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1. Authorizing functions shall involve recovering the Organizations income, paying for
expenditure and preserving vouchers corresponding to operations and accounting
2. Accounting functions shall involve recognizing the claims of the organization on the
third parties incurring expenditure commitments and issuing recovery orders and
3. External audit shall be understood as an examination and review aimed at verification
and certification of the organizations accounts and financial statements by an
independent auditor external to the organizations. TRUE
4. Internal audit shall mean an examination and review of the organizations financial
operations carried out by a specific department within the organization, with the
purpose of improving the efficiency of financial management. TRUE
5. Records of the transaction shall mean the actual or presumed price of the service or
goods for which the contract is to be concluded, without including VAT, unless it is
established in advance that the organization cannot be reimburse of such tax.
6. INDIVIDUAL BUDGET the budget consisting of the regular budget, trust funds and
special accounts. CONSOLIDATED BUDGET
7. Budgeting constitutes an authorization of the secretary general to commit expenditure
for the related financial period, for the purpose for which they are voted and up to the
amount voted. APPROPRIATIONS
8. Donations shall include all subsidies, grants, gifts and bequests, monetary or in kind
received by the organizations. TRUE
9. Expenditure commitment shall mean any act whereby the organization creates a claim
on its assets. TRUE
10. Procurement is the purchase or rental by the organization of all works, goods, and
services necessary for its functioning of for the implementation of the programmed of
activities. TRUE
11. Consolidated budget the budget compromising statutory contributions and other
income received by the organizations under regulation 3.6. REGULAR BUDGET
12. Regular activities any activities funded by extra budgetary resources, in conformity
with the organizations aims and strategic priorities and conducted in isolation or in
association with one or more ordinary activities. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES
13. Statutory contributions all amounts to be paid by members towards the regular
budget of the organizations for a financial period in accordance with determined scale.
14. Donor any government intergovernmental or non-governmental organization, public or
private entity including foundations and similar institutions, making a contribution to
the regular budget, trust funds or special account administered by INTERPOL. TRUE
15. Ex gratia payments shall be understood as payments made where there is no legal
liability but the moral obligation is such to make payment desirable. TRUE
1. What provision in the INTERPOL financial regulation wherein the consolidated
budgets and financial shall be established in Euros?
a. Policy
b. Applicability
c. General principle
d. Financial directives
2. Responsible in collection data required for the identification of victim, prepares
corresponding missing persons files and notifies the authorities regarding completed
a. the am team
b. the pm team
c. the reconciliation team
d. the medico legal team
3. Section 2 of the financial regulation 1.3 describes the following are the authority of
secretary general which one is not included.
a. Authority for the financial management of the organization ordinary and special
b. Responsible for the management of the regular budget, trust fund and special
c. Decide on the methods and procedure required for the financial management of
the organizations activities.
d. Shall approve the organizations consolidated financial statement
4. Chapter 2 section 2.1 of the financial regulations describe the financial period shall
a. Every first quarter of the year
b. Every fourth quarter of the year
c. from January 1 to 31 December
d. annually upon effectivity of joining the Interpol
5. it is a written agreement between the organization and a supplier which creates an
obligation and serves as evidence of this obligation. Purchase orders shall be
considered as contracts for the purpose of the present regulations, implementing
rules, and financial directives.
a. Contract
b. Covenant
c. Budgeting
d. Procurement
6. The team that is responsible for matching am and pm data records, which ultimately
leads to victim identification.
a. The AM team
b. The PM team
c. The Care and counseling team
d. The reconciliation team
e. The medico legal team
7. The team that provides medical and psychological care and counselling for
personnel in the recovery, evidence collection and victim identification unit.
a. The AM team
b. The PM team
c. The reconciliation team
d. The Care and counseling team
8. As a rule, when does the search for the bodies of victims of a disaster begin? The
search shall begin.
a. Upon arrival at the disaster site
b. Upon orders of the officer in command
c. Until all survivors have been rescued
d. Before the day ends
9. the primary and most reliable means of identification are:
1. fingerprint analysis
2. comparative dental analysis
3. personal description
4. medical findings
a. 1,2 and 4 only
b. 2,3 and 4 only
c. 3,4 and 5 only
d. 1,2 and 3 only
e. 1,3 and 4 only
10. There are three reasons why fingerprinting are reliable indicators of identity, except:
a. Fingerprints do not change
b. Fingerprints are unique
c. Fingerprints can be classified
d. Fingerprints change over time
11. It refers to a major catastrophic event resulting in the deaths of a number of
unknown individuals for whom no prior records or descriptive data are available.
a. Disaster
b. Major disaster
c. Open disaster
d. Closed disaster
e. Aircraft disaster
12. every disaster response operation begins with emergency measures designed to
prevent or reduce further danger, such as except.
a. First aid for injured victims
b. Personal security measures
c. Property security measures
d. Crime rate increase
13. It refers to a major catastrophic event resulting in the deaths of number of
individuals belonging to fixed identifiable group
a. Disaster
b. Major disaster
c. Open disaster
d. Closed disaster
e. Aircraft disaster
14. Sending fingerprint crime scene marks in JPEG format has disadvantages when
compared to NIST format except.
a. Comparison can be automated
b. Needs more manual work to be processed
c. It is more time consuming
d. More problems with quality of the image
15. This refers to a disaster response unit that rescue and provides immediate medical
treatment for survivors.
a. Central emergency rescue unit
b. Central investigation unit
c. Victim identification unit
d. Disaster investigation unit


