Linkage Between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

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Human Resource Management

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

Table of Contents
(Guest, 2011) Human Resource Management: when research confronts theory........................4

(Paul Boselie, 2005) Commonalities and contradictions in HRM and performance research. . .5

(JAAP PAAUWE, 2013) HRM and Performance: What do we know and where should we


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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

The researcher has given extensive thought for a connection between the performance
of employees and Human Resource Management (HRM) for quite sometimes. There are
many frameworks and theories that have developed and oriented to evaluating the correlation
between organizational objectives achievements regarding the engagement of business’s
human resources and mutual involvement to meet the objectives.

This is important to reveal that staff is needed to apply their determinations within the
job which derived from the required examination. The required analysis is directed by crucial
assessment and dedicated association with organization objectives. Enthusiastic researchers
have provided theories that oriented to the effective relationship between established
correlation and Human Resource with organization performance. Based on the feedback of
optimistic research businesses are needed to explore many ways to keep the human resources
aligned and engaged with the objectives. Passimist researchers have the view that there is no
correlation between the performance of an organization and human resources. Businesses can
succeed to focus on human resources. All research has pointed out the behavior of employee
as a decisive factor which devises execution, engagement, and enactment with the work
(Storey, 2019).

The following essay will consider the framework and theories given by the well-
known researchers and develop the understanding to explore the link between Human
Resource management regarding the role of businesses human resources and contribution for
alignment with the organization's goals and visions. The entire essay will include the theories
and framework discussion regarding argument by highlighting the direct connection of human
resources with performance and no important connection of organization performance and
human resources. To develop an understanding of the topic of an essay, support has been
pursued out from references that include journal articles and book sections. The purpose of
the essay is to present the link between human resource management practices and

At the end of the discussion, the following essay will describe the conclusion part
which presents the understanding established from the topic.

(Jiang, et al., 2012) have presented the diverse arguments regarding practices of
human resources and qualification of attribute within the broader spectrum regarding the
performance of the organization. The reason behind the deviation in an expansion of business
could be because of the non-consistency within the identification of attribute through the

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

research as many of them mainly focused on objectivity division of practices while other
poised to exploring the subjectivity part. Focus parts are related to the research within the
specific area of an organization such as scales of pay, design of job (focusing on authority
limit, enrichment of job, degree regarding decision making, the extent of autonomy). Areas
that focus on the development of employee (development of training and learning) comprising
but not restricted to on and off the job which is also discovered. These kinds of areas mainly
dedicated to objectivity portion. Supplementary subjective parts have discovered by
researchers that focus to develop employee engagement. Engagement of employees can be
measured through including employees, line management, and heads of businesses directly
within the research. On the inclusion basis of subjectivity and objectivity part correlated to the
performance of human resource management, focused, and accurate information can be
arranged and the involvement of both parts minimized the business risks.

As per the limited theoretical inference, the Human Resource Management field can
be deliberated as the neglected field as the identified gap. There is a high level of focus of
researchers to conduct the quantitative analysis within the area in place of carrying out the
exploratory work that led the unexplored or unattended field. There is a requirement of
considerable efforts to exert through the scholar in the field to improve the understanding.
Empirical studies are needed to be directed through the participation of psychologist that can
assess thee practices which are required for improving the Human Resource effectiveness.
Economist participation is also important for this field that can identify and assess the
outcome of performance for business within a quantitative and qualitative manner. Proven
and concrete empirical and framework models are needed to be developed which can assist
the business in evaluating the Human Resource outcome or performance within the business.
There is also a requirement of efforts regarding performance evaluation on the 360-degree
spectrum with the objective and subjective part.

In today’s time organizations considers Human Resource as main capital.

Considerable determinations are incurred to develop and maintain human capital. (Paauwe,
2009) has discussed that businesses are still required to explore the back box such as
motivational and driver factors which could use the Human capital to use full capabilities and
capacities to achieve the organizational objectives. It is identified by the theoretical view that
businesses are also apprehensive with a turnover of employees and approaches regarding
Human Resource Development and also remain questionable. Remaining to reluctance
businesses are focused on motivational factors in place of Human Resources skills

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance


[ CITATION Dav11 \l 1033 ] Human Resource Management: when research

confronts theory
This study is created on the approaches of a survey in which two surveys have been
taken for the development of deductions and arguments. The main concentration of the study
is to collect data regarding the adopted practices of human resources and its impact on the
performance. It only considers entities and workers that living or working within England
(Guest, 2011). There are two surveys included regarding research which are as follows.

