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1 Basin Classification

and Depositional Environments (Overview)

1.1 Introduction tion, or denudation of older rocks are control-

1.2 Tectonic Basin Classification led mainly by tectonic movements. Hence,
1.3 Pre-, Syn-, and Post-Depositional Basins
1.4 Basin Morphology and Depositional Environ- most of the recent attempts to classify sedi-
ments mentary basins have been based on global and
General Aspects regional tectonic concepts which will be brief-
Depositional Environments (Overview) ly discussed below. In spite of obvious advan-
Some General Trends for Sediment Accumulation tages, however, this approach has some serious
and Facies
Facies Architecture shortcomings if it is not supplemented by
additional criteria. One ought always bear in
mind that the characteristics of sediments
filling a basin of a certain tectonic type are
1.I Introduction predominantly controlled by other factors and
can be extremely variable. With few excep-
tions (also discussed later), there is hardly
Sedimentary basins are, in a very broad sense, such a phenomenon as a "tectonic sedimentary
all those areas in which sediments can accunlulate facies". For example, the broad concept of
to considerable thickness and be preserved for "geosynclinal sediments", often postulated in
long geological time periods. In addition, there the past, was more misleading than helpful.
also exist areas of long-persisting denudation, In addition to tectonic movements in the
as well as regions where erosional and depositio- basinal area itself, sedimentary processes and
nal processes more or less neutralize each other facies are controlled by the paleogeography of
(creating what is known as non-deposition or the regions around the basin (peri-basin mor-
omission). phology and climate, rock types and tectonic
In plan view sedimentary basins can have num- activity in the source area), the depositional
erous different shapes; they may be approxima- environment, the evolution of sediment-pro-
tely circular or, more frequently, elongate depre- ducing organisms, etc. Many sedimentologists
ssions, troughs, or embayments, but often they therefore prefer a classification scheme based
may have quite irregular boundaries. As will be mainly on criteria which can be recognized in
shown later, even areas without any topographic the field, i.e., the facies concept and the defi-
depression, such as alluvial plains, may act as nition of the depositional environment (fluvial
sediment traps. The size of sedimentary basins sediments, shelf deposits etc.). A further ap-
is highly variable, though they are usually at least proach is the subdivision of sediments into
100 km long and tens of km wide. important lithologic groups, such as siliciclas-
We can distinguish between (1) active sedi- tic sediments of various granulometries and
mentary basins still accumulating sediments, composition, carbonate rocks, evaporites, etc.
(2) inactive, but little deformed sedimentary Having established the facies, succession, and
basins showing more or less their original geometries of such lithologic groups, one can
shape and sedimentary fill, and (3) strongly proceed to define the tectonic nature of the
deformed and incomplete former sedimentary basin investigated.
basins, where the original fill has been partly In this book an attempt is made to combine
lost to erosion, for example in a mountain some principal points of these different clas-
belt. sification systems and to show the interaction
As many workers have pointed out, the re- between tectonic and environmental charac-
gional deposition of sediments, non-deposi- teristics of depositional areas.
4 Chapter 1 Basin Classification

1.2 Tectonic Basin Classification (e.g., Dickinson in Dickinson and Yarborough

1976; Kingston et al. 1983; Miall 1984; Mit-
chell and Reading 1986; Foster and Beaumont
Basin-generating tectonics is the most impor- 1987; Klein 1987; Perrodon 1988) and propos-
tant prerequisite for the accumulation of sedi- ed basin classification systems. Although
ments. Therefore, a tectonic basin classifica- basically identical, these systems differ
tion system should be briefly introduced at the somewhat and do not use exactly the same
beginning of this chapter. Such a basin classi- terms. In this text we essentially use the sys-
fication must be in accordance with the mo- tem described by Mitchell and Reading, but
dern concept of global plate tectonics and add some minor modifications.
hence will differ from older classifications The different types of sedimentary basins
and terminology. can be grouped into seven categories, which in
In recent years, several authors have sum- turn may be subdivided into two to four spe-
marized our current knowledge on the inter- cial basin types (Table 1.1 and Figs. 1.1
action of plate tectonics and sedimentation through 1.3):

Table 1 . l . Tectonic basin classification.