1. Write at least five procurement principle in compliance with the Interpol financial
regulation. CINTF
(a)  safeguard of the interests of the Organization;

(b)  cost-effectiveness;

(c)  non-discrimination;

(d)  transparency;

(e)  fairness;

(f)  integrity

2. write at least five attributes of international organized crime group

• Non-ideological
• Hierarchical
• Exclusive Membership
• Perpetuates itself
• Willings to use illegal violence and bribery

essay 10 points
differentiate the AM date collection from PM evidence collection method in INTERPOL disaster
victim identification guide.

AM Teams should ensure that all victim identification data is collected solely on
the basis of the Interpol DVI Ante Mortem Form (yellow). It is also important to
ensure that AM data are collected by the respective assigned specialists as
completely as possible and are granted equal value. The non‐availability of
specific AM data is basically also to be documented. For the purpose of
collecting primary identification features, both the domicile and the personal
workplace of each missing person and other areas in which the presumed
missing person has been should be treated like crime‐scenes.
Following receipt of the body and the recovery record, the body is placed on an
autopsy table.

The body registrar issues one unique number (if it isn’t issued so far) and
records it on a blank PM form. If a specific recovery number has been assigned,
this number is also recorded on the PM form.

The body registrar gives the PM record to the autopsy recorder.The body
registrar enters the PM number on the recovery report and gives any existing
effects in

evidence bags to the property processor.The body registrar provides the

photographer with plates bearing the appropriate PM number. The
photographer photographs the clothed body.

A property processor, assisted by the autopsy assistant, removes the clothing

from the body and cleans clothing and other items of evidence. The evidence
processor must also document the locations at which each item of evidence was

The photographer photographs the unclothed body.

The external and internal examination of the body is performed and DNA
samples are collected (forensic pathologist, autopsy assistant and autopsy
recorder). The autopsy recorder orders the photographer to photograph
important identifying features.
Assessment of dental status (Forensic odontologist, dental recorder and
forensic dental x‐ray assistant; the forensic odontologist orders the
photographer to potograph odontological identifying features). The instruction
for pages F1 and F2 must be observed.

Collection of fingerprints, palm prints and footprints (as needed) (fingerprint


DVI Guide: INTERPOL 2009 36

Documentation of clothing, jewellery and other effects (evidence processor

and photographer). At this point, evidence is placed in separate evidence bags
(e.g. objects found in wallets, etc.).

Once the examination of clothing is completed, clothing is placed in a clear

trash bag and inserted into the body bag. Items of identification, objects of value
and jewellery are taken to an evidence storage room.

Performance of quality control measures

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