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Beth Curtis

ED 131 – Wk 4 – Mod 4 Assignment – Ch 2 & 3

January 29, 2020
Due: Sunday, February 2, 2020 @ 11:30 pm
I have taught my 6th grade Communication students an important, Dialectical Behavioral

Therapy (DBT), interpersonal relationship skill referred to as GIVE. The acronym GIVE stands

for Gentle, Interested, Validate, and Easy Manner. Learning and practicing the GIVE skill will

help the students build and maintain positive relationships. The descriptions of GIVE are as


 (be) Gentle – Be nice and respectful; Don’t attack, use threats, or make judgements;

Be aware of your tone of voice.

 (act) Interested – LISTEN and act interested in what the other person is saying, Don’t

interrupt or talk over him or her; Don’t make faces; Maintain good eye contact.

 Validate (emotions) – Show that you understand the other person’s feelings or

opinions; Be nonjudgmental out loud.

 (use an) Easy Manner – SMILE; Use humor (not sarcasm); Use nonthreatening body

language; Leave your attitude at the door.

I will use the Think-Pair-Share cooperative discussion strategy, preprinted Response

Cards with the acronym GIVE and space to write in the examples of the GIVE skills, and

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remember, Understand, Apply and Evaluate levels of knowledge by

asking them to give examples, applying their skills and evaluating how they felt.
I will give my students time to Think about a person with whom they are trying to

keep a good relationship with, a situation in which they could have used their GIVE skills,

what the outcome was, and how they felt after using their skills. After a few minutes, I will

then ask them to Pair up with a fellow student to discuss their responses and to record the

GIVE skills used on their Response Cards. After the students have had about 10 minutes to

discuss their answers and record the GIVE skills used, I will ask the pairs of students to

describe their partners situation through the use of the GIVE skills. The Think-Pair-Share

approach will give me an opportunity to walk around the classroom and listen to how the

student’s applied the GIVE skills to their relationships and what they thought and felt about

the newly acquired skills. By having the students share their partners situation, I am able to

check the individual understanding of the skills and the use of the skills of each student. By

providing the students with the preprinted GIVE response cards, they are able to recognize

and record the skills their partners used and did not use. I will listen to the students and give

feedback; review the student response cards at a later time and take note of any particular

areas of the acronym we may need to review as a group. I will be able to check for the levels

of understanding and knowledge by reviewing Bloom’s Taxonomy for the 21 st Century. My

students should have demonstrated Bloom’s levels of Remembering: recalling the skills for

GIVE and recognizing their classmates use of the GIVE skills thereby showing their own

recollection of the skills; Understanding: comprehending , giving examples paraphrasing and

summarizing the GIVE skills; Applying :applying the skills to a situation, demonstrating their

use of the skills, and relating the information to a fellow classmate and then to the class as a
whole; and Evaluating: making a judgement of the skill’s use and concluding how they felt

after using it.

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