(After Kingston et al. 1983; Mitchell and Reading 1986)

Basin category Special basin Underlying Style of Basin

type o r synomym(s) crust tectonics characteristics
Continental Epicontinental Continental Divergence Large areas,
or interior basins, infra- slow subsidence
sag basins cratonic basins
Continental Graben structures, Continental Divergence Relatively narrow
o r interior rift valleys and basins, fault-bounded,
fracture rift zones, rapid subsidence dur-
basins aulacogens ing early rifting
Basins on pas- Tensional-rifted Transitional Divergence Asymmetric basins
sive wntinen- basins, + shear partly outbuilding
tal margins, tension-sheared of sediment, moderate
margin sag basins, sunk to low subsidence dur-
basins margin basins ing later stages

Oceanic sag Nascent ocean Oceanic Divergence Large, asymmetric,

basins basin (growing slow subsidence
oceanic basin)
Basins related Deepsea trenches Oceanic Convergence Partly asymmetric,
to subduction greatly varying
Forearc basins, Transitional, Dominantly depth and
backarc basins. oceanic divergence subsidence
interarc basins
Basins related Remnant basins Oceanic Convergence Activated subsidence
to collision due to ra id sedi-
mentary oading

Foreland basins Continental Crustal Asymmetric

(peripheral), flexuring , basins, trend to
retroarc basins local con- increasing
(intramontane), vergence or subsidence,
broken foreland transform uplift and sub-
basins, motions sidence
Terrane-related Oceanic Similar to backarc
basins basins

Strikeslipl Pull-apart basins Continental Transform Relatively small,

wrench basins (transtensional) andlor motion, +
di- elongate, rapid
and transpres- oceanic vergence or subsidence
sional basins convergence
Tectonic Basin Classification

- Continental or interior sag basins (Fig. two divergent continents separate and new
1.1a). Basins on continental crust are common- oceanic crust forms in the intervening space.
ly generated by divergent plate motions and This does not necessarily mean that such a
resulting extensional structures and thermal basin type fills with oceanic sediments, but it
effects (cf. Chap. 8.1). In the case of large does imply that the central basin floor lies at
interior sag basins, however, major fault sys- least 2 to below sea level. When such a
tems forming the boundaries of the deposi- basin widens due to continued divergent plate
tional area or a central rift zone may be ab- motions and accretion of oceanic crust (drif-
sent. Subsidence occurs predominantly in re- ting stage), its infilling with sediments lags
sponse to moderate crustal thinning or to a more and more behind ocean spreading. Con-
slightly higher density of the underlying crust sequently, the sediments are deposited predo-
in comparison to neighboring areas. In addi- minantly at the two continental margins of the
tion, slow thermal decay after a heating event growing ocean basin. The marginal "basins"
and sedimentary loading can promote and developing on top of thinned continental crust
maintain further subsidence for a long time are commonly not bordered by morphological
(Chap. 8.1). Alternatively, it was recently highs and represent asymmetric depositional
suggested that long-term subsidence of intra- areas. Their underlying crust increasingly
cratonic basins may be related to a decrease of thins seaward; hence subsidence tends to be-
the mantle heat flow above a "cold spot", i.e., come greater and faster in this direction
to abnormal cooling (Ziegler 1989). In general, (Chapt. 8.4). Here, sediments commonly build
rates of subsidence are low in this geodynamic up in the form of a prism (Fig. 1.ld and Chap.
setting (cf. Chap. 12.3). 12.2). Some of these marginal basins may be
affected and bordered by transform motions
- Continental graben structures and rift zones (tension-sheared basins). In a sediment-
form narrow elongate basins bounded by large starved environment, subsided transitional
faults (Fig. 1.1b and c). Their cross sections crust can create deep plateaus (sunk basins). In
may be symmetric or asymmetric (e.g., half- general, subsidence of these marginal basins
grabens, see Chap. 11.4 and 12.1). If the un- tends to decrease with passing time, unless it
derlying mantle is relatively hot, the litho- is reactivated by heavy sediment loads.
sphere may expand and show updoming prior
to or during the incipient phase of rifting. - Oceanic sag basins or nascent ocean basins
Substantial thinning of the crust by attenua- occupy the area between a mid-oceanic ridge,
tion, which is often accompanied by the up- including its rise, and the outer edge of the
streaming of basaltic magma, thus forming transitional crust along a passive continental
transitional crust, causes rapid subsidence in margin (Fig. I . 1f). They commonly accumu-
the rift zone. Subsequent thermal contraction late deep-sea fan or basin plain sediments.
due to cooling and high sedimentary loading Due to the advanced cooling of the aging oce-
enable continuing subsidence and therefore anic crust, subsidence is usually low, unless it
the deposition of thick sedimentary infillings. is activated by thick sedimentary loading near
the continental margin. Fault-bounded basins
- Failed rifts and aulacogens (Fig. I .lc). If of limited extent are common in conjunction
divergent plate motion comes to an end before with the growth of mid-oceanic ridges (Fig.
the moving blocks are separated by accretion 1.le).
of new oceanic crust, the rift zone is referred
to as "failed". A certain type of such failed - Basins related to subduction. Another group
rifts is an aulacogen. Aulacogens represent the of basins is dominated by convergent plate
failed arm of a triple junction of a rift zone, motions and orogenic deformation. Basins
where two arms continue their development to related to the development of subduction
form an oceanic basin. Aulacogen floors con- complexes along island arcs or active conti-
sist of oceanic or transitional crust and allow nental margins include deep-sea trenches,
the deposition of thick sedimentary sequences forearc basins, backarc basins (Fig. 1.2a and
over relatively long time periods. Basins simi- b), and smaller slope basins and intra-arc ba-
lar to aulacogens may also be initiated during sins. Deep-sea trench floors are composed of
the closure of an ocean and during orogenies. descending oceanic crust. Therefore, some of
them represent the deepest elongate basins
- Passive margin basins (Fig. 1.Id). The initial present on the globe. In areas of very high
stage of a true oceanic basin setting (or a pro- sediment influx from the neighboring conti-
to-oceanic rift system) is established when nent, however, they are for the most part fil-
Chapter 1 Basin Classification


