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‘SOCIAL ate eH ame esry eerie Ptr a aie fo Ofte Use only | | ptcene: | ES ARKANSAS Fee Amount CD Paid Cowan fewaaooress, “eS tet. Mans 70% Comments: | “ Graduate School : Application for Admission | Dat Pait eats ae Native Language: Tabs reseq5 hig Gato Sais Fomertas Nan amy) —_ __________ bate ot sian: 07 272000) Chizenstip Permanent Home Address: TUS. Cota 3490 Notre Dame Ave dellen “eas geg 04 jattidalgo__“""""" United States Current Maing Acces (teres rom Pernanen Aires Previous Address atcuret adres as than 6 ant} Please indicate you ar Chesser atn County of Ctizensnie Dron Resisent ation — (international) Camencan indian orAlashan Native Dasan Diack or Atican american Natwe Hawaian or Other Pactc Islander County of Ciizenah Bune SS iy ori on Are you a bona fie - Arkansas reniden? Dirac {see back) Country of Bin: Creme Ces Dino ‘ADMISSION REQUESTED FOR: yer 2622 Semester: [9 Fai(Avg =e) Spang an May) 1D Surremert ay = un) C) Summer st Aug) ‘Are you seeking a degree? ‘Telephone Numbers: eee work 45 con GS6-ATB-U70 | Fax 6 -63I- 1138 YES, choose ONE: 3 Maser. CI Doctorate Specatst Intondea Mayor Computer SCE CE NO, choose ONE: C] Non-Degree 1 Graduate Centeate Imendes Area of Susy Have you ever applied to the UA, Fayetevile? Did you enrol? vo Dye On Dyes Wenroleg, what was your student cassiiation? Ti endergraduste C) graduate Etter Seam, inne Romo Flares sane Palate pe dG BCEMAIOD Inesseot Lannane Tdoaree Lomo fravare Miguel — Prove 456-2240. Coleges Atended [Location tn cwanoagal ote oa wana a jez og, logii7|0s, 12 |e los\an| a ks EI ‘Do you wish tobe considered for an assistantship? C] No Bilves yes, yo ‘omted at eset pasted Ita ape etme Crone Soot 34 MUST covespond drwy wih the dec cyour academe progam) om O4/2.6 120 — [MON Arkansas Ave, Ozark Hall213 ¢ 1 University of Arkansas « Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 14975-4401 # Toll Free: -R66.234-3957 # Fa: 1-479-575-5908 YIPERRUY Og ‘gradinfoduak edu» hip/graduark.eds * hip/iao vark ed ARKANSAS 6 Office of Graduate and International Recruitment and Admissions ‘Admission othe Graduate School as adepree seeking slusert a wo-step process. You mest (1) have a baccalaureate degree om aregonaly accredited instuton and 23.0 cumulative grade point average on hess 60.0 creat hours of atempted coursework prt the fect ofthe bacalaueate degree and (2)be accepted into a degre program ‘Appcants who meet Graduate School requrements shoud contact the directo of he degre program to which they are seeking acceptance. Many programs, have aationaleppeaton procedures, eave deadines, ané may require adatonal infomation auch as test Scores letars of recoremendation of portolo rmateals. Cary contact wh he department may expedie the admation process See DEADLINES below ‘An anpleat whose grade pint average onthe 8600 hours of atpied coursework sles thn 3 bu at ast 2S and meets i ter minum eau iments may be considered fr admission by special consideration, which may incu satstactory scores onthe Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General ‘Test oran equivalent examination ‘Apptcats with a conferred post baccalaureate graduate degree (exuding rcessonal degrees fom a regionly accented istuton ar automaticaly adm: ‘ble. Published amssonrequremerts area minimum. Stunts meeting these equrerenis ay not necassaly be admitted to a degree program NON-DEGREE SEEKING - Assan tothe Graduate School as 2 non degree-seeking student requires ony a signed Atavt of Academic Qualifications (tp iad var eaufornsstudenatidavtnon-egree_g'ad_stugerts pa) venga the applicant has been awarded a baccalaureate depee from a region: aly aczested wstuton” Courses taken in non-degree slats nonraty wil not eam cea toward a graguate ceyree EINANCIAL AID Pease noe hat only students admits it a depree program ae eige for Seancal ad THE APPLICATION PROCESS ‘To ensure tat your appetion processed ina timely way, you ae encoutagad io appicatin pacet shoud include te folowng (make sure your nave and sola secuty number or date of ith are onal tems}. © Graduate Schoo Application for Admission completed ana egned. You may algo appy cnine a nora uark ec. {D_-Appeation Fee ($49; $50 for itematenal students, $25 for reads) Maxe check o money ode payable othe Universi ofArkansas, Anew fee is ‘required for every application submitted, even from students who have been previously enlled (ead). 