Part 5 Incomplete Sentence Mini Test

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Rafika Erriz Arthameivia



Part 5 Incomplete Sentence

Mini Test

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Jonathan enjoys nothing more than arriving early and ___the first person in his office.

(A) to be (B) being (C) to being (D) be

2. I would like to speak to whoever is responsible for ___office supplies in this office.

(A) Order (B) ordering (C) to order (D) will order

3. ___ insurance is not always easy in this economic environment.

(A) sell (B) selling (C) to sell (D) having sold

4. Passengers are no longer allowed ___ more than 100 ml of liquids on board airplanes.

(A) bringing (B) to bring (C) brings (D) brought

5. Tim hasnever regretted ___ up is corporate job to help the needy in Africa.

(A) gives (B) giving (C) to give (D) to have gven

6. We are ___ to talk about the details of the statement necause of our confidentiality agreement.

(A) allowed (B) discouraged (C) forbidden (D) asked

7. I forgot ___ off the coffee maker before I left the office last night.

(A) to turn (B) t have turned (C) turning (D) have turned

8. Jane left her last job because she wanted ___career opportunities at our company.

(A) pursue (B) pursuing (C) to pursue (D) to have pursued

9. Mr. Nakamura was asked ___the keynote speech at this year’s annual investor’s meeting.

(A) to have given (B) to give (C) giving (D) having given

10. It is important ___ clients feel confident that you have their best interests at heart.

(A) making (B) to make (C) to be making (D) having made

Part 6 Text Completion

Mini Test

Choose the best word or phrase to each blank.

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following note.

Hi Gwen,

You were out when I left, so I am leaving this note fr you. I am going to be out of town until next
Monday, so you need to keep working on the proposal. I have also taken the Nelson file, so don’t
be ___ to find it missing.

1. (A) surprising (B) surprised (C) to surprise (D) surprise

I’ve also taken your extra laptop computer becase I can’t find mine at the moment. It is buried
somewhere in my office, and I unfortunately don’t have time to look for it. My office is just ___ a
mess that I can’t find mine in there. I’ll clear out my office when i get back next week.

2. (A) too (B) so (C) very (D) such

Sorry for the incovenience. Anyway, I’ll see you when I get back. Hope you will manage ___out a
new marketing proposal for the project.

3. (A) figured (B) figuring (C) figure (D) to figure




Part 5 Incomplete Sentences

Mini Test

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. He said that he was ___ at the meeting but continued to talk it for an hour.

(A) boring (B) bored (C) bores (D) bored

2. We need to hire a ___ accountant to make sure all our numbers are correct.

(A) Certifying (B) certifiable (C) certified (D) certifies

3. Feeling ___from the endless week of hard work, Mark felt his vacation was well-deserved.

(A) Exhausted (B) exhausting (C) exhausts (D) to exhaust

4. The ___ return policy caused a great amount of dissatisfaction among customers.

(A) Confusingly (B) confused (C) confuse (D) confusing

5. Tom was among the five diplomats ___ in Russia for illegal activities.

(A) arrested (B) arrest (C) arresting (D) to arrest

8. The biography of Chemcorp’s CEO, ___by an economics professor, was very popular.

(A) writing (B) written (C) writes (D) wrote

7. Juan found the constant tapping of Jane’s pen very ___ and he could not concentrate.

(A) Interesting (B) bothered (C)tired (D) annoying

8. We require that all official documents be typed on letterhead paper in the format ___.

(A) Specialized (B) specified (C) selecting (D) picking

9. The office has decided to swith to using ___ inkcartridges in all the printes.

(A) Recycled (b) recycling (C) recycles (D) being recycled

10. Brian is the man who fixed the ___photocopier in the boss’s office yesterday.

(A) Breaking (B) breaks (C) broken (D) broke

Part 6 Text Completion


Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following notice.

Notice to All Movie World House Managers

Now that the summer movie season is approaching, we at Movie World woul like to remind all of
our managers that there is an ___increase of 200% in food and beverage sales for the summer.

1. (A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectation (D) expectancy

Especially in the case of cola and other sodas, we expect sales to increase by 300%. To achieve the
intended sales ______we recommend putting more salt on the popcorn, which will make customers
thirstier, which, in turn, will increase drink sales.

