To Teach Speaking Lesson (Communicative Grammar) & Pronunciation To Teach Inductive Grammar & Pronunciation Items

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2 Generation Curriculum

1. Why The 2 generation curriculum ?

Loi d’orientation sur l’éducation nationale N° 08 - 04 du 23 janvier 2008 which
established these changes

2. What is the 2 generation curriculum ?

1st generation syllabus ( Competency Based Approach CBA :A problem solving socio
cognitive constructivist approach ) + Project work
learner centered teaching ( planning and teaching according to the learners’ needs, likes
and interests +
Presentation – practice – Use (PPU) to teach Speaking lesson ( communicative
grammar)& pronunciation
Pre(listening/reading) – During(listening/reading) – Post (listening/reading)
PIASP : to teach Inductive grammar & pronunciation items
Situation of integration
Project work (final production of a didactic unit)= CBA without project work is
Values : teaching-learning English integrates core values such as (page 5 of National
Curriculum May 2015) :
The assertion of the learner’s national identity in its three dimensions
National conscience
Openness to the world +

Cross curricular competences : A cross-curricular competency or “ Know how to

learn?” is an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that are drawn upon and
applied to a particular context for successful learning and living. They are developed by every
student, in every grade and across every subject/discipline area.
1. Intellectual competency
2. Methodological competency
3. Communicative competency
4. Personal and social competencies +

How can English help the other subjects and vis versa? Teaching-learning English
contributes to the acquisition of other disciplines and benefits from them in many ways:
(pages 6 & 7 of the National Curriculum May 2015)

Mr Samir Bounab ( )

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