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IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Chassis ID Path 2364/Repairiinjaction ump, instal Medel Identty FLE 24349296 Publish date (DiOperetion 21702408 23672" 23672-1 Injection pump, install TD63 Note: Do not remove the protective plugs from the injection ournp be‘ore fiting the pipes. Check that the ournp and govemor are filed with ol fo the correct level. Note: Use new copper washers Special too's 9996956 thor special equipment: 9987057 1 Check that the purrp coupling is in good conkition and clean. There must be no traces of olor other impurities 2 Ft the injection pump into postion, ft and en the bolts, 3 Fit the pressure equalizer to the injection purap. Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Fit together the pump couping and the infection pump Flange, tightening the ruts to the fed torque 5 Remove the valve cover from ‘st cylinder 6 —e5 Fit cranking ico! 8956 and turn the flywheel until 1st cylinder is on compressicn (0° on flywheel ard both valve of 1st cylinder closed) Special tools 9886956 Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc 219 IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Turn the fywheel approx. 14 tum against the engine's direction of rotation Place an inscecton lamp under the sump. cirecting the beam in such & may projects a chadew on the 4ywhee! the indicater on the fywhee! casing 8 Crank the @ywneel roundin the engine's direction of rotation unti the correct degree markings according to the specifications Basic setting of injection pump on engine is visible in the middle ofthe indicator point shadow pattern or the fywhee! chi et Note: Set the degree marking within the upper helt ofthe tolerance area whi This setting rrust be accurately carried out and the fywhee! must never de cranked against the direction of rotation to tuheel has been cranked tco far. the setting procedure must be carried out again. ‘ely adjust the setting. Ifthe # Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Slacken the pump coupling clamping belt and turn the pump coupling approx. 1/4 tum in the purnp's direction of rotalion Remove the plug in the covemor housing ang #t the meaeuring instrument sensor Earth the rreacuring instrument earth cable to a cuitable olace on the injection puma. Special teo's 9987057 Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc 419 IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Tighten down the pump coupling clamping bolt se much that the coupling, with considerable resistance, can be tumed against the direction of rotation Note: The pump coupling should always oe tured against the direction of rotation hen setting the injection angle This is in order to elirrinate as much as poss ble any play between the tring gears and in the injection tring adjuster the pump coupling clamging bat is not tightened down suffcienty when the pump coupling is tumed against the direction of rotation, there will be insucient preloading anc the setting will not ke exact ust be taken rot to damage the pump coupling Carefully turn the pump coupling against the direction ofrotation unt!l both light emitting diades on the instrument light Lup. The injection oump is now in oosition forthe injection cycle te commence on no. 1 cylinder Note: The measuring instrument is very sensitive, which ensures that the setting will be exact Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Make sure that the pump coupling is not tumed toc “ar, but precisely to the point where both the light emiting ciodes light up the pume coupling s turned too far. the setting procedure must be carried aut again Torque-tighten the pump coupling clamcing bolt according to the spec‘*catons 15 Crank the flywheel back against the engine's cirection of rotation approx. 1/4 tum, 998 7057 Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Read off th according to the specifications gree marking on the flywheel and check that the setng ies within the upper helf ofthe tolerance arae Top up with the equivalent amount of engine oil that ran cut hen the plug for the measuring instrument sensor wae removed 19 Remove the cranking tocl and ft the inspection cover on the bottom of the fywheal casing 20 Fitthe valve cover, if necessary change the gasket Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 The figures in the ilustration are revered to in the following, Ft the ell foes pine and oil return oive. 22 Fit the accelerator and stooping linkages. Fit the pipes between the fue! flters and injection pump 24 Fitthe pipe te the smoke limiter Fit the exhaust temperature sensor. 26 Assemble the connector for the stopping device 27 Fit the leak-of pipe. 28 Connact the fuel feed pive and fuel return pipe Tighten the clamp on the flywheel casing Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " IMPACT 4,00.51.C0-SNAPSHOT 14/08/19 Fit the fuel delivery pipes. Note: | delivery oives must never be kent or sd. A damaged fuel delivery oie rust eluays be replaced with 3 To be carried out in the vehicl: 30 Bleed the fuel system. See 23003-2 Fuel systems, bleeing 4 Stat the engine ard check for leakage a2 Run the engine idle soeec (approx. 500 rin}. Visually check th: throw or are broken, botn cise packets snoudbe changed, s re is ro throw present in the discs. Ifthe dises ump coupling. overhauling The max. permitted axa olay ofthe pump drive shaft between tming gears and puro coupling is 0.1 mm. Tie informatica hens rar athe tite torial tt est change T " ries arc

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