2. (A) limits (B) failure (C) goals (D) boundaries

Also, be reminded that Movie World movie theatresare noe selling Sugar Cone ice cream bars. When
___the bars, eachtheater is free to determine their own price. However, the suggested selling price
is $4.75.

3. (A) priced (B) pricing (C) toprice (D) having priced

Thank you all, and have a great summer.

Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following information

When ___ of where movies are made, the city that comes to mind is Hollywood.

4. (A) to think (B) thinking (C) to have thought (D) having thought

Hollywood is famous for its movie studios, and people often visit in the hopes of meeting a famous
actor or actress. But these days, Hollywood is not the only famous city in the world for movie
production. Another city that is becoming ___ famous in Mumbai, India. In fact,

5. (A) Internationally (B) worldly (C) cooperatively (D) culturally

The entertainment industry in Mumbai is known as “Bollywood. ”India’s Bollywood produces an

average of 10 movies per day, and the movies are ___ througout the world.

6. (A) distributes (B) to distribute (C) distributing (D) distributed

All Bollywood movies follow the same pattern; there is a lot of singing, dancing and romance but
never nudity or extreme violence. Bollywood movies usually run for three hours or more!


Part 5 Incomplete Sentences


Choose the worde or hrase that best competes the sentence.

1. He used to live in Vladivostoc, ___is a very important city in Western Russia.

(A) where (B) what (C) which (D) that

2. This is the computer company to ___I have applied for the position of programmer.

(A) whom (B) which (C) who (D) that

3. Please let my assistant know ___it would be best to contact you.

(A) that (B) who (C) what (D) when

4. This year’s conference will take place in the area of the country ___ I grew up.

(A) where (B) in that (C) with that (D)in where

5. Brice and Co. Is the company that does the catering for all our ___.

(A) conferrals (B) conversations (C) citations (D) conferences

6. Tom took a lot of business ____ last year because he represented his company at several


(A) trips (B) travel (C) journeys (D) excursions

7. The president liked all the options, so he said we should choose ___we think is best.

(A) whichever (B) whoeever (C) whenever (D) however

8. It is always interesting to meet peope ___backgrounds and lifestyles differ fom us.

(A) who (B) whose (C) which (D) who’s

9. It was my first boss ___taught me the importance of time management.

(A) whose (B) who (C) this (D) they

10. Obligations to his family were the reason ___he felt the need to retire early.

(A) why (B) because (C) which (D) how

Part 6 Text Completion

Mini – Test

Choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

Questions 1 through 3 refer to he following article.

Music heals. That is the conclusion of ___research on the effect of music on patient.

1. (A) presence (B) nowadays(C) lately (D) recent

Recovery time. According to researchers,playing soothing music while patients have surgery can
greatly reduce their recovery time. For some time, doctors have recommended listening to soft,
gentle music at home or in the car to help ___stress. Now they are bringing this idea into the

2. (A) reject (B) refuse (C) reduce (D) resitn

In a recent experiment at the Charing Cross General Hospital, the recovery rate of 30 patients
undergoing identical procedures was compared. 15 of the patients were able to listen to their own
choice of music during the operation. The remaining 15 patients had their operations in a silent
room. The patients___ listened to music suffered less stress, and surgeons reported fewer
complications than in the other group.
3. (A) what (B) whose (C) who (D) they

Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following letter

Dear Ms. Darkman,

Thank you so much for coming in and making a demo audio file. We are always looking for new
singers ____ would like to join our record label.

4. (A) which (B) what (C) whom (D) who

You obviously have a great voice, and it was a pleasure to hear you sing. However, after much
debate, we have decided that you do not have the style ___we are looking for at the moment.

5. (A) when (B) what (C) that (D) how

Therefore, I am sorry to have to tell you that we are unable to offer you a contract at this time. We
will keep your demo in our files. If a suitable project becomes ____, we will contact you.

6. (A) available (B) accessible (C) achievable (D) acceptable

You do have talent, and you might find that your voice will fit in with the needs of another company.
Good Luck!


Rita Branch

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