Workings of The Government". (Gerald Stone, Kaye O'Donnell, K., & Stephen A. Banning .1997)

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What is journalism?

Journalism Is the process of collecting, gathering, assessing, creating and

presenting news and information, it also called the act of writing news that happened in the world,
however you can specify the journalism from the activities and products by different characteristics,
these elements does not make journalism away of other forms of communication but it make it
something very nursery for the democratic society.

There are many types of journalism that can we read about. One example of that is New which
include Political news, Historical news, Entertainment news, Local News ,International News and so on.

Moreover, Broadcast journalism which is writing or spoken journalism for Radio or Television.

What is more, web, reports, investigative, editing columns ,reviews, feature writing.

What is more, Investigative Journalism which is make in-depth searching and investigation about to
discover social problems and resolve them.

In addition, Photojournalism : Using Images to tell a story.

More and more, Yellow journalism that confirm the claims and rumors.

Furthermore, there is type called interactive journalism which is about online journalism that present on

Thus, the journalism do not limit in these types ,however, there are several of them .

Journalism play a necessary role in the society. How? The first thing is that it’s found to serve the people
of such society. Also, it is called as The FOURTH Estate. That’s mean “acting as a watchdog on the
workings of the government”.( Gerald Stone, Kaye O’Donnell, K., & Stephen A. Banning .1997).

Journalism connects people about what happened surround them as old saying goes ”News is about
North, West, Este and south. Thus ,wherever people go they can found news and the most reliable
source is Journalism. It is not only about International. It’s also includes the local environment to know
about the weather which that help people to make up their secludes .Occasions that happened
,whether there is vacations. Also, it connect people with each other.

Sometimes ,journalism work as a treatment to people which take them by their hand outside the box,
outside the reality that they live in through the story and feature news.

Journalism can inform people about what is going on in the market. That show through the

Journalism tell facts and stories through provide people about the negative and positive sides of a such
subject and gave them the freedom or guide them to make decisions and positions.
Furthermore, it connects the society with its governments through publishing new announcements,
New rules and so on.

Another role that journalism could do that give the public to raise their voices through offering criticism
and opinion columns .This is consider as something essential to any democratic country. People can give
their opinion about such article, news and so on that uploaded online on web through some letters.
They can send it to the editor .

In conclusion, Journalism is about gathering facts and it should be accurate, have balance and fair .What
is more, it has some forms and play huge role in connecting people to the Univar that they live in.

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