “The large multinationals tend to use cloud applications and
services more freely than SMEs that are increasingly moving
towards the private or hybrid cloud.”

The decision for cloud computing deployment model for

SMEs reliability is not only dependent on the pros and cons of
public and private cloud, in fact, it also depends upon the SMEs
way of looking cloud computing. The cloud computing with public
cloud will provide less security and less initial investment and
with private cloud high-security, more manageable and huge
capital investment. At last, SMEs need to choose public cloud
model, since it is at low cost and only need to keep non-
confidential data on the public cloud rather than secured data.

How we can provide security to public, since Private cloud is controllable?

Security is the number one issue preventing a wholesale uptake of cloud

computing. Knowing the risks associated with cloud computing, such as data
integrity, recovery, privacy, and tenant isolation is critical to the adoption of cloud

Protecting the unreliable information can results in lost data, regularity

noncompliance and very important can result in increased costs. We need a
reliable, security rich information protection solution to protect our data and its
availability. IBM Information Protection Services which provides capabilities that
can help us quickly back up, restore, archive and maintain access to our critical

The highlights of IBM Manager Protection Services are4:

• Automated protection of critical data either on site or off site,

security rich.

• It facilitates predictable operating expenses, reduces information

protection expenses and also capital expenses are less.

• It also supports the functions which can support us for changing
business and industry specific regulations.

Below are some IBM Information Protection Services which are described in brief:

InfoSphere Guardium and InfoSphere Optim:

The ways to secure and protected the enterprise data are De-Identifying and
encryption the critical data. The InfoSphere Guardium and InfoSphere Optim are
the products which will deliver the powerful database monitoring capabilities
along with data encryption techniques and data transformation to protect the
confidential user’s data5.

The features of InfoSphere Guardium and InfoSphere Optim Security that

helps organizations by:

• It will develop best protection strategy by understanding where

sensitive data exists across the enterprise environments.

• Protecting both unstructured and structured data using encryption

and also allows data to be shared to only authorized users.

• Covering data in non production environments while providing

high quality to the test data and also improving testing accuracy.


It will provide the efficient and compliant access to the right resources for
the right person at the right time. This security solution can help us address
complete requirements, reduce operational costs, develop operational efficiencies,
and enhance security posture. There are many versions and sub software’s which
comes under the category of Tivoli each of them have individual functionality to
provide security over public cloud6 and some of the functionalities are described

• For effectively managing user accounts it provides policy based user

management solution.

• Centralized authentication and authorization for web and other

• They also reports on user activities across the enterprise and also they
monitor and investigate automatically.

• Integration with stronger techniques of authentication.

How an enterprise can start up with private cloud at low cost?

Open source is one way to go if we are looking to start with our own private
cloud at low cost which will utilize the existing hardware (some cases) and also
adding open source software to our environment for building private cloud.
However many problems can arise while using open source like what happen if we
wish to grow the cloud in size or in scalability which may be less and the other
problem is, which may arise around the management tools available for these open
source applications and is again something that the major vendors offer.

The alternative way is to use something like Microsoft Hyper-V or

Eucalyptus systems7.

Microsoft Hyper-V:

If we have licensed Microsoft operating system then using Hyper-V does not
add much cost and Hyper-V also provides good management interfaces and we can
grow as we required.

Microsoft Hyper-V is a stand-alone application that provides reliable and

optimized virtualization solution which will allow organizations to improve their
server utilization at low cost. Microsoft Hyper-V contains only the windows
Hypervisor, windows server driver model and virtualization components, it also
provides minimal overhead and a small footprint. It can get easily plugs into
customers existing IT environments, provisioning, leveraging their existing
patching, support tools, skills, management, process. Additional new key features
that are introduced in Hyper-V are live migration, cluster shared volume support
and memory support for host systems.

Eucalyptus systems:

Microsoft Hyper-V is used only if we have Microsoft operating system, so if

we are not using Microsoft operating system in that case we can use Eucalyptus
systems instead of Hyper-V8.

Eucalyptus systems also provide private cloud software that enables

government and private enterprises to establish their own private cloud

Eucalyptus in an open source that initiated form an NSF funded research

project at University of California, Santa Barbara. This open source model is
considered as a superior way for creating infrastructure software. Customers and
users have more freedom and flexibility, innovation is faster, lock-in is avoided.
With Eucalyptus private or government enterprises can make more efficient use of
their computing capacity, which results in increase in productivity and innovation,
protecting sensitive data, deploying new additional application faster while making
savings in capital expenditure910.

Eucalyptus Software Architecture:

Figure 1: Eucalyptus software architecture

Eucalyptus software architecture consists of five high level

components: Cloud Controller (CLC), Cluster Controller (CC),
Storage Controller (SC), Walrus, and Node Controller (NC). Each
component has its own web interface and can be implemented as
a stand-alone web service.

Eucalyptus Components:

Cloud Controller (CLC): CLC is responsible for managing and exposing the
bottom virtualized resources (storage, machines and servers).

Walrus: The interface compatible with Amazon S3 is the current implementation

of walrus; it provides a mechanism for access control of virtual machines and user
data, persistent storage.

Cluster Controller (CC): CC controls and manages the execution of virtual

machines and also manages the virtual network between VMs and external users
and also between VMs.

Storage Controller (SC): SC provides storage (block level network storage) which
can be attached by VMs dynamically.
Node Controller (NC): NC controls the VM activities including the inspection,
execution and termination of VM instances11.


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