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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación para la educación universitaria

Universidad Politécnica territorial José Antonio Anzoategui
Pariaguan-estado Anzoategui


Profesora: Bachiller
RitaTayupe Wilmer Medina C.I 26.605.148

Contaduría pública PC1

Trayecto(I) Fase(I)
Parte I. Sustituya el sujeto de cada oración por el pronombres nominal correspondiente, y
luego en el espacios en blanco escriba el adjetivo posesivo que concuerde con el sujeto de
cada oración (6pts)

1)My sister studies english in her bedroom

 She estudies english in her bedroom

2)Mary and rose play at her school

 They play at her school

3)That boy practiced basketball with his father

 He practiced basketball with his father

4)My mother and I travelled In her own car

 We travelled in her own car

5)Janet is living in my apartment

 She is living in my apartment

6)You and I stay at our homes during quarentine

 We stay at our homes during quarentine

Parte II.En concordancias con el sentido de la primera oración, oración A el adjetivos

posesivo correcto y la oración B con el pronombre posesivo correctamente
1) Frank wrote a poem forme
 IT IS poem
1) Frank wrote a poem forme
 IT IS My poem
 IT IS Mine
1)Those parents bought A new bike for the children
 IT IS our bike
 IT IS ours
2)My sister sends me some blouses

 They are my blouses

 They are mine
3)Mr. González bought a new car

 IT IS his Car
 IT IS his
4)You and I buy various books

 They are our book

 Thay are ours
5)That house belongs to my sister

 IT IS her house
 IT IS hers
6)Segundo Aponte has painted many pictures

 They are its pictures

 They are yours
Parte III. Extraiga de cada oración pronombre personal también los objetivos posesivos.
Clasifique los según su tipo. Por ejemplo: Singular o plural, masculino o femenino, 1
persona 2 o 3 persona y los pronombres demostrativos (singular o plural). Los que
convenga en cada caso
1)They don't see their Friends in that clud
2) My father, doesn't permit to smoke cigarretes in this car
3)Your childreen play in my garden during these days.
4)He wrote those poems in his notebook yesterday
5)whle I was having my breakfast the postman delivered these letters
6)Those students are the most intelligent in my english class
7)That policeman is in the middle of my street because he regalate the traff
8)She waited for her friends at the entrance of this markent
 Pronombres personales
 Plural: they
 Singular: he, I, she
 Femenino: she, I, they
 Masculino: he, I, they
 Adjetivo posesivo
 Plural: their
 Singular: my, your, his, her
 Femenino: my, her, your, their
 Masculino: my, his, your, their
 Pronombres demostrativos
 Plural: These, those
 Singular: that, this
Los pronombres demostrativos sirven tanto para femeninos como masculinos
 1era persona: I, my
 2da o 3ra persona: they, he, she, their, your, his, her, these, those, that, this

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