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Chapter 9 Authoring and Multimedia Worksheet

Name: Class:
9.7 Case Study: Multimedia Specialists

Multimedia specialists use text, graphics, video, animation and sound to produce interactive
computer displays including sales presentations, training courses, information kiosks and
entertainment and educational products. Since multimedia seeks to compel or at least invite the
user to enter the created environment, the multimedia developer must always be cognisant of the
reaction of the user to the program. A technically superb product that is not interesting, easy to
navigate, or useful to the user will not be considered a success. The developer must know who the
user is and what experiences he or she wants that user to have and then provide an environment
that creates that experience. The entire project from beginning to end must be conceptualised,
designed and executed with this goal continually in mind. At its most basic level, multimedia is a
tool that provides access to information. The heart of a really good multimedia product is a clear
path from the user to the information he or she is seeking.
Have you ever played or seen someone play a video game? If so, you are already acquainted with
at least one form of multimedia. Or perhaps you’ve been in an airport lately and noticed or had
occasion to use a kiosk where simply pressing pictures or buttons on a screen provided
information about local hotels, restaurants and rental cars or even printed a custom map showing
the route from the airport to the destination you selected. This is another form of multimedia, or
as it is also called, new media. Multimedia uses computers to bring together text, sounds,
animation, graphic art and video to educate, inform and entertain. When Jesse realised a few
years ago that he no longer wanted to become a professional soccer player, he had to decide on a
new career path. He thought about computers because that’s what his dad does and in year 11,
decided to start a vocational education and training (VET) program in multimedia. ‘It’s really
surprising to learn just how much things have changed in the space of a few years. Technology is
constantly changing and you have to keep up with that.’ Jesse discovered that doing a VET
program also enabled him to get hands-on experience. ‘Most of the work we had to do was in the
classroom, and we still had homework to do and all that stuff. It’s just that we got two certificates
at the end.’
As for further study, there are options. Universities across the country offer courses and
multimedia is in high demand. ‘I probably wouldn’t need to go to university to get a job. This area
has lots to offer.’ After Jesse completed his Certificate II in Arts (Multimedia), he ran a business
with his father called Code 7 Multimedia. The company designed web pages for clients. Jesse plans
to use his experience in multimedia to seek further employment. His ideal job would be a media
photographer, but for now he will be happy working anywhere within the industry.
Adapted from ‘Still kicking goals’,
Chapter 9 Authoring and Multimedia Worksheet

Name: Class:
9.7 continued

No. Question Answer

1 Describe the work of
multimedia specialists.

2 At its most basic level, what is

the purpose of multimedia?

3 Identify ‘the heart’ of a really

good multimedia product.

4 Identify the different types of

multimedia that are mentioned
in the case study.

5 What type of multimedia work

did Jesse’s business, Code 7
Multimedia, perform?

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