. .,








1000 km I

Fig. Tectonic basin classification for continental, marginal, and oceanic basins. See text for explanation. (After
Dickinson and Yarborough 1976; Kingston et al. 1983; Mitchell and Reading 1986)
Tectonic Basin Classification

led up and morphologically resemble a conti- pace with subsidence (Chap. 12.6). As a result
nental rise. Deep-sea trenches commonly do of the collision of two continental crusts, the
not subside as do many other basin types. In overriding plate may be affected by "conti-
fact, they tend to maintain their depth which nental escape", leading to extensional graben
is controlled mainly by the subduction mecha- structures or rifts perpendicular to the strike
nism, as well as by the volume and geometry of the fold-thrust belt (Fig. 1 . 2 ~ ) .
of the accretionary sediment wedge on their Retroarc or intramontune basins (Fig. 1.2b)
landward side (Chap. 12.5.2). Forearc basins occur in the hinterland of an arc orogen ("B-
occur between the trench slope break of the subduction" zone). They may affect relatively
accretionary wedge and the magmatic front of large areas on continental crust. Limited sub-
the arc. The substratum beneath the center of sidence appears to be caused mainly by tecto-
such basins usually consists of transitional or nic loading in a backarc fold-thrust belt.
trapped oceanic crust older than the magmatic Pannonian-type basins originate from post-
arc and the accretionary subduction complex orogenic divergence between two fold-thrust
(Chap. 12.5.3). Rates of subsidence and sedi- zones (Fig. 1.3a). They are usually associated
mentation tend to vary, but may frequently be with an A-subduction zone and are floored by
high. Subsequent deformation of the sedimen- thinning continental or transitional crust.
tary fill is not as intensive as in the accretio- During crustal collision, some foreland (and
nary wedge. retroarc) basins can get broken up into sepa-
Backarc or interarc basins form by rifting rate smaller blocks, whereby strike-slip mo-
and ocean spreading either landward of an tions may also play a role (Fig. 1 . 2 ~ )Some
. of
island arc, or between two island arcs which the blocks are affected by uplift, others by
originate from the splitting apart of an older subsidence, forming basinal depressions. The
arc system (Fig. 1.2a). The evolution of these mechanics of such tilted block basins were
basins resembles that of normal ocean basins studied, for example, in the Wyoming Provin-
between divergent plate motions. Their sedi- ce of the Rocky Mountain foreland (McQueen
mentary fill frequently reflects magmatic ac- and Beaumont 1989). So-called Chinese-type
tivity in the arc region. basins (Bally and Snelson 1980) result from
block faulting in the hinterland of a contin-
- Terrane-related basins are situated between ent-continent collision. They are not directly
micro-continents consisting at least in part of associated with an A-subduction margin, but
continental crust ( Nur and Ben-Avraham it appears unnecessary to classify them as a
1983) and larger continental blocks. The sub- special new basin type (Hsii 1989).
stratum of these basins is usually oceanic
crust. They may be bordered by a subduction - Strike-slip and wrench basins (Fig. 1.3b and
zone and thus be associated with either basins c): Transform motions may be associated
related to subduction or collision. either with a tensional component (transten-
sional) or with a compressional component
- Basins related to collision. Partial collision (transpressional). Transtensional fault systems
of continents with irregular shapes and boun- locally cause crustal thinning and therefore
daries which do not fit each other leads to create narrow, elongate pull-apart basins
zones of crustal overthrusting and, along (Chap. 12.8). If they evolve on continental
strike, to areas where one or more oceanic crust, continuing transform motion may lead
basins of reduced size still persist (Fig. 1 . 2 ~ ) . to crustal separation perpendicular to the
These remnant basins tend to col!ect large transform faults and initiate accretion of new
volumes of sediment from nearby rising areas oceanic crust in limited spreading centers.
and to undergo substantial synsedimentary Until this development occurs, the rate of
deformation (convergence, also often accom- subsidence is usually high. Transpressional
panied by strike-slip motions). Foreland ba- systems generate wrench basins of limited size
sins, and peripheral basins in front of a fold- and endurance. Their compressional compo-
thrust belt, are formed by depressing and nent can be inferred from wrench faults and
flexuring the continental crust ("A-subduc- fold belts of limited extent (Fig. 1 . 3 ~ ) .
tion", after Ampferer, Alpine-type) under the In order to identify these various basin cate-
load of the ovcrthrust mountain belt (Fig. 1 . 2 ~ gories, one must know the nature of the un-
and Fig. 1.3a). The extension of these asym- derlying crust as well as the type of former
metric basins tends to increase with time, but plate movement involved during basin forma-
a resulting large influx of clastic sediments tion, i.e., divergence or convergence. Even in
from the rising mountain range often keeps the case of transform movement, either some
Chapter 1 Basin Classification












