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Green House Farming

We find varieties of regular and exotic vegetables in the markets, but do we ever think if these
vegetables are safe for consuming? How well do we clean these vegetables before eating?
We all are not only purchasing vegetables but also deadly diseases along with it. Endosulfan,
Ecolox, Chlordane, Fungicide; these are the life risking chemicals used for growing these
vegetables. How far are we aware of these?
“Food is Medicine, Medicine is Food”... is what our forefathers have said. They have set a
timetable in diet and lifestyle, which is our treasured legacy. Without being selfish, they planted
palm trees in their backyards. They thought of the needs of the future generation. All this has
become folklore now. Carrot with Vitamin A is good for eyes, Lemon with Vitamin C gives
immunity , String beans are source of B complex, Eggplant provides Calcium. Besides this
Endosulfan, Furidon and many other toxic stuff abound in these vegetables. The skin of Apple
used to be nutritious, now it only contains Wax. Even if poisoned vegetables are expensive,
poison is sold cheapest in India.
Our grandmothers had a dozen children. They were raised not only by mother, anyway
that’s quite impossible; Nature lent a hand too. Now with 1 or 2 kids we rush to pediatricians so
often. The previous generation suffered only from old age, now even the unborn baby has a
heart problem. At a tender age of 5 kids wear glasses. 10 year olds are diagnosed with
Diabetes , Asthma or Cancer, and many more diseases. Rather than being healthy, we give
importance to beauty. Children should study in a reputed school, have a job in a corporate firm,
buy a house, or save funds, etc. Why don’t we think of being healthy? We destroy fields and
build concrete jungles. Let’s not bring a situation where time reaffirms ‘men are living
graveyards’. This is the right moment, we should spring into action. We should trust our
In future, when we build houses, reserve at least 1 cent space to grow trees and a
vegetable garden, or on terraces as Greenhouse. Just like water harvesting was feasible, even
green house is possible on each and every terrace. We should carry out 2 good deeds at once.
1. Each individual in his or her lifetime should plant a seed for at least 1 tree, 2. For our children
to lead a healthy life, in every garden or terrace we should grow vegetables. We should go back
to respecting the soil as our mother and merge with nature like our forefathers did. In this way
we can contribute to securing the health of our future generation.

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