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Professor John Stanworth

Stuart Price
David Purdy
Dr. Nicos Zafiris
& Dr. Alessandro Gandolfo



JUNE 1996


ISBN 1 85919 097 9

© University of Westminster Press

THE INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE International Journal (MCB University
Press). Additionally, Franchise Growth And
Failure In The U.S. And The U.K.: A
University of Westminster, London, UK.
Troubled Dreamworld Revisited received the
Best International Paper Award in 1997,
"The International Franchise Research
again from the Society of Franchising. This
Centre (IFRC) is committed to
paper was later published in Franchising
improving the understanding of
Research: An International Journal.
franchising. This is achieved by the
publication of impartial research and
Close links were fostered with universities in
by the encouragement of informed
Rome and Pisa (Italy), Haute Alsace
(France) and Boston, Minneapolis and
Texas (USA), with a view to research
Franchising operates in a dynamic environ-
collaboration. Professor Pat Kaufmann of
ment, with new issues and challenges
Atlanta, Georgia, addressed our inaugural
emerging, including: globalisation, coping
annual strategy seminar, in 1994. Overseas
with competition, disclosure, industry
speakers in subsequent years included
regulation, managing relations with
Cheryl Babcock, Director of the Franchising
franchisee associations, franchisee
Institute, University of St. Thomas,
recruitment & market saturation.
Minneapolis (1995), Professor Rajiv Dant,
University of Boston (1996), Professor
Against this backdrop, the IFRC was
Francine Lafontaine, University of Michigan
established in 1993 by Professor John
(1997), Professor Claude Nègre, University
Stanworth (Director of the Future of Work
of Haute Alsace (1997), Colin McCosker,
Research Group at the University of
University of Southern Queensland (1998),
Westminster), supported by Brian Smith (ex-
Professor Frank Hoy, University of Texas at
BFA Chairman, franchisee, franchisor and
El Paso (1998), Professor Jack Nevin,
author), and Chair of its Steering Group.
University of Wisconsin-Madison (1999),
Professor Tom Wotruba, San Diego State
University (1999), Professor Bruce Walker,
University of Missouri, (2000), and,
Founder members and sponsors included:
Professor Wilke English, University of Mary
Barclays Bank, the British Franchise
Hardin-Baylor (2000).
Association (BFA), Dyno-Rod, Franchise
Development Services Ltd., Lloyds Bank
IFRC members were active supporters of the
(now Lloyds Group), Mail Boxes Etc.,
International Society of Franchising, and
Midland Bank (now HSBC), Prontaprint,
hosted the ISoF 2005 conference in London.
Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Clubs,
Royal Bank of Scotland, The Swinton Group,
The IFRC ceased its research activities in
and Wragge & Co.
2007, when John Stanworth took retirement.
Web versions of IFRC Special Studies
Series Papers 1993-2001 (listed overleaf)
Their support enabled the IFRC to publish a
number of reports, including its Special
Many of the earlier papers have been re-set,
Studies Series Papers, journal articles,
to allow a successful conversion to Acrobat,
book chapters and conference papers.
and are now available online.
Two IFRC papers received three awards
John Stanworth, Emeritus Professor,
over a period of 12 months (1996-97). The
University of Westminster
first being Business Format Franchising:
Innovation & Creativity or Replication &
Conformity ?, which received the Best
International Paper Award in 1996, from the
David Purdy, Visiting Fellow,
Society of Franchising. This paper also
Kingston University
received the Outstanding Paper of 1996
award from Franchising Research: An
December 2010

International Franchise Research Centre Special Studies Series Papers 1-16 Web Versions 2010 p.1
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER 10 London: A Capital City For Franchisee
Recruitment, (Mills, Stanworth &
The information and analysis in each report Purdy), 1997
is offered in good faith. However, neither the
publishers, the project sponsors, nor the 11 The Effectiveness of Franchise
author/s, accept any liability for losses or Exhibitions in the United Kingdom,
damages which could arise for those who (Chapman, Mills & Stanworth), 1997
choose to act upon the information or
analysis contained herein. 12 Franchising: Breaking Into European
Union Markets, (Stirland, Stanworth,
IFRC Special Studies Papers 1993-2001 Purdy & Brodie), 1998

Web versions published online December 13 Succeeding As A Franchisor,

2010, via via (Stanworth & Purdy, published jointly
with Business Link London Central),
1 The Blenheim/University of 1998
Westminster Franchise Survey:
Spring 1993, (Stanworth & Purdy), 14 Direct Selling: Its Location in a
1993 Franchise Typology, (Brodie &
Stanworth), 1999
2 Improving Small Business Survival
Rates via Franchising: The Role of the 15 Unravelling the Evidence on
Banks in Europe, (Stanworth & Stern), Franchise System Survivability,
1993 (Stanworth, Purdy, English &
Willems), 1999
3 Targeting Potential Franchisees:
Industry Sector Backgrounds and 16 Survey: Professional Services For
Declared Areas of Interest, (Purdy & Franchising In The U.K., (Stanworth &
Stanworth), 1994 Purdy), 2001