Fig.1.2a-c. Tectonic basin classification (Fig. 1.1 continued). Subduction and collision-related basins (remnant basin).
See text for explanation
Tectonic Basin Classification





Fig.1.3a-c. Tectonic basin classification (Fig. 1.2 continued). Collision-related basins and strike-sliplwrench basins. See
text for explanation
10 Chapter 1 Basin Classification

divergence or convergence must take place. of the basin. If sedimentation is too slow to
Small angles of convergence show up as fill up the subsiding area, a morphological
wrenching or fold belts, and small angles of basin will develop. Then, the distribution and
divergence appear as normal faulting or sag- facies of the succeeding sediments will be
ging. affected by the morphology of the deepening
One should bear in mind that all these basin basin (transition to the situation shown in Fig.
types represent proto-types of tectonically 1.4~).
controlled basins. They offer a starting point
for the study and evaluation of basins, but - Pre-depositional basins. Rapid tectonic
there are no type basins which can be used as movements predate significant sediment accu-
a complete model for any other basin (Burch- mulation and create a morphological basin,
fie1 and Royden 1988). Even within a single which is filled later by post-tectonic sedi-
broad tectonic setting, the development of ments (Fig. 1 . 4 ~ )The
. water depth in the basin
smaller individual basins may display great decreases with time, although some syn-depo-
variation. As soon as basins are analyzed in sitional subsidence due to sediment loading is
greater detail, the broad tectonic basin classi- likely (Chap. 8.1). Sediment transport as well
fication listed above becomes less useful. In as vertical and lateral facies development are
addition, over long time periods, a sedimen- substantially influenced by the basin morpho-
tary basin may evolve from one basin type logy.
into another (polyhistory basins) and thus
exhibit a complex tectonic and depositional Of course, there are transitions between these
history (Chap. 12.9). simplified basin types and, as we shall see
later (Chap. 12), certain basins may show a
complex history and therefore contain pre-
tectonic as well as syn-tectonic or post-tec-
1.3 Pre-, Syn-, tonic sediments.
and Post-Depositional Basins
Principally, tectonic movements and sedimen-
tary processes can interact in three different 1.4 Basin Morphology
ways. These are used to distinguish between and Depositional Environments
different types of sedimentary basins (Fig. 1.4;
Selley 1985a): General Aspects
- Post-depositional basins. The deposition of
sediments largely predate tectonic movements The geometry of an ultimate basin fill is con-
forming a basin structure. Hence, there is no trolled mainly by basin-forming tectonic pro-
or little relationship between the transport, cesses, but the morphology of a basin defined
distribution, and facies of these sediments and by the sediment surface is the product of the
the later evolved basin structure (Fig. 1.4a). interplay between tectonic movements and
However, some relationship between the syn- sedimentation. Therefore, as already mentio-
depositional subsidence phase and the subse- ned, a purely tectonic classification of sedi-
quent basin-forming process cannot be ex- mentary basins is not sufficient for charac-
cluded. terizing depositional areas. It is true that a
sedimentary basin in a particular tectonic
- Syn-depositional basins. Sediment accumu- setting also often undergoes a specific deve-
lation is affected by syn-depositional tectonic lopmental or subsidence history (Chaps. 8 and
movements, e.g., differential subsidence (Fig. 12), but its morphology, including water
1.4b). If the sedimentation rate is always high depth, may be controlled largely by other
enough to compensate for subsidence, the factors, such as varying influx and distribu-
direction of transport and the sedimentary tion of sediment from terrigenous sources
facies remain unchanged, but the thickness of (Chap. 1 1).
the sediment in certain time slices varies. In For example, a fluvial depositional system
Fig. 1.4b the sediment thickness increases can develop and persist for considerable time
toward the center of the basin. In this case, on top of subsiding crust in various tectonic
the basin structure is syn-depositional, but settings (Miall 1981). Fluvial deposits are
there was hardly a syn-depositional morpholo- known from continental graben structures,
gical basin controlling the sedimentary facies passive continental margins, foreland basins,
Basin Morphology

