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Date : _13_/_11_/2018 (Day:___Tuesday___) __42nd__ Week

Class/Time/Subject Activity Impact/Remarks

6M Theme:World of Knowledge ( )students achieved
7.30am – 8.00am Unit 10 In The News Learning standard: objective.
English 1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: ( )students did not achieve
(a) giving main ideas and supporting details (b) drawing conclusions objective.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to give main ideas and
supporting details.
Cross Curricular Elements: Multiple Intelligence and Constructivism
Activities PAK 21: Think-Pair-Share
1. Students look at the pictures and share their views.
2. Students are then put in groups and discuss the headlines are probably about.
3. Students are exposed to the news headlines on papers and guess what it is gonna
be about.
4. Based on the headlines, students try to draw conclusions.
5. Students create a story based on the headlines that they have chosen.
3T Tema : 10. Sains dan Teknologi
8.00am – 9.00am ( )orang murid dapat
Tajuk : Projek Sains Saya
BM S.P : 1.7.2 Berbincang dan mengemukakan pendapat tentang
mencapai objektif.
sesuatu perkara daripada pelbagai sumber dengan
menggunakan perkataan dan frasa yang sesuai secara ( )orang murid tidak dapat
bertatasusila. mencapai objektif.

Objektif : Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat :

PdP Mengemukakan pendapat sewaktu perbincangan bersama guru
mengenai teks petikan.

Aktiviti : 1. Guru meminta murid membaca teks petikan.

2. Guru dan murid berbincang isi dalam teks petikan.
3. Guru meminta murid memberikan pendapat masing-masing
mengenai topik yang dibincangkan.

Pengisian : Nilai murni : rasional

5M 模组一:网络系统与因特网世界: ( ) 位学生达成目标
9.30am – 10.30am 三、认识因特网
教学目标:学生能够:3.4 使用电子邮箱的通信录中的邮件列表来发送信息 ( ) 为学生未能达成目标
3.5 进行网站的分类:商业、个人、团体、娱乐、新闻和社交
3.6 列出因特网的优点和缺点.
活动 :1.引起动机
和社交 。
3.引导学生 列出因特网的优点和缺点.
4. 练习及评估。
4J Theme:WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE ( )students achieved
10.45am – 11.15am Topic: 13 Our Country . Our Pride objective.
English Learning standard:
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance ( )students did not achieve
1.2.4 Able to participate in guided conversation with peers objective.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand the
country well.
Teaching aids: textbook, computer, pictures, workbook
Cross Curricular Elements: Multiple Intelligence, Constructivism
Thinking map : -
1. Teacher shows a map and some symbols of Malaysia.
2. Teacher asks students to look at the different symbols of our country Malaysia.
3. Teacher elicits oral responses from students by asking some questions.
4. Students are asked to tell three other ways they can show their love and loyalty ti
the country.
5. Students are asked to make a little Malaysian flag and talk about the flag.
5S Theme : World of Stories ( )students achieved
11.45am – 12.15am Unit 12 Stories To Learn From objective.
English Learning Standard:
3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling : ( b ) paragraphs ( )students did not achieve
3.3.1 Able to create texts using a variety of media with guidance: ( b ) linear objective.
1.1.4.Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from : ( a ) linear texts
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able talk about the story
verbally and understand the story well.
Date : _13_/_11_/2018 (Day:___Tuesday___) __42nd__ Week
Teaching aids: textbook, computer, pictures, workbook
Cross Curricular Elements: Multiple Intelligence and Constructivism
Thinking skills : -
1. Teacher writes out 3 questions on the board.
2. Students are asked to match the sentence parts in pink to the sentence parts in
blue to find out what actually happened on pg104 of tb
3. Students are asked to rewrite the story and answer the questions on the board.
4. Students are asked to give the story a title.
1. 5. Students are asked to share their feelings and thoughts after reading
the story.

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