Guided Notes

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 A clause is a ____________ ____________ that contains a verb and its subject, and that

is used as a ___________________ or as a part of a sentence.

o Every clause contains a _____________________ and a ________________, but

not every clause expresses a complete thought.

 Clauses that express a complete thought are _____________________


 Clauses that do not express complete thoughts are _____________________

________________ (dependent clauses).

Independent Clauses:

 Expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence.

o Examples that have a subject and a verb:



o Example of I.C. joined together by a comma and the coordinating conjunction




o Examples of I.C. joined together by a semi-colon and conjunction adverb:


Subordinate Clause:

 Does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence.

 Words such as ______________, ______________, ______________,

_______________, ___________, ______, and ____________ signal that the clauses

following is most likely a subordinate clause.

 Subordinate = _______________ in rank or importance.

 Must be joined with an independent clause

 Can be uses as adjectives, adverbs, or nouns.

 Examples:

o __________________________________________________, call us.

o These wildflowers, ______________________________, are of interest to


o Did you know _______________________________________________.

Try It Yourself – Place on a separate piece of paper

Adjective Clauses

 A subordinate clause that _______________ a noun or pronoun

 Usually follows the words or words it modifies and fells what kind and which one

 Essential (_________________) clause is necessary to the basic meaning of the sentence

o It is ______ ________ _____ _______ __________

 Nonessential (_____________________) clause give only additional information and is

not necessary to the meaning of the sentence,

o It is _______ _______ ________ ___________.

 Examples of both:

o This is the new music video _______________________________.

o Griffins, _______________________________________________________, are

included on many coats of arms.

 A.C. can also be introduced by _________________________ __________________.

Adjective Clause Continued…

 Relative Pronouns – words that relate an adjective clause to the word that the clause


o ____________, ___________, ____________, ____________, _____________,

____________, ____________

 Examples:

o Luis, ____________________________, has decided to enter the marathon.

o The students questioned data


o We met the singer ________________________________________________.

Your Turn On A Separate Sheet of Paper

Adverb Clause

 A subordinate clause that modifies a ___________, and ______________, or an


 Generally tells __________, ___________, __________, ________________,

___________________, or __________________ the action of the verb takes place.

 Examples:
o ___________________________________________________, I input the


o ___________________________________________________, Joy makes them

on special occasions.

o You and your brother may come with us _______________________________.

 Introductory adverb clauses are typically set off by commas.

o Have Computers made office work easier ___________________________?

o My cousin Adele reads faster ________________________.

Common Subordinate Clauses:

 After, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though

 Because, before, even if, even though, how, it, in as much as, in order that

 Lest, now that, provide, since, so that, than, that, though

 Till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while

Noun Clauses:

 A subordinate clause that is used as a noun

 May be used as a _____________, as a _________________ (such as a predicate

nominative, direct object, or indirect object), or as the


 Usually introduced with ________, __________, ________________, _________,

_________, ________________, __________, ___________________,

_______________, ____________, ________________, and _____________.

 Examples:
o They did not know __________________________________.

o Show us ____________________________________.

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