Workplace employee relations survey (WERS): It includes the data regarding the
practice of Human Resource which adopted by the Department of Human Resources. The
data is collected from the relevant persons that are tasked to handle the matter of HR in more
than 2100 organizations of United Kingdom (UK), behavioristic data of more than 28000
employees have been collected.

Economic & Research Council (ERC) Future of Work (FoW) Program: It includes the
data regarding human resource feedback which is related to the policy makers. This survey
includes the responses from 600 plus individuals that have important position within the
function of Human Resource of their businesses. On the basis and exploration of study
subsequent inclusions has been made. This study has suggested that practices of human
resources within the two wider items like high performance practices (HPPs) (include training
and hiring and many more), and high commitment practices (HCPs), (security of job and
many more). Studies regarding building block such as surveys have accounted for 28
practices (9 for the FOWS and 19 for the WERS) canvasing HPPs and HCPs. Every
preparation has been restrained by statistical techniques in which all responses converted
within the distinction based on the particular contributions and roles.

According to (Kehoe, & Wright, 2013) sought information has been retained
regarding objectivity and there are many changes in which some of human resource
management practices can be ignored. It has been explained by the researcher that the concept
of quality management against every practices through statistically inferring every practice.
The focus at the primary level is to assist the performance of the organization on objectivity
range while there was no prime focuses mad to determine subjectivity outcomes. Performance
data has been gathered independently through the survey. The study is composed to develop

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

longitudinal as the present stage it includes cross-sectional info. Research is mainly

concentrating on England's orientation in which an organization has considered setups within
the industry of manufacturing and services. This study is presently based on the cross-
sectional data as it fails to deliver strong proof to establish the appropriate link between
organizational management and human resource management. This research is also needed to
consider case study which is based on the analysis of develop additional inference. Extensive
determinations are need to be used within the research through embracing the longitudinal
data to independently measure the outcome and practices to carry and establish the
implication between practices of human resource management and performance of

[ CITATION Pau05 \l 1033 ] Commonalities and contradictions in HRM and

performance research
This kind of exploration is based on the method of quantitative survey in which
already accompanied work deliberated for the evaluation. This study focuses on the many
theories which deducted by the researchers within the field. It also include model which
proposed through the Paauwe and Richardson which considers that human resource
management activities performed through the functions of human resource, outcomes and
impact on the organization performance (Paul Boselie, 2005). This model present that positive
implementation of practices of human resource management that have an inclusive positive
influences on the outcome of human resource that is deemed to bring contribution at positive
level to the performance of organization.

Performance of organization is reviewed through the framework terms such as

objective and subjective. According to (Boselie, Dietz, & Boon, 2005) this is very important
to mention that model exclusively highlight the outcome of performance which primarily
depend on the variable like size of organization, adoption of technology and productiveness in
which organization is functioning. This study focuses on the practices of human resource
which evolve around the areas which focus over the interest of employees that include
development of skills, adequate efforts regarding motivation and providing inclusion
opportunities. It proposes a model that arises from out of practices which ultimately provided
with performance. This can be concluded on the basis of a study that extended practices of
HR can have a positive outcome regarding performance. This study has not included any
concrete tools of measurement for the analysis of practices. Practices haven proposed to link

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

with the attitude of employees and behavior to the jobs. This research also presents that
performance is required to be evaluated based on goals spectrum in place of subjectivity
spectrum. According to the nature of the research nature of collected data is quantitative and
research is focusing to develop implication from already issued literature within the field.

Utilized data is cross-sectional within nature. This research highlights the direct
relationship between the practices of human resource management with the financial outcome
of business that gives other factors remaining to contributory. Further research explains that
practices of human resources are imitative from a strategy of the organization as it is vital
which strategies of the organization converse to the functions of HR that enable them to play
an important role within the development of sufficient business practices. This study failed to
convey a strong aspect to the field as analyses of a firm are not involved. It is based on
understanding the principle from already issues and obtainable theory while no practical
analysis of theories was accompanied within the study as importance can be ascertained from
the overall study.

[ CITATION JAA12 \l 1033 ] HRM and Performance: What do we know and

where should we go?
This study has been centered on the quantitative analysis in which researches
conducted within the cross-industry, Particular Corporation, and geographically included to
make the research highly important for the readers. This research includes and highlights that
present