English Speech

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Jasleen Binning

To all my fellow citizens of this incredible nation that we call home, I thank you… I thank you
for all your support… I thank you for all your sacrifices… and I thank you for all the hope you
bring to us every day… Listening and hearing your stories is the reason why I wanted to go into
public service and be a better politician… This is why I want to be a better person… a better
worker… a better citizen…"

You built this platform. You built this movement. You told us what you need to be successful.
You told us what kind of government you want, and we built the plan to make it happen. In
online forums and in phone calls, through door to door campaigns and in rec centers you
gathered, and we listened. You spent time together with us, and you told us about the kind of
country you want to build and leave to your children and your grandchildren, the kind of country
you want to leave for generations to come.

We are in the midst of a global pandemic, that we must begin to navigate our way out of. I as the
leader of our great nation don’t take this lightly… You have shared with us your fears and
worries. And from this day forward we will prioritize the safety of our citizens, focusing on how
our youth can remain up to date with all of their education and how we as a nation can remain
economically sound… We must help small businesses struggling in these dire financial times.
We must stay ahead of this virus instead of trying to play catchup. We must defend the most
vulnerable. It is our job to protect everyone, because that is what makes our nation so great, we
help each other in times of need rather than give in to hatred, fear, and xenophobia.

Our first goal will be to provide each and every Canadian with a stimulus package that will help
then in these economically trying times. The previous administration tried to work out a way to
financially support our citizens in these trying times but struggled to find a resolution. Rest
assured that we already have numerous plans that now have the ability to put in motion, all of
these plans benefiting you, the hardworking people of this nation. The people who allow us to be
so successful with our economy, healthcare system, and education system. We must make sure
that our supply chains for essential items are fully functioning and that we are well equipped to
handle the demands of the people so that you don’t have to pay ridiculously inflated prices for
simple essentials.

Our healthcare system which is in the top tenth percentile in the world we must be better, too
handle the influx of cases from the COVID-19 Virus without dismissing other medical issues.
We must supply proper protection equipment to our firefighters, police officers, paramedics
doctors, nurses, and essential services employees so that they can remain healthy while carrying
out their vital tasks that keep our society functioning.
Jasleen Binning

There are uncertain times ahead, but together we can find our way out of these dark, unknown
times, together we can strengthen our nation, and together we can beat COVID-19 and start
shaping our country to how we want it to be. Thank you.

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