4 The Impact of Franchising on the

Development Prospects of Small &
Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in
Europe, (Stanworth & Purdy), 1994

5 The Blenheim/University of
Westminster Franchise Survey: A
Comparison of UK and US Data,
(Stanworth, Kaufmann & Purdy), 1995

6 Developing a Diagnostic
Questionnaire as an Aid to Franchisee
Selection, (Stanworth), 1995

7 Franchising as a Source of
Technology-transfer to Developing
Economies, (Stanworth, Price, Porter,
Swabe & Gold), 1995

8 Aspects of Franchisee Recruitment,

(Macmillan), 1996

9 Business Format Franchising:

Innovation & Creativity or Replication
& Conformity ?, (Stanworth, Price,
Purdy, Zafiris & Gandolfo), 1996

International Franchise Research Centre Special Studies Series Papers 1-16 Web Versions 2010 p.2

Revised version of an award-winning paper presented to the

Society of Franchising, February 17-18, 1996, Honolulu, USA,

Best International Paper Award

Sponsored by
Franchise UPDATE Publications


Franchising, as an organisational form, continues to increase in importance in the provision of

services, jobs and self-employment opportunities. However, as contextual environments become
increasingly complex and dynamic, so innovations are needed in order to improve operating
efficiencies, initiate or renew life-cycle stages, and realise a closer fit between organisations and
the rigours of their markets. There are a number of correlates of innovation in franchising, including
external environmental conditions, organisational culture and climate and franchisee
characteristics. This paper offers an exploratory overview of these factors and argues that
franchisee autonomy can play a pivotal role in influencing innovative behaviour.

Keywords: Franchising, Innovation, Organizational Change, Large-Firm/Small-Firm Links

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 1

INTRODUCTION Willman, 1991), rather than developing an
eclectic or multi-dimensional model of the
The growth of franchising in America and correlates of innovation. Further, whilst this
Europe since the 1970s (Trutko, Trutko & stream of research and debate has added to
Kostecka, 1993, Dant, 1995, British Franchise the level of understanding of the process of
Association, 1995) has led to this business innovation within organisations generally, few
form assuming increasing importance in a texts have examined the causes of, and
number of academic debates, including the barriers to, innovation within franchises
fields of law, marketing, organisation theory, specifically. This article begins to redress this
services growth, etc. One of the most issue. In particular, it suggests that franchisee
interesting issues here is the potential of autonomy can have a major influence on rates
franchising to provide self-employment of franchise system innovation.
opportunities. After all, not only are most
franchisees small businesses, but so are most The article represents a distilled overview of
franchisors. For instance, in Britain, half of the what the authors see as the key literature
franchise systems in existence in 1995 were relating to the over-ridingly important
less than 5 years old and 43 per cent had 10 challenge of franchise system innovation. It
outlets or less (Purdy, Stanworth & Hatcliffe, does not claim to offer franchise practitioners
1996). prescriptive check-lists and ‘quick-fix’
solutions to their everyday operational
Franchises are based, ideally, on a ‘proven’ problems, though it does point in the direction
and ‘tried-and-tested’ recipe for business of broader policy directives. It presents twelve
success. The importance of replication and general propositions, distilled from a welter of
standardisation which this implies would research conducted, largely, on operational
appear to offer a short-lived license for franchise systems and is intended as a step
success in a world undergoing an ever forward in the task of developing a general
accelerating rate of change. Thus, the model of franchising.
question arises - how do franchise
organisations innovate and cope with change? INNOVATION
An adjunct to this question is the issue of the
role of franchisees who, whilst not It has been inferred by Agency-Theorists
independent in the sense of the conventional (Brickley & Dark, 1987; Krueger, 1991) that
small business person, certainly do not see franchising, in itself, is a form of innovation
themselves as conventional employees either, deriving from resource constraints (Caves &
and have certain expectations of participation Murphy, 1976). This arises from two
in the processes of which they are an integral perspectives. Initially, franchising permits the
part. parent company to overcome problems of
‘shirking’ and motivation, and thus is a method
In today’s environment of rapid technological of reducing the costs associated with
and market change, shortening product life managing employees. Others argue that, of
cycles and changing customer tastes (Ansoff, ultimate significance to the franchisor, is that
1989), the strategic management of innovation franchising is a hybrid capital market (Jenson,
has attracted increased attention amongst 1989). Franchising not only entails
researchers, particularly pertaining to semi-ownership, without incurring costs, but
innovation management and implementation provides a constant stream of finance to the
(Atuehene-Gima, 1993). For example, recent franchisor.
strategic management discourse has been
emphatic on how sustainable competitive There are a variety of definitions of innovation
advantages and superior economic rents and the relevant literature usually draws a
derive from the process of innovation (Kay, distinction between ‘innovation’ and ‘invention’
1993; Pennings & Harianto, 1992; Friar & (Davis, 1991, and Clipson, 1991). ‘Invention’
Horwitch, 1985; Porter, 1985). Much of this usually implies ‘breakthrough’ (often of a
debate has concentrated on structural, technical nature), whilst ‘innovation’ implies
environmental and individual correlates of successful commercial use of such an
innovation (Burns & Stalker, 1961; Kay & invention, or some novel administrative use of