- --.







,.\ - a* <



ig. 1.4. a Postdepositional basin created by tectonic though a morphological basin barely existed. c Rapid, pre-
movements after the deposition of sheet-lie fluvial and depositional tectonics creates a deep morphological basin
lake sediments; younger syn-tectonic basin fill is removed which is later filled up by post-tectonic sediments. The
by subsequent erosion. b Syn-depositional tectonic move- geometry of the former basin can be derived from transport
ments control varying thicknesses of fluvial and shallow- directions and facies distribution
marine sediments and generate a basin-fill structure, al-
12 Chapter 1 Basin Classification

forearc and backarc basins, pull-apart basins, comparison l o the coastal fluvial plains
etc. Fluvial sediments accumulate as long as elsewhere.
rivers reach the depositional area and supply The morphology of water-filled basins may
enough material to keep the subsiding basin significantly change as a result of depositional
filled. Although the basin-forming processes processes. Lakes and low-energy basins fre-
and subsidence histories of these examples quently show a prograding deltaic facies, cau-
differ fundamentally from each other, the sing pronounced basinward outbuilding of
sedimentary facies of their basin fills display sediment (Chaps. 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.5.1, 3.4.1).
no or only minor differences. In order to dis- Consequently, the areal distribution of the
tinguish between these varying tectonic set- finer-grained sediment in the deeper basin
tings, one has to take into account the geome- portions decreases with time, although the
try of the entire basin fill, as well as vertical initial, tectonically controlled basin configura-
and lateral facies changes over long distances, tion persists. By contrast, high-energy basins
including paleocurrent directions and other are little influenced by sediment outbuilding
criteria. Syndepositional tectonic movements (Fig. 1.5). For example, terrigenous sediments
manifested by variations in thickness, small transported into high-energy shelf seas tend to
disconformities, or faults dying out upward be reworked and swept into deeper water by
(cf. Fig. 1.4b) may indicate the nature of the wave action and bottom currents, except for
tectonic processes involved. some local seaward migration of the shoreline.
The erosional base level and sediment dis- Even on deep submarine slopes and in the
tribution within a basin are additional impor- deep sea, there is no general outbuilding or
tant factors modifying basin morphology and upbuilding of sediments, because gravity mass
thus the development of special sedimentary movements and deep bottom currents redistri-
facies. This situation is demonstrated in the bute large quantities of material.
elementary model of Fig. 1.5. In a fluvial en- These few examples demonstrate that the
vironment, sediments cannot accumulate most appropriate classification scheme for
higher than the base level and gradient of the sedimentary basins depends primarily on the
stream. If there is more influx of material into objectives of the study. If tectonic structure
the depositional system than necessary for and evolution of a region are the main topics,
compensation of subsidence, the sediment then basin fill geometry and subsidence his-
surplus will be carried farther downslope into tory derived from the thickness of stratigra-
lakes or the sea. This signifies that the level up phic units (Chap. 8.4) are of primary impor-
to which a basin can be filled with sediments tance. If, on the other hand, the depositional
may depend on the geographic position of the environment, sedimentary facies, and paleo-
basin in relation to the erosional base. In Ti- geographic reconstructions are of primary
bet, for example, the floors of present-day interest, then the basin classification used
fluvial basins (intramontane basins and graben should not be strictly tectonic. Such a classifi-
structures) are elevated higher than 3000 m in cation should also take into account changes in