2. ‘Two copes each of al offical vanscres) om every istuton tended ina seated envelope that has been sent drecly you. Oo not open the ‘envelopes, as transcripts nin the onal, sealed envelopes wil ot be consicered oficial you have not yet ecnived your baccalaureate degre, you must submat TWO offical vansrgts atthe tne of apptcaton. Aer comp you must submt TWO ofl transept shina confirmation cf te rect oihe dates I" you wore provously roe or are curenty ervoed a the Universo Arkansas. Fayetovle, the Graduate Schoo! wil bain ranscr fm he Regitars Oc at no chargeto the applicant. Anyone who was peveulyenoed nthe Graduate Schoo! Dut who ent curentyenroled required ‘onto submt an appicaton for admission 825 e, and oficial transcpls om insutansatensea ar yout atendance nthe Graduate Shoe! at the UUniversiyotaransas A standardize test sore (1e. GRE, GMAT, MAT) sent cect by the tasting agency requ by yout degree program, or # equi by the Graduate ‘Schoo because of GPA eee above) International Anolicants in oditon to the above: {Fil ina permanent adaress in your home country on the appicaton form. itis reqused by the Student and Exchange Vitor Information System (SEVIS) 'AND send a photocopy othe name page In your passport ts cea at your name m 2 records match your passpo exay 1 Sotmitine Sonmay of Edveatona! Expenence fom 5 Scemt ne Supplemental ana Enon! inmotion wh vtfcaen of funding) or -20 issuance 5. Have te oficial ELTS, TOEFL, of PTE‘A score repo sont ‘Your settmanaged jon of your degree. Dearee-aechina Anolicants IMPORTANT! The progam to which you are appiyng may have addon requements beyond those of the Graduate Schoo, SUCh as eater ceadines, separate applcaton fms, ees of ecommendaton, GRE or che test scores, porate ot wring ramps, Contact nae ‘Mendes progiom fr move nlormaton ‘Asa graduate student atthe UA, you are expected toa) know and abide by the regulations frail studonia, a= described in the Student ‘Handbook published bythe Vice Chancellor for Student Affalrs, andb) know and abide by th regulations contained within the Academic ‘Honesty policy for Graduate Students and the Research Misconduct Policy As a graduate student, tis expected thal you wil retrain from all acts of academic and research dishonesty and wil lunhormore report tothe Graduate School any acts witwessed. By signing ‘he Application for Admission, you ar veyng your wilingness to abide by the Honor Code forthe duration of studies, EARLINES Applications should reach the Graduate Admissions Office no later than one month prior othe date of registration Deadines are False Aust, Seg vst Decarte Suer Agr, For terationlapplant, debsines we seme A ‘semester, Ocber 1, Summer March |. IMPORTANT: Many programldepartmants have ealer deadlines. ‘See our website fora deta lat of ‘rogram deadlines ond addonal requirements Na” YOO" bee ee ‘Students classes as in-state" fr unveraty tution and fee purposes at the tine of admission must havea bone fe {oma Arkansas anc must have resided coninuous i thistle n tha bona fide domsclary sas fo a ast consecutive maths prot ete Doining te tem or semestes for which foes ar paid. Exceptions to these requsementsor procedures fo requesting revow te enon stase or waver wn ue purposes are provided in Appendix Ain the Graduate School Cala. You ate encouraged vet any questons othe Regavars OMice at he cence ‘pp0runty Intemational students are claslfed as “out ot stata” for Arkansas Resident Status, ‘Acopy of your Resident Alen card green” card roland bck) must be submited with Yurapplcaton for admission, For thow inAsyee ot Reluge satus, you mus utmt ofc Jocumantavon of approval at tha statue I ‘Students wil ot be certied for veterans benefits ul hey have been oicaly admit Io the Graduale School. Envatmentin a (as does nt corset sdmision ote Graduate Schoo! DISABILITIES Avpicans with dasbites may wish 1o consult the Center fr Edvcaonal Acess at 479-575:9104,

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