2 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

a previously established body of knowledge. To some degree, the cultural aspects of
Obviously innovations can vary in scale and, managing franchisees are, in themselves,
for the purposes of this paper, even very highly relevant to innovation. The franchise
modest innovations are of relevance since the literature argues that effective management of
cumulative effects of continuous small-scale franchisees requires a multitude of skills and
innovation, multiplied across many business an organisational culture which is suited to
units, can bestow significant competitive franchising (Forward & Fulop, 1993).
advantage (Gold, 1981; Sahal, 1984 and Kay, Franchise management inevitably entails
1993). administrative innovation since it requires
different skills to those required to manage
Technical innovation involves ideas for new employees. For some, this is a potential
products, processes or services. source of conflict since the franchisor is
Administrative innovations permeate fields unable to alter the organisational climate
such as recruitment policies, allocation of sufficiently to encompass the rigours of
resources and the social structure of franchisee management and the changing
organisations. On occasions, the two may be nature of the franchisor-franchisee
inextricably interlinked (Emery & Trist, 1969). relationship over time.
For instance, the early successes of the
McDonald brothers in their San Bernardino THE GENERAL EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT
fast food restaurant in the 1950s combined
strong elements of both technical and Hall (1987), defines the environment as the
administrative innovation. general and specific influences acting upon
the organisation. The general environment is
Initially the McDonald brothers sought made up a series of socio-economic sub-
technical innovations designed to save labour environments which influence entire societies
and speed up the process of delivery to the (Curran & Stanworth, 1983):
customer. They began inventing the essential
tools of the early fast-food industry (Love, ■ cultural,
1986) such as the hand-held stainless steel
pump dispenser which required just a single ■ economic,
squeeze to dispense the required amount of
ketchup and mustard evenly onto a bun - a ■ political,
variation of this device is still in use in
McDonald’s burger bars today. Boas & Chain ■ technological,
(1976), claimed:
■ legal and
"Each innovation made the service
more uniform; each refinement served ■ demographic
the cause of standardization, volume
and profit. Speed ... constituted the
essence of Hamburger Science." Yavas (1988), in a study of macro-economic
influences on fast-food restaurant franchising
Allied to this level of technical innovation came in the USA, established that the key general
a move from cooking being a personalised art environmental factors affecting the expansion
form towards the construction of a of restaurant franchising were:
factory-styled, ‘Fordist’, assembly-line working
like a ‘crack drill team’ (Love, 1986). Factory ■ the shift of population from rural to urban
production techniques and principles, areas,
‘Fordism’ and ‘Taylorism’, had been around for
some time but their disciplined application to ■ increased demand for food purchased
an antiquated restaurant trade which had away from home due to an increase in
traditionally operated on a largely ad hoc and female employment,
highly personalised basis was truly innovative
and initiated the industrialisation of service ■ increased demand for food purchased
(Levitt, 1976). away from home due to increased

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 3

disposable income, initiatives in other areas of the labour market,
e.g., women, ethnic minorities, poorly
■ shortages of capital and high interest rates, capitalised but otherwise suitable individuals,
thus limiting the potential for ‘independent’ etc.
growth and encouraging the development
and growth of franchising using Complexity
franchisees’ capital and resources.
‘Complexity’ refers to the number of linkages
required to manage resources. Child (1972)
Factors such as the above can best be describes environmental ‘complexity’ as ‘the
operationalized in a paper such as the current heterogeneity and range of activities which are
one by harnessing more specific contextual relevant to an organisation’s operations’. The
environments such as those presented below. level of complexity within franchising is often
strategically limited by the franchisor through
SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL EXTERNAL the contract. For example, in some franchises,
ENVIRONMENTS there is an obligation on franchisees to buy
goods connected with the essential object of
Specific environments are often termed task the franchise business exclusively from the
or contextual environments (Thompson, franchisor or designated suppliers (Adams &
1967). These refer to the organisations, Pritchard-Jones, 1990). Adams &
groups and individuals with which the Pritchard-Jones (1990) observe that
organisation is in direct interaction. Analysis at franchisors often adopt this form of ‘tie’
this level is probably most appropriate where because it serves the purposes of,
the organisation represents the key point of ‘economising on franchisor quality-policing
focus. Dess & Beard (1984) suggest that costs’, thereby reducing complexity (Klein &
‘munificence’, ‘complexity’ and ‘dynamism’ are Saft, 1985). Thus, high levels of complexity
widely considered as important dimensions of may be seen as a catalyst for innovations
the task environment affecting organisational designed to reduce levels to more
strategy (Aldrich, 1979). manageable proportions.