0, 1 , 2 = ISOCHRONES

Fig. 1.5. Base level of erosion, hydrodynamic regime in the sea, and gravity mass movements as limiting factors wn-
trolling upbuilding and outbuilding of sediments. Note that the model may be modified by sea level changes
Depositional Environments

basin morphology caused by depositional pro- a sedimentary environment, it appears at first

cesses, the chemical and hydrodynamic regi- glance that an enormous number of differing
mes of the basin, and peri-basin characteris- depositional environments should exist. This is
tics such as the size and nature of the drainage in fact the case, but nevertheless it is possible
areas on nearby land. to subdivide this great quantity into a limited
Many workers distinguish between recent number of distinct groups which have many
and ancient examples of depositional environ- characteristics in common.
ments (e.g., Davis 1983; Reading 1986a), be- Such depositional environment models have
cause the interpretation of paleoenvironments been extensively described in several text-
from the fossil record is subject to greater books (e.g., Reineck and Singh 1980; Blatt et
uncertainties. Furthermore, the methods of al. 1980; Scholle and Spearing 1982; Davis
investigation and the possibilities of observing 1983; Walker 1984a; Selley 1985a and b; Rea-
certain physical and biological sedimentary ding 1986a), and single groups of environ-
structures differ between soft sediments and ments have been dealt with repeatedly in spe-
lithified rocks. Soft material, for example, is cial publications, memoirs, short course notes,
suitable for the determination of primary etc.
grain size distribution, which in the case of In Figure 1.6 the various types of sedimen-
lithified rocks is frequently problematic. On tary basins are predominantly classified ac-
the other hand, any kind of structure is com- cording to their depositional environment and
monly much better visible in ancient rocks basin morphology. However, peri-basin geo-
than in soft sands and muds. The surface of morphology and climate also play a role. One
recent sediments on land and under water can can distinguish between several principal
be well observed, but in many cases, for ex- groups, for example:
ample in fluvial environments, such temporary
surfaces are rarely preserved in the sedimen- - Continental (fluvial, glacial, eolian),
tary record. By contrast, indurated beds alter- lacustrine, and deltaic environments.
nating with weaker material frequently show - Adjacent sea basins and epicontinental
excellently preserved lower and upper bedding seas of varying salinity.
planes with trace fossils, various marks, and - Marine depositional areas of normal
imbrication phenomena which are difficult to salinity.
observe in soft sediments. Diagenesis may,
however, also obscure primary bedding fea- As an alternative, a group of "transitional" en-
tures. In addition, there are special sediments vironments may be defined between continen-
in the past, particularly far back in the Earth's tal and marine environments (e.g., Davis
history, for which no present-day analogies 1983). This group includes marine deltas, in-
are known. Such environments are mentioned tertidal environments, coastal lagoons, estua-
in Chapter 6.5. ries, and barrier island systems (cf. Chap. 3).
In spite of such various problems between In Part I1 of this book, a more diversified
recent and ancient sediments, the depositional classification is used with the following main
environments of both groups are treated joint- groups:
ly in this book, except for some special depo-
sits. After a brief overview in this chapter, the - Continental sediments.
most important groups of depositional envi- - Coastal and shallow sea sediments
ronments are described in simplified facies (including carbonates).
models in Chapters 2 through 6. - Sediments of adjacent seas and estua-
- Oceanic sediments.
Depositional Enqironments (Overview) - Special sediments and environments.
On the surface of our present-day globe, on In addition, a chapter deals with depositional
land and below the sea, hundreds of deposi- rhythms and cyclic sequences which may oc-
tional areas are known which meet the defi- cur in all groups of depositional environments.
nition of sedimentary basins as described in In the following, a few general principles for
Chapter 1.l. If we add to this list medium to the sedimentary fill of various basins are
large ancient sedimentary basins whose fill is briefly discussed.
still largely preserved, we have some thousand The fluvial environment is controlled by its
sedimentary basins. Taking into account this erosional base level as well as by the sediment
large number and the many factors controlling supply from more elevated regions sufficient
Chapter 1 Basin Classification











