Video Online Learning Lesson Idea

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Video and Online Learning

Lesson Idea Name: Create Your Own Challenge!

Content Area: Physical Education
Grade Level(s): 9-12
Content Standard Addressed:
Standard 1: The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety motor skills and
movement patterns.

Technology Standard Addressed:

2c: Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and
sharing intellectual property.

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Online Platforms with Student Video Submission Systems (e.g. Seesaw, Sreencastify, Flipgrid):
☒ Assessment Tools: (e.g., iRubric)
URL(s) to the Seesaw activity and iRubric you created:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration

☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

The Universal Design for Learning is addressed within this lesson. Seesaw has many tools to support all
learners. In this lesson, students have the ability to watch a demonstration of what they are supposed to do,
they can read the instructions, as well as listen to the instructions given.
Lesson idea implementation
This lesson is to be used during a remote learning session and can be done anywhere. Students are going to
create a seesaw account and be asked to join our class with a code or QR code. Then they are going to see
three videos that I posted as an example of what they are going to do. I have posted a beginner, intermediate
and difficult level of push-ups. Students will then choose an exercise of the three levels: a beginner,
intermediate and difficult to create and post. Students will then have the choice to reply to 1 or 2 students’
posts and do their exercise at whatever level they choose. They will film their selves and can bring in family or
friends to do the exercises with them. Students will film each exercise for 30 seconds and see how many they
can get.
This will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Student learning will be assessed by a rubric that is
attached to this lesson. This will be to inform students by creating technology while being physically active. To
conclude this lesson, I will provide feedback on the website where grades are posted. This will have the rubric
ITEC 3300
Video and Online Learning
with any extra commentary on it. This assignment can be used as an assessment or a project.

Importance of technology:
It is important for online learning because it is free and easy to use/access. This project could be done without
using technology. Without using technology, the UDL would not be able to be addressed. Without using
Seesaw, students would be unable to view their peers work.
Inspiration (optional):
I used an existing rubric:

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

There may be issues that arise from posting students, but the only way to access the students’ videos is if you
scan the QR code or have the code to get into the class. Another issue that might be brought up is the
appropriacy of the videos, however, you can watch and filter the videos on Seesaw before they can be added.
By doing this, I will ensure that students are protected from others being able to see their work, making sure
the videos are appropriate before uploading and students can only interact with one another.

Reflective Practice:
This activity could impact student learning by showing them they do not need much equipment to be
physically active. They also can make it a fun game between their family members and/or friends if they want.
To further extend this lesson, I could have students be required to do some research on what muscles are
worked during that exercise. Students can learn the muscles that they are working out on and then find the
benefits of that exercise. Another way to further extend is to have students comment on their peers’ posts
and say what muscles are being worked in that exercise.

ITEC 3300

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