Unit 5: Vocabulary Study Practice Bls Groups

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Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups


Exercise 1: Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 I was making my __________ home, when I realised I’d left my glasses at school.
A route B way C path D lane

2 In __________ of sightseeing, Egypt has some wonderful attractions, but getting around can be
A terms B relevance C spite D way

3 If you don’t __________ staying in tonight, there’s a good film on at the Palladium cinema.
A desire B bother C mind D fancy

4 My friend Janet never took any notice of company regulations, which __________ led to her
dismissal from the job.
A momentarily B inevitably C unbearably D thoroughly

5 Your friends might be able to help, but I think you’d be __________ off trying to solve the
problem on your own.
A better B pretty C fast D well

6 The Athens 2004 Olympic Opening Ceremony was truly spectacular, and all the spectators
__________ and clapped with excitement.
A nodded B praised C cheered D banged

7 Unless you return the money immediately, you risk being __________ with theft and getting into
serious trouble.
A accused B charged C blamed D pointed

8 It is sad how __________ some people are nowadays – they don’t take a minute to think about
anyone else except themselves.
A inconsiderate B decent C unwise D inadequate

9 Don’t even think about coming into the house with those __________ shoes on, Rob! Take them
off before you come into my clean kitchen!
A shiny B spotless C rusty D filthy

10 Our car is quite old but in excellent __________ – it’s still very reliable.
A situation B position C condition D register

Exercise 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Our travel agent called to let us know that the dates of our trip had HASTE
changed, but ____________ to add that we could get a refund if we didn’t
agree with the new dates.
2 It is ____________ to leave children playing on the beach without ADVISE
someone watching them.

Ho Huyen, MA. Med- HUS-VNU Page 1

Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups

3 I always thought Ian was a sensible young man, so I was really surprised MATURE
at the ____________ of his views regarding the environment.
4 General Higgins has devoted his entire life to the army, and most young RESPECT
officers are ____________ of him and his achievements.
5 Despite what she said, Mum was ____________ shocked when I told her VISION
I’d failed the test.

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 Do you mind if I don’t come to work next Monday?

Do you mind if I ____________________________?

2 To help us sell our house more easily, we decided to pay someone to redecorate it while we were away.
To help us sell our house more easily, we decided ____________________________ while we were away.

3 As we don’t know when we might be able to visit Tunisia again, let’s try to do as much as we can.
As we don’t know when we might be able to come again, let’s _____________________ our visit to Tunisia.

4 Tim was really lucky to avoid having an accident: if he hadn’t reacted so quickly, he would have crashed.
Tim _____________________: if he hadn’t reacted so quickly, he would have crashed.

5 Would you like to choose what to have from the buffet, or would you like me to serve you, sir?
Would you like _____________________ from the buffet, or would you like me to serve you, sir?

Exercise 4: Complete each sentence below with the appropriate verb.

1 It’s getting pretty late; why don’t you spend the night with us? Ben’s away so we can _______ you up in
his room.
2 OK, I’ll call the bus station and ask if there’s a bus to Hull tomorrow morning. I’ll _______ up their
number in the phone book.
3 To apply for the post you need to bring us a CV and _______ in this form with your personal details.
4 In the USA, Halloween is a special day for children, when they _______ up as witches and wizards and
go out singing from house to house.
5 It was an hour later that it finally _______ on me that Mike wasn’t going to come after all.

The End

Ho Huyen, MA. Med- HUS-VNU Page 2

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