. . :









---------------- --

Fig.1.6a-d. Overview of depositional environments, based to continents (b and c), are strongly affected by variations
primarily on basin morphology and peri-basin characteri- in terrigenous input under differing conditions of climate
stics. All basins, particularly those on land (a) or adjacent and relief. d Various marine basins
Depositional Environments

to compensate for subsidence in different tec- Adjacent sea basins and epicontinental seas
tonic settings (Fig. 1.6a). Under these circum- are connected with the open sea and therefore
stances, the river gradient and thus a more or exchange basin water with normal ocean water
less constant average net transport direction (Fig. 1.6b). The extent of this water exchange
can be maintained for rather long time pe- and thus the salinity of the basin water
riods. A topographic depression, i.e., a syn- strongly depend on the width and depth of the
depositional morphological basin (Fig. 1.4b) opening to the ocean. In humid regions, ad-
can only develop when fluvial transport lags jacent basins with a limited opening tend to
behind basin subsidence. This clear relation- develop brackish conditions, while arid basins
ship between gradient and transport direction frequently become more saline than normal
is somewhat modified in the glacial and eolian sea water. Adjacent basins and epicontinental
environments. Subglacial abrasion often leads basins on continental crust are commonly
to erosional depressions, over-deepened val- shallow, but basins on oceanic or mixed crust
leys, and ice-filled troughs, which are later may also be deep. All these basins may show
filled with water creating short-lived lakes. either symmetric or asymmetric cross sections,
Similarly, eolian deflation can generate local and they may represent either simple morpho-
depressions in the land surface which, if the logical features or basins subdivided by shal-
groundwater table rises, may be transformed low swells into several subbasins (segmented
into salt pans. However, such erosional fea- basins). In the latter case, markedly differing
tures are normally filled up again with sedi- depositional subenvironments have to be taken
ments within a short time span. On the other into account. Most of these adjacent basins are
hand, eolian sand can accumulate large "sand still strongly influenced by the climate and
seas" reaching elevations well above the sur- relief of peri-basin land regions, which con-
rounding landscape. In addition, wind-blown trol the influx of terrigenous material from
sand can migrate into different directions, local sources. In addition, more distant pro-
partially up-slope. venances may contribute to the sediment fill.
The influence of peri-basin morphology on In summary, adjacent basins may exhibit a
fluvial-lacustrine sedimentation is described in particularly great variety of facies (Chap. 4).
Figure 1.6a. Terrigenous material entering the The shallow sea and continental shelf sedi-
basin may come either from one or several ments are still considerably affected by pro-
nearby sources, or, solely or in addition, from cesses operating in neighboring land regions,
a distant source. Consequently, deposition will which generally provide sufficient material to
be either texturally immature or markedly keep these basins shallow. Strong waves, and
mature and display either a fairly uniform or surface and bottom currents usually tend to
complex composition. In addition, the climate distribute the local influx of terrigenous sedi-
in the source area(s) exerts a strong influence ment over large areas. Especially in shallow
(Chap. 2.2.4). Where sediment accumulation water, the high-energy, sediment-transporting
cannot compensate for subsidence, long per- systems prevent the deposition of fine-grained
sisting, deepening lakes or shallow seas evolve materials, partially including sands. Therefore,
(see below). such areas often persist over long time periods
Marine deltas represent a transitional, highly without being filled up to sea level. This is
variable depositional environment between also true for widely extended shallow-marine
continental and marine conditions (Fig. 1 . 6 ~ ) . basins, as long as excess sediment volume (in
The subaerial part of such a delta is controlled relation to space provided by subsidence) can
by fluvial and possibly lacustrine processes, be stored in special depressions (Fig. 1.6d) or
whereas its coastal and subaqueous regions are be swept into a neighboring deeper ocean
dominated by the hydrodynamic and chemical basin. The margin of such basins is commonly
properties of the sea. Large terrigenous sedi- characterized by a kind of ramp morphology.
ment supply causes prograding of the deltaic Deeper marine basins are usually bordered
complex toward the sea; high sedimentation by a shelf zone of varying width followed by
rates and subsidence enhanced by the sedi- a wide and normally gentle slope (continental
ment load enable the formation of thick, wid- slope, Fig. 1.6d). The foot of the slope in deep
ely extended deltaic sequences. Marine delta water (continental rise) is still gently inclined
complexes provide a particularly good exam- basinward; it is built up to a large extent by
ple of depositional environments which are redeposited material derived directly from the
controlled predominantly by exogenic factors slope (slope apron) or by sediments funnelled
(Chap. 3.4). by submarine valleys and canyons into the
deep sea (deep-sea fans). The terms continen-
Chapter 1 Basin Classification