Munificence Dynamism

‘Munificence’ is an expression of surplus (or ‘Dynamism’ is defined as change that is hard

scarcity) of resources (Castrogiovanni, 1991) to predict and which may cause the firm to
experienced by a franchise organisation. ‘jump’ rather than follow a smooth trajectory
Environmental ‘munificence’ can be seen to throughout its life cycle. Such ‘jumps’ may
affect franchising in various ways. For have positive outcomes leading to increased
example, prevailing conditions in employment size (Aislabie, 1992), or downward leading to
labour markets may increase or reduce the failure (Scapens, Ryan & Fletcher, 1981).
numbers of potential franchisees searching for Dynamism may affect a franchise as a result
franchise opportunities (Purdy & Stanworth, of munificence changing in a beneficial or
1994). Support (or absence of support) by harmful way for reasons beyond the control of
government and banks for small businesses the firm.
and franchising could be construed as yet
another dimension here (Walker & Dynamism may occur, for instance, through
Greenstreet, 1991), as can the tendency for the market entry of competitors. As franchises
financial institutions to lend to individuals who operate within the confines of set geographic
can rely on the support of a well established territories, there may exist a necessity for the
franchisor (Garceau, 1989; Stern & Stanworth, franchisee to engage in price and non-price
1994). It can be argued that ‘scarcities’ in the competition. This may require alternative
environment are likely to promote innovations. operating methods and products to counter
For instance, as franchise companies the potential loss in market share.
experience growing difficulties in recruiting
franchisees from traditional channels, they are Inter alia, it may be argued that if service
increasingly likely to spawn innovational orientated business franchises are already

4 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

operating under stochastic conditions, the respect to the external environment.”
operating environment should be one (1981)
receptive to innovation, since that innovation
will not be instigating a great movement in Thus as slack resources in an organisation
established boundaries and skills. The increase, so does the probability of innovation
exigency caused by environmental dynamism and adaptability to task environments (Cyert &
may require the franchisee to innovate either March, 1963). In the context of non-price
through new product development or through rivalry, Leiberman & Montgomery (1988)
causing an alteration in the manner in which argue that it is generally less costly to mimic a
the franchise is operated. competitor’s action than to undertake an
entirely new action. It may therefore be
Consideration of these three specific hypothesised that firms with fewer slack
environment dimensions, ‘munificence’, resources will be, on average, more likely to
‘complexity’ and ‘dynamism’ suggests that all imitate a rival’s actions rather than initiate their
can be seen as parameters of environmental own innovation. We are not saying here that
pressure for innovation. Hence three general this will, of necessity, always be the case
propositions may be proposed here: since, on occasions, weaker rivals may be
motivated to leapfrog stronger competitors
❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 1: with completely new innovations. Additionally,
Levels of franchise system innovativeness this may be more likely in sectors where
will correlate with the negative expression innovation costs are relatively low. However, it
of environmental ‘munificence’, i.e., levels is in the nature of this paper to offer general
of ‘scarcity’. propositions as a basis for further debate.

❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 2: Singh (1986) differentiates between two types

Levels of franchise system innovativeness of slack: absorbed and unabsorbed. Whereas
will correlate positively with levels of absorbed slack indicates the slack absorbed
environmental complexity. within the costs of organisation, unabsorbed
slack refers to uncommitted liquid resources.
❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 3: However, in spite of the existence of
Levels of franchise system innovativeness organisational slack within some franchisee
will correlate positively with levels of concerns, Price (1993) shows that UK fast
environmental dynamism. food franchisees have generally lower levels
of unabsorbed slack than franchisors.


