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For me writing as always been a way to express yourself and get emotions and ideas out to vent like
breathing into the fresh air. Writing can be tasking when you are struggling to find the right ways to say
something for a school assignment. Other times, it can be a way to let the elves and dragons duel to the
death over the control of land. Writing can be a hinderance when not checked correctly, or it can make
you feel like you have reached a pristine level inside yourself.

I have always assumed that writing was carefree and that you could do whatever you needed to get the
job done. But this was wrong. Depending on the limits or directions you are given, you need to follow a
path to make sure the readers understand what you have to say. This provides that they also have
something to take away from this. Whether this is insight into their own lives, ways that they can
improve the planet, or something that might start a movement. Writing needs a direction and rhetorical
information that not only proves your point but gives readers something to chew on in the car ride

One of the best ways to learn about your writing it to write about what makes writing so important to
you. Sometimes until you write about it, you don’t know what differences you are trying to make or
what emotions you are truly trying to drive out of your soul onto paper. When you think about what you
are trying to change or what others are when they share something, then you can see the whole picture.
Writing should have a point. Maybe its to entertain lovesick teenagers with vampire stories or write
about the theory of evolution to prove a new idea. Writing needs to have the push behind what the
writers is trying to share or show.

These writing concepts can make a large difference in shaping how things are created when writing. At
work, paying attention to your writing could not only makes you meetings more entertaining but also be
straight to the point to avoid confusion for peers. For school, writing with a purpose causes your teacher
not to have to read rambling that will go now where instead of nowhere. But for what I personally
prefer, which is personal writing. It allows me to create stories that may one day be picked up from the
shelf of a book store for a reader to enjoy.

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