tal slope and continental rise are commonly - The influence of a terrigenous sediment
used to describe corresponding features of the source on the basin fill decreases from high-
present-day passive, Atlantic-type continental relief continental environments, to lowlands
margins. These terms, however, imply a plate- and shallow seas, to the deep sea.
tectonic interpretation. - Similarly, the sedimentation rate tends to
Deep-sea basins or basin plains are the decrease from highland continental basins to
deepest parts of marine environments except the central parts of large oceanic basins.
for the special features of deep-sea trenches - Chemical sediments of some extent com-
(see below). monly form in lowlands and special portions
Large volumes of terrigenous material can of adjacent shallow seas, but rarely in the
also be collected by the troughs in a submarine other depositional environments.
horst and graben topography bordering the - Basins with low sedimentation rates tend to
continent. Similarly, deep sea trenches at the accumulate sediments relatively rich in bioge-
foot of relatively steep slopes and slope basins nic components. Such basins may persist for
are sites of preferential sediment accumulation long time periods and are therefore often
(Fig. Id). Thick, ancient flysch sequences are markedly affected by synsedimentary tectonic
mostly interpreted as depositions in such ba- movements.
sins. Less important sediment accumulation - The sedimentary facies of many basin fills
features are small basins, called "ponds", do not reflect tectonic basin evolution and
which occur along oceanic ridges, and infil- specific structural elements. Only in some
lings of narrow troughs due to fracturing of basin types and/or during the most rapid
the oceanic crust. phase of basin evolution do tectonic move-
The thin, frequently incomplete sedimentary ments directly control sedimentary facies.
records on the tops of submarine ridges, plat- However, the geometry of basin fills,
forms, and seamounts strongly contrast with sedimentation rates, and syn- and post-de-
all other marine sediments. These deposits are positional deformations characterize the tec-
mostly biogenic or chemically precipitated and tonic style and evolution of the basin consi-
usually contain only very small proportions of dered.
terrigenous or volcaniclastic materials.
Although such limited sediment accumulations
can hardly be referred to as basin fills, they Facies Architecture
do constitute an important and diagnostically
significant part of larger marine depositional The principal characteristics of the various
environments. depositional environments include features on
The direct influence of tectonic basin evolu- different scales. These range from large-scale
tion on sedimentary facies is only evident in phenomena, relevant to the facies distribution
areas, where tectonic movements are rapid and in the total basin, to micro-scale properties
nonuniform, such as at the basin margins, or which are studied in a single rock specimen.
where sediment accumulation lags far behind As Allen (1983) and Mia11 (1985) have point-
subsidence. This situation is common in con- ed out, the sedimentary basin fill often dis-
tinental rift and pull-apart basins during their plays a certain type of stratigraphic architec-
early stages of evolution, in subduction-rela- ture, i.e., larger units are built up by a number
ted settings, in remnant and foreland basins, of smaller, basic units. In single outcrops, ge-
and in deep marine environments along ocea- nerally.only the smaller scale units can be ob-
nic ridges or transform faults far away from served, which are often not sufficiently diag-
large land masses. These problems are further nostic for the recognition of the true nature of
discussed in Chapter 12. the total basin fill or a large part of it.
The brief summaries for the common depo-
sitional environments presented in Chapters 2
Some General Trends through 6 are largely based on these prin-
for Sediment Accumulation and Facies ciples. They preferentially show field and out-
crop phenomena and how these fit into a lar-
From the previous discussion one can draw ger scale facies model. Micro-scale features
some general, straightforward rules for the and processes are only described in special
sediment accumulation and facies in various cases.
depositional environments:
Part I1
Depositional Systems
and Facies Models

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