Philosophy of Education 01

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Running head: PHILOSOPHY 1

Paris Junior College

Jimmy Enriquez

EDUC 1301.440

Dr. Martin Ellis, Instructor


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Philosophy of Education

As a high school student, I loved to come to school. Not only was it the place I came to

learn, but the place I came to escape from the streets which involved violence and drugs. See I

grew up in a drug infested area with very little to offer and parents who just wanted nothing but

the best for me. It was very difficult to make it out of this town and very easy to go down the

wrong one. What was my way out? A teacher who never gave up on me and gave me a chance to

become more than just another statistic. School just isn't about book work and passing your

classes, it is your second home and a great opportunity to become successful.

I believe that great teaching can change a student's life. It is extremely difficult to thing

about school when so many issues are upon a student and no one is there to sit and listen to what

is going on in a student's world. Responsibility as a teacher goes beyond homework and test, we

are responsible for the well-being of the students. Students tend to isolate themselves when they

are having problems and no one to talk to. These students are our future and it is up to us to make

sure they feel comfortable so they can perform their best in their classroom and careers.

We as teachers want every student to be successful. We need them to trust in us to have

that clear eye view in their bright future. We cannot let our students accept the negativity going

around their lives outside of school. An important concept we should teach our kids is no matter

where you come from or what you have been through, we are here to help you become

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I believe that the best way to teach students is teaching them hands on. Involving the

students in activities and assignments will help their minds grasp the material being taught.

Another tool I will use in my classroom will bd group projects. This will help students come

together and share their ideas. Not only will the students communicate but will help them

understand that there are different ways to solve problems. One more instrument I will be using

will be word searches, crossword puzzles, and surveys. This will challenge their mind and help;

me understand what I need to go over, reteach, or what I need to take more time on to assure the

success of my students. While staying in the basic curriculum, diverse teaching is how we should

approach our kids just because our brains all work different and wouldn’t want any kid left


One of the most important things to me is for a student to walk in a classroom and feel

comfortable and confident. It will amaze you how much a student will learn in perfect classroom

conditions. Students should never worry about not having the appropriate materials to be

successful in the classroom. I believe schools should help out with school supplies for the


A scientist I came to agree with is Albert Einstein. He believed everyone was a genius,

but cannot be all evaluated the same way. I think if we approach quizzes and tests a little

different to where we focus more on creativity and innovation, students will really demonstrate
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what they know and are capable of. That said if I am great teacher, my students will bd ready to

meet and excel the state required tests.

Ultimately. I believe students should be a part of each lesson with hands on teaching. It is

important to teach them more than just what is on a test so we don’t cripple them for the outside

world. Us as teachers have a huge responsibility just because our kids hold the key to our future

and are the next great generations. This profession is so undervalued, but it is one of the most

important jobs on earth. Educating keeps this world moving forward.

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