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Date: 2nd March 2020- 6th March 2020

1. Isu / Perkara yang difokus:

On the 2nd week of internship, I had decided on my project which is Write it Right Module!
focusing on the pupils’ penmanship. I also gained approval from the Headmaster for my
proposal at the end of the week. I also started to conduct preliminary investigation by
conducting diagnostic test on their handwriting to see what kind of problems do they
have. I also start to collect materials to create my module throughout the week. I also
discussed the contents of the module with my practicum partner and mentor. I get
integrate few worksheets based on my module in the lesson I conducted with them.

2. Analisis isu / perkara yang difokus:

2.1 Kekuatan: I was able to complete my proposal and gained approval from the
headmaster to continue my project. I also had decided roughly on the
contents of the module after having discussion with my mentor teacher.

2.2 Kelemahan: Since the module required me to collect lots of materials, my pace was
slow and its’ hard for me to find suitable exercises. I only managed on
completing some parts of the module for this second week of internship
and I haven’t implemented it yet fully in a lesson.

3. Cadangan penambahbaikan:
I should fasten my pace of findings the information and materials to complete my module.
I also should implement the module as soon as possible to assess the effects of the
module towards my pupils.

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