‘Organisational autonomy’ can be measured
Organisational Slack along many dimensions, including elements of
structure, centralised or organic decision
‘Munificence’ was identified above as a making, openness versus defensiveness, high
specific external environmental factor versus low trust management style, levels of
influencing innovation. This was seen as a discretion, and tolerance or punishment of
measure of scarcity or surplus in innovational failure (Anthony, 1994; Pheysey,
organisational sub-environments. Likewise, 1993). Thus, ceteris paribus, should the
and possibly related, levels of internal franchisor develop a climate that nurtures and
resource scarcity or surplus (slack) may encourages innovative behaviour, then this
influence an organisation’s options for may be expected to foster higher levels of
innovation. Bourgeois defines slack as: innovation on the part of both franchisor
employees and franchisees. Given that the
“that cushion of actual or potential latter will substantially outnumber the former,
resources which allows an organisation and have point-of-sale contact with
to adapt successfully to internal customers, their potential for innovation and
pressures for adjustment or to external creativity is potentially high.
pressures for change in strategy with

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 5

Cohen (McDonald’s vice president of of time preparing employee work schedules.
licensing), quoted in Shook & Shook (1993), He found that, by developing and using
observed that much technical innovation, at computer software, he was able to lower costs
least, had been initiated by franchisees: by reducing manning levels.

“Experimentation has been very healthy It is notable, however, that some of the most
for the system, and we encourage it cited examples of franchisee-led innovation
from our franchisees. Most of the major result from experimentation by franchisees
break-throughs in our menu line were that was not only not sanctioned by
made by franchisees and, in most franchisors but was, on occasions, actually
cases, they did it while working in discouraged. Dandridge & Falbe (1994) infer
conjunction with us. In some cases, that, to some extent, the management of
particularly in the early days, we told innovation requires the actual nurturing of
them not to do something, but because entrepreneurship within the franchise
the franchisees were aggressive system.
entrepreneurs, they did it anyway and
convinced us that it was a great idea.” Past Experience of Innovation
(1993) (emphases added)
Burns & Stalker (1961), in their seminal work
Specific examples of franchisees’ propensity on the management of innovation, drew
to innovate according to the rigours of the attention to the problems of implementation
market are well documented. Love (1986) and that result in innovations being technical
Shook & Shook (1993) both site the example successes but organisational failures. Their
of McDonald’s franchisee Lou Groen who analyses stressed the complexity of
owned a franchise in a predominantly Catholic organisational systems and the social inertia
neighbourhood. On Fridays, the franchisee that damps out the effects of innovations as a
found that his restaurant was not as busy as at result of political agendas and lack of prior
other times of the week since on that particular experience in managing innovation and
day his customers ate fish. In order to maintain smothering the process. If historical
sales volumes, Groen developed a experiences of the effects of innovation have
fish-sandwich. A year later, in 1964, the been negative, then future attitudes towards
“Filet-of-Fish” was introduced systemwide. innovation are, likewise, likely to be negative.

More recently, Ed Rensi, President and CEO From the above discussion, three further
of McDonald’s USA, has said: general propositions may be posited:

“Most of our new product ideas come ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 4:

from franchisees. Jim Delligatti, an Levels of franchise system innovativeness
owner/operator in Pittsburgh, came up will correlate positively with levels of
with the idea for the Big Mac. Initially, organisational ‘slack’.
he was rejected because we weren’t
interested in expanding the menu. ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 5:
Subsequently, an employee Levels of franchise system innovativeness
encouraged him to try it, and Pittsburgh will correlate positively with levels of
had tremendous sales results. Our Egg organizational autonomy.
Muffin came from an owner/operator in
California.” (Success Magazine, 1995) ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 6:
Levels of current franchise system
Whilst the above examples of franchisee-led innovativeness will correlate positively with
innovation focus on product breakthroughs, past experiences of success or failure in
examples of administrative innovation are the management of innovation.
also cited in the literature. For instance, Love
& Hoey (1990) have utilised the example of
multi-unit McDonald’s franchisee owner, Al
Boxley, who spent a disproportionate amount

6 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

Organisational Learning Arguably it is Level 3 which is the most difficult
to achieve since it requires imagination rather
Fundamental to the development of franchise than technical ability. To some degree, this is
systems are the concepts of ‘technology also partially reliant on general environment
transfer’ and ‘learning organisations’ (Feuer, conditions, such as a culture and educational
1989). Here ‘technology’ is translated in broad system which encourages the willingness to
terms rather than its popular - that is physical accept change. Whilst realising Level 3 may
- manifestations (Kransberg & Pursell, 1967; also be a reflection of the range of experience,
Pine, 1987). Merrill propounds that a more age and educational background of the
adequate conception of a technology is that it franchisee, the quality of training in other
is: developing operational capability may also be
positively correlated to innovativeness.
“... a flexible repertoire of skills, McGuire observes that there are however
knowledge, and methods for attaining limitations in franchisee training programmes:
desired results and avoiding failures
under varying circumstances.” (1968) “Franchise training executives point out
that their principal difficulty is not
There are numerous perspectives of providing the technical or managerial
technology transfer (Seurat, 1979; Hamel, skills requisite to their operations, but in
1991). Dahlman & Westphal (1983) identify changing the would-be franchisee’s
three levels of technology transfer, which it is outlook from that of an hourly or
possible to align to a context of franchise salaried employee to that of an
systems: independent entrepreneur.” (1971)

