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Name : Iqbal Sanjaya

NPM : 213118022

Level : 2A

Advice for Anorexia

anorexia is also known as anorexia nervosa, this condition is an eating disorder that is
characterized by being underweight, fear of gaining weight, and an excessive desire to be thin.
Anorexia sufferers will limit the amount of food consumed to the level of severe hunger. But
strangely, they did not feel hungry at all. This is so bad! Their unconscious of the body's
nutritional needs is one of the factors why this condition is very dangerous and if left
unchecked, can result in death.

If you feel that you have anorexia, then you can start treating it from now on by implementing
the following methods:

1. Try variations of your favorite foods

The main solution that can be done for people with anorexia is to restore their normal eating
patterns. Rarely do you know that eating favorite foods like fried chicken, ice cream, or snacks
and favorite fruits can restore one's appetite. Try to vary your favorite menu slowly every day,
until you really can do it normally.

2. Talk with family

This method is included in cognitive behavorial therapy, aka therapy in the form of
conversation. In severe anorexia, you can try to talk to your family about your condition. The
closest family member can provide motivation to fix your diet.

3. Consult a doctor or psychiatrist

Even though you might be spending a fair amount, consulting with a doctor and psychiatrist is
the best way to help you from anorexia. Your doctor and psychiatrist will ask questions and do
a series of tests to find out how bad you are. After that, therapy will usually be combined with
the preparation of a diet plan to help restore the nutrients your body needs.

4. Taking anti-depressants

In general, people with anorexia experience stress due to the state of the body which they think
is too fat. Although it has never been proven to eliminate the patient's desire to return to
eating normally, anti-depressants, anti-psychotic medications and mood stabilizers can help you
to deal with depression and anxiety related to anorexia.

5. Start loving yourself

In the eyes of many people, Anorexia is often considered a mental disorder because a person
does not get the desired appearance. Therefore, to eliminate anorexia, it is important for you
to start loving yourself as you are.

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