Christina Collins

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Foi m A.



ctorc JAMES ANDREW JOSEPH McKENNA, of the City of Ottawa, in

the Province of Ontario, Esquire, and

JAMES WALKER, of the City of Calgary, in the North-West Territories, Esquire,


duly appointed and sitting as a Royal Commission at

in the North-West rIerritories, to investigate claims of Halfbreeds who were born in the
Territories between the 15th July, 1570, and the 31st December, 188-5, personally came and

Claimant, who being duly sworn, deposes as follows

Question 1. What is your naine?


Question 2. Where do you reside?

Answer -----------------

Question . w ere were you born R


Question 4. When were you born?


Question 5. What is your father' name?


Question 6. What was the name of your mother before her marriage?

Answer ----

Question 7. is your father a Halfbreed or an Indian?

Answer -------------------------------

Question S. Is your mother a Halfbreed or an Indian ?

Answer ------------------------------------

Question 9.
have you ever received land or scrip in Manitoba or the North-West
'i'erritories in commution of your Half breed rights?

Question O Are you a memb,r of any Indian Band?


And further deponent sayeth not.

woru before us

........................ the North -

%Vest Territories on

day of-----------A.D. 1900.


Form No. 151.



in the Noi thwest Territories of the Dominion of Canada,

hereby appoint

M. SHATILLA, of the City of Brandon, Merchant, my lawful Attorney with full

power and lawful authority to demand from and to receive from the Minister of the In-
terior of Canada and from the Government of the Dominion of Canadi, and all other persons author-

ized to pay, give or deliver the same, any lands or any scrip payable on lands of the Dominion, or

any certificate for any such lands or scrip now due, payable or coming to me or that may here-
after be coming due, payable, or be coming to nie from the Government of the Dominion of
Canada in connection with or arising out of the extinguishment of the Half Bieed and Indian
Title in Manitoba or the Northwest Territories, and I do hereby authorize my said Attorney to give

all necessary receipts for the same.

And in consideration of the sum of Dollars paid to

me by the s M. S,atffiae receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, and the further

sum o // Dollars to be paid to me on the issue of the official

certificate foi the lan4rip, or other comeiisation granted to me, I do by these presents assign,

transfer and set over all my right, title and interest in such land, scrip or other compensation to
the said M. Sha tilla, his heirs and assigns.

As witness my hand and seal this

day of A. D., 1900.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the
presence of

Form B.



iorc JAMES ANDREW JOSEPH McKENNA, of the City of Ottawa, in

the Province of Ontario, Esquire, and
JAMES WALKER, of the City of Calgary, in the North-West Territories, Esquire,

duly appointed and sitting as a Royal Commission at -----------------------------------

in the North-West Territories, to investigate claims of llalfbreeds who were born in the
Territories between the 15th July, 1870, and the 31st December, 1885, personally came and


as a witness on behalf of --------------

and the said
being duly sworn deposes and says as follows

Question 1. What is your name ?


Question 2. Where do you reside ?

Question 3. Do you know
the claimant on whose behalf you appear as a witness?

Question 4. How long have you known the claimant?


Question 5. Where wase born ?


Question 6. When was be born?


Question 7. What was his father's name ?


Question 8. What was his mother's name before her marriage?

Question 9. Was his father a Half breed or an Indian ?


Question 10. Was his mother a Halfbreed or an Indian?


-'t', ___
%_,( )

And further deponent sayeth not.

Sworn before us .........

in the North-

West Territories on the --------'J.....................................


A.D. 1900.

nimi8sio, er8.

Form No. 144.

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