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Rafika Erriz Arthameivia




Part 5 : Incomplete Sentences

Mini Test

1. Milton has made___money selling chocolate and candy than anyone ever thought was

(A) the most (B) more (C) most (D) more than

2. The most difficult ___of my job is solving disagreements between staff members.

(A) Article (B) view (C) phase (D) aspect

3. Wherever Bill goes on a business trip, he likes to make sure he stays in only the ___hotels.

(A) Well (B) better (C) best (D) very well

4. Of the three candidates we interviewed, she is by far the ___ and experienced.

(A) More qualified (B) more qualifying

(C) Most qualified (D) most qualifying

5. This year, Sally hopes to visit ____overseas branches than anyone else.

(A) Much (B) far more (C) as many (D) most

6. Jerry had ___difficulty of all the staff who relocated to the overseas branch.

(A) a little (B) the least (C) fewest (D) smallest of

7. The new human resources manager is better ___ than anyone I have ever worked with.

(A) arranged (B) established

(C) organized (D) aligned

8. Sice his promotion, he no longer works as ____as he used to when he was the junior reporter.

(A) diligent (B) more diligent

(C) diligently (D) more diligently

9. The candidate’s resume is not ___ as the last one the we reviewed.

(A) much impressive (B) as much impressive

(C) more impressive (D) as impressive

10. The new computer data system that the IT department installed is the ___user-friendly yet.

(A) most (B) more (C) much (D) mostly

Part 6 Text Completion

Mini Test : Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Question 1 and 2 refer to the following letter!

Dear James,

I just wanted to send you this email in my business trip so far. As you know, I started this trip in
Alaska, hoping to enter themarket there. Unfortunately, the turnouts in

both Juneau and Anchorage were very nsmall, and I don’t feel like I made ___ as I would have liked

1. (A) as more progress (B) more progress (C) as much progress . (D) much progress

to see. My next stop was Vancouver, Canada, and I found the crowd there ___more

2. (A) much . (B) ever (c) so (D) very

receptive to my ideas than the audience in Alaska. Seattle, Washington is next and then to Portland,
Oregon. I will email you again late in my trip to catch you up on what’s going on.

See you when I get back to Office.


Questios 3 to 5 refer to the following annoncement!

Attention all airline ___. Please do not leave your bag unattended at any time. There have

3. (A) peole (B) passengers

(C) representatives (D) users

been several cases of theft in the airport lounge, so we ___recommend keeping your bags with you
at all times.

4. (A) strongest (B) stronger

(C) more strongly (D) strongly

If you are missing any of your luggage, please report it to security personnel as soon as possible. You
can also come to the lost and found to search for your bags there. It is advisable to keep a name tag
on your bag as that will help us to ____ quickly assist you if the need arises.

5. (A) more (B) much (C) too (D) further

Thank you for your cooperation.


Part 5 Incomplete sentences

Mini test

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. ___ what to do, Vincent waited to speak to his manager before carrying on.

(A) Not to know (B) To not know

(C) Not knowing (D) Knowing not

2. We would ask you ___ our offices again and instead speakto our lawyers.

(A) not to call (B) to not call

(C) not calling (D) calling not

3. We asked the candidate what ___she could make tothe company if she got the job.

(A) supplement (B) contribution

(C) allocation (D) complement

4. Management would prefer employees ___in front of the building during their lunch break.

(A) to smoke not (B) not to smoke

(C) not smoking (D) smoking not

5. I take the bus to work because there are ___ parking spaces in the company parking lot.

(A) not enough (B) hardly noy

(C) enough not (D) not hardl

6. For her vacation this year, angela wanted ___, so she chose Chile.

(A) to go somewhere different

(B) somewhere to go different

(C) going different to somewhere

(D) different to somewhere going

7. He ___ understand what se was saying because her accent was so strong.

(A) could hardly (B) hardly could

(C) could nor hardly (D) hardly could not

8. He prefers ___to works and instead likes to walk to get his exercise.

(A) driving not (B) do not driving

(C) do not drive (D) not driving

9. At ___ time should employees use the fire escape door unless it is an emergency.

(A) some (B) no (C) not (D) any

10. My boss wanted to know how much more time ___ to finish the project.

(A) did I need (B) would I need

(C) I did need (D) I needed

11. Rarely___an employee who willingly works weekends without the promise of extra pay.

(A) finding (B) you do find

(C) do you find (D) to find

12. I have heard that Bill enjoys ___ a break at lunch time, so he can get more work.

(A) take not (B) not taking

(B) to not taking (D) to take not

13. With all my debts and overdue bills, I can ___to take a vacation.

(A) hard afford (B) afford hard

(C) hardly afford (D) afford hardly

14. Please return the package to the sender as this person ___lives at this address.

(A) not (B) not longer (C) no (D) no longer

15. If you are ___, I do not mind waiting and doing it later.

(A) not ready yet (B) yet not ready

(C) ready not yet (D) yet ready noy

Part 6 Text completion


Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Question 1 and 2 refer to the following memo.

To : All employees
From : The Accounts Department
Re : Taxes

It will soon be time to file your tax returns. We will not be issuing financial statements

in the past . If you need a statement of income, please apply in writing to the accounting office.
Please allow___ time for the processing of your request which may take up to 10 days.

1 (A) a (B) any (C) many (D) enough

Please give the accounting office the folloeing information:

• Full name

• Social Security number

• Employee number

If you do not indicate an address, we will mail all statements to your homeaddress. Because we
anticipate a large response to this memo, we have set a deadline of March 5th. You must send your
application by this date, or we ____ guarantee your statement.

2. (A) cannot (B) can not hardly (C) can no (D) can

Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following memo

To : All employees
From : Health and Safety Department
Re : First aid Training

Hello everyone,

We are offering all employees the opportunity to take a first aid training course. It will be over two
days on the weekend of Saturday, January 23rd ans Sunday, January 24t. The first aid course will be
paid for by the company. ___what to do in an emergency can cost lives.

3. (A) Not to know (B) Not knowing

(C) Knowing not (D) To not lnow

Do not worry if you do not have ___ prior experience. We will teach you everything you need to

4. (A) one (B) no (C) any (D) not any

Sign up as soon as you can. First aid skills can come in handy, especially if you work on the factory
floor, so take this opportunity to learn what to do in an emergency!

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