■ Level 1. Operating Capability: Wolf et al (1990) expound that people actively

the capability required to operate a select appropriate skills or transfer knowledge
technology, for example, to run and for a given occasion from their own individual
maintain a business unit (such as a quick sources. This, they argue, involves defining or
service restaurant) recognising a problem as belonging to a
certain category. Thus, the wider the range of
■ Level 2. Investment Capability: situations the more likely they are to build up a
the capability required to create new repertoire of very general problem types, and
productive capacity (or new restaurants) ‘schemata’ for dealing with these. The more
general the schemata, the more varied the
■ Level 3. Innovative Capability: particular situations for which they have a
the ability to modify and improve methods response.
and products
Human Capital

All of these levels require different skills and Hambrick & Mason (1984) argue that a
support from the franchisor. Levels 1 and 2 manager’s business experience, education
are relatively simple to achieve through on- and age (‘human capital’) are indicators of
the-job and training. Historically, franchise his/her flexibility, capability and risk taking
training was generally limited to providing the propensities. They contend that if managers
franchisee with a manual. However, many have spent their careers within a single
have become increasingly sophisticated in industry or organisation, they will have a
how they develop franchisees operating ability limited knowledge base from which to analyse
through the combined use of class-room and and understand competitors and
hands-on techniques. Contemporary environmental change. Similarly, they argue
franchisee training, however, is generally that organisational innovation, or an
performed at one of four basic training organisation’s openness to change, is
facilities: a) at a full-service training centre; b) positively related to educational levels. Inter
at a training store; c) by a franchisee/trainer; alia, well educated franchisees will be more
and/or d) a certified store manager/trainer. likely to recognise opportunities for
improvement and new product or service

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 7

development than their less educated ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 8:
counterparts. Finally, they suggest that A positive relationship will exist between
innovativeness is inversely related to age. levels of variety and achievement
This suggests a possible paradox since, on established in a franchisees’ previous
the one hand, youth is perceived to be a career (‘human capital’) and
positive correlate of innovation whilst, on the innovativeness as a franchisee.
other, experience has the same effect. UK
data (Stanworth, 1984a) indicates substantial ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 9:
differences between different franchise Franchisors will adjust their franchisee
systems in terms of the educational recruitment priorities over time in line with
backgrounds of franchisees, their age of entry their perceived needs for franchisee
into franchising and prior levels of commercial innovation.
experience. A key factor here is the level of
front end fees charged by different franchisor
systems. The higher the level of investment The Franchise Relationship
required, the greater is the tendency for
access to be limited to those who have Any understanding of the role of franchisee
achieved high earnings levels in previous autonomy as a correlate of innovation has to
employment. In turn, such people tend to be be founded on a clear understanding of the
well educated and older, on average, than domain of both the franchisee and franchisor.
entrants to lower entry cost franchisees. Indeed, it is arguable that the degree of
franchisee autonomy has a pivotal position in
The ‘human capital’ preferences of franchisors determining the implementation and latitude to
may change at various stages in the life-cycle innovate. It would be expected that, in order to
of a given franchise system. We have cited enhance the level of franchisee
franchisees’ ‘human capital’ or previous innovativeness, the franchisee would need
experience as a positive indicator of likely sufficient autonomy in order to respond to the
levels of innovation. Research recently rigours of the task environment. As Doz (1988)
conducted in the UK at the University of indicates, reduced autonomy may curtail
Westminster indicates that managers of innovative output. Extant research concerning
mature franchise systems (10 years and over) franchisor-franchisee relations has yielded a
are notably more likely to prefer franchisees rich debate around the issue of autonomy
without prior experience of self-employment (Heide, 1994).
(Macmillan, 1996) or experience in the
operational line of the franchise, than those in
their formative period (first 4 years). This Felstead (1991; 1993) has examined the
situation could be interpreted as a perceived distribution of power and control within the
need by early-stage franchisors to supplement franchise relationship. After a detailed study of
their own in-house expertise with that of franchise contracts, he argues that the
previously self-employed people from the franchisor controls the relationship through the
same business sector as the franchise. Older ownership of the key factors of production and
franchise systems, on the other hand, may the intangible assets. Such control is evident
deem the issue of organisational ‘control’ and and exercised within three key aspects of the
compliance of increasing importance, and thus franchise relationship:
prefer franchisees from outside the sector in
question and without prior self-employment “First, despite operating without close
experience. and direct supervision, franchisees are
required to operate within procedures
The above discussion suggests evidence for laid down and often subject to unilateral
the following general propositions: change. Moreover, franchisees are
sometimes committed to adhere to
❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 7: franchisor-set performance targets,
A positive relationship will exist between and, in any case, to give the aim of the
franchisor training investment and franchisor (turnover maximisation)
franchisee innovativeness. primacy in the running of the business.

8 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

Secondly, while they appropriate the When this situation eventually came to the
profits (and losses) of the business, notice of the franchisor, our respondent
they do so only after they have made instigated a competition urging franchisees to
turnover payments to the franchisor. notify head-office of such operational
Thirdly, although franchisees buy or innovations. Though many franchisees
lease much of the physical business acknowledged having made such innovations,
apparatus, some parts remain in the and often having shared them with other
hands of the franchisor, and some have franchisees, only 3 subsequently co-operated
franchisor-imposed restrictions on their in the franchisor’s attempts to ‘gain ownership’
use both during and after the currency of them. It is possible that this is close to the
of the agreement. Furthermore, ‘norm’, rather than being an exception, and
franchisees have no ownership rights in indicates the scale of the potential for the
the intangible assets - they simply release of local innovative flair in a
‘borrow’ the business idea, trading collaborative environment. It might be
name and/or format.” (1993) suggested here that the degree to which
franchisees are willing to share their own
Housden (1984) suggests that the franchisor innovations will be a function of perceptions of
may well restrict the franchisee’s ability to the quality of relationships with the franchisor.
respond to local demand conditions through
the control of key marketing variables Joint Representative Committees
(advertising, promotion, territory etc.). Several
studies establish that franchisees often It can be argued that permitting franchisees to
complain about the controls on services participate in shaping management policy-
provided by the franchisors and the lack of making via, say, joint representative
autonomy in decision making (Knight, 1984; committees, may help to solidify the unity of
Ayling, 1987; Withane, 1991). According to the franchise system, not all franchise
this research, some franchisees feel that they companies have any definite machinery for
are not manifesting their desired level of such participation. A recent survey of
entrepreneurial spirit as they are provided too franchisors in Britain found them almost
little opportunity to participate in strategy equally divided on this (BFA, 1995).
formulation for their businesses. Franchisee participation in decision-making
process has a number of advantages. The
However, Stanworth et al (1984b) differentiate franchisee is often the closest to consumers
between formal and operational franchisee and most aware of their needs, and can
autonomy, and establish the existence of therefore direct innovative effort. Also,
greater levels of operational autonomy than franchisee participation may increase the
are indicated by the formal contract: acceptance of decisions as they will be more
aware of the factors that led to the decision.
“ an everyday level, operational Thus, the more the franchise organisation is
autonomy is much more evenly spread viewed as a set of coupled units, where joint
between franchisors and franchisees actions rest on negotiations, the more any
than is suggested by consideration of strategy for the encouragement and
the formal level alone. There are clear implementation of innovation must emphasise
limits to the control franchisors can the need to mobilise coalition (Weick, 1976).
exercise physically or normatively at
the operational level.” (1984) Technical versus Administrative Innovation
In Britain recently, research involving the Daft (1978) construes the organisation as
British license-holder of a large and successful comprising two cores: an administrative core
US franchise system revealed that new and technical core. He argues that each core
franchisees often relied upon advice from has its own sphere of expertise. In the
other franchisees, rather than the franchisor, innovation process, technical innovations will
in order to safeguard themselves against tend to derive from the technical core, whilst
deficiencies and inaccuracies in the franchise administrative ones will derive from the
manual, which would otherwise prove costly. administrative core. Within the context of

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 9

Figure 1 - Correlates of Innovation

General External Environment

Economic, Political, Cultural Systems, Legal,
Demographic, Technological Trends &

External Environment
Scarcity, Complexity, Dynamism

Internal Organisational Environment

Slack, Autonomy, Learning,
Human Capital, Recruitment Policies &
The Franchise Relationship


franchise businesses, franchisors may be general propositions are suggested:

equated to the administrative core of the
organisation since they are orientated to ❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 10:
governance issues such as planning (Barney Franchisees will generally experience
& Ouchi, 1986) and monitoring the system sufficient functional autonomy to facilitate
(Rubin, 1990). It may also be observed that, their meaningful participation in the
where there are dual-systems of distribution process of franchise innovation to the
and the franchisor operates company-owned extent that ‘ownership’ of innovations may
units, that the franchisor has access to a be withheld from franchisors.
technical core other than franchisees.
From the above discussion, the following Franchisors will devise a range of

10 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

administrative procedures over time as an and political institutions plus technological,
aid to gaining access to the fruits of legal and demographic changes. Constructing
franchisee ideas and innovations. a theory of franchising with the business
franchise system as the key focus, we began
❖ GENERAL PROPOSITION 12: by conceptualising three specific external
Franchisee innovativeness will tend to be organisational environments and stressed the
oriented towards technical rather than importance of ‘scarcity’, ‘complexity’ and
administrative issues. ‘dynamism’ as correlates of innovation.

We subsequently stressed the importance of a

DISCUSSION degree of organisational ‘slack’, autonomy and
previous successes and failures in innovation
This article has attempted to identify key as factors influencing innovation success in
correlates of innovation in franchising and the future. Similarly, levels of franchisee
develop them into a general model (See training provided by the franchisor, plus levels
Figure 1). We do not assert that our analysis of available ‘human capital’, i.e., quality and
is totally comprehensive but, rather, a step quantity of past achievements and
towards a better understanding of franchising experiences were posited as important factors
at a general level (Curran & Stanworth, 1983) influencing likely levels of innovation. The
and, hopefully, a catalyst and platform for interesting issue of ‘ownership’ and transfer of
further debate. operational innovations established by
franchisees and possibly unknown to the
It is a truism that franchise organisations do franchisor was raised and the relationship
survive in fast-changing market places and challenges which that involves if the
this, in itself, is testament to an innovative potential of the franchisee is to be
institutionalised ability to innovate and adapt. harnessed.
In tandem with a stress upon predictable
bureaucratic structures, detailed operating Writers such as Mintzberg (1983), Burns &
manuals and prescribed methods of operation, Stalker (1961) and Kanter (1985) have offered
franchise organisations tend to operate fairly solid evidence that organically structured
methods of harnessing the innovative potential organisations are best equipped to cope with
of franchisees. Field visitors, consultants, innovation and change. Mintzberg sees
‘mystery customers’, workshops, in-house ‘adhocracy’ as the most creative and
newsheets, plus normal everyday contacts innovative organisational form. Yet franchises
and communications, all act as filters for tend to be typically organised into more
ideas. hierarchical structures, that is, along the lines
of what Mintzberg terms a ‘machine
The mere decision by business owners to bureaucracy’. Consistent with this view are
expand their business via the use of frequent claims that ‘franchisors seek
franchising may be deemed highly innovative, replication not innovation and conformity not
judged from a human resource, financial or creativity’ from their franchisees (English &
ownership point of view. However, despite the Hoy, 1995). Paradoxically, however, it is this
franchisor’s initial innovative effort in adopting homogeneity which may provide both speed of
franchising as an organisational form, diffusion and ease of implementation of an
corporate survival at different stages of the innovation within a franchise system.
development of a business, market or industry Johnston & Leenders (1990) indicate that
requires innovative change. Given the pivotal operations in different facilities of the same
position of the franchisee in terms of nearness company may be standardised, and therefore
to customers, the franchisee’s role in share common problems and opportunities for
innovation can be crucial. improvement with even minor innovations. At
an every-day level, the reality appears to be
Any general theory of franchising conducted at often one facilitating innovative expression of
the societal level would focus upon what we franchisee autonomy.
have termed the ‘general environment’,
stressing factors such as cultural, economic Pinchot (1986) has shown that

International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 11

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International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9 15


John Stanworth is the director of the The International Franchise Research Centre
International Franchise Research Centre (I.F.R.C.) is committed to improving the
and has been engaged in research into understanding of franchising. This is achieved
franchising since the mid-1970s. He also leads by the publication of impartial research and by
the Future of Work Research Group, based at the encouragement of informed debate.
the University of Westminster, which has a Membership is suitable for anyone with an
record of specialist research in Teleworking, interest in franchising and further details are
Small Business Development and Human available from the address on the rear cover.
Resource Management. Studies have been
undertaken for many clients, including The
Department of Trade & Industry, The SPECIAL STUDIES SERIES
Department for Education and The Economic
& Social Research Council. Papers in the Special Studies Series are
supplied free of charge to I.F.R.C. members
Stuart Price, David Purdy and Nick Zafiris and are published a minimum of four times a
are members of the London Management year. They report upon a range of issues
Centre, University of Westminster. which are felt to be of interest to the
Alessandro Gandolfo is based at the franchising community. Subject matter
University of Pisa, Italy. includes the findings of surveys of franchisors,
franchisees, and potential franchisees, and
also special interest matters, such as finance
for franchising.

No.1 The Blenheim/University of

Westminster Franchise Survey:
Spring 1993

No.2 Improving Small Business Survival

Rates via Franchising: The Role of the
Banks in Europe

No.3 Targetting Potential Franchisees:

Industry Sector Backgrounds and
Declared Areas of Interest

No.4 The Impact of Franchising on the

Development Prospects of Small &
Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in

No.5 The Blenheim/University of

Westminster Franchise Survey: A
Comparison of UK and US Data.

No.6 Developing a Diagnostic Questionnaire

as an Aid to Franchisee Selection

No.7 Franchising as a Source of

Technology-transfer to Developing

No.8 Aspects of Franchisee Recruitment

16 International Franchise Research Centre - Special Studies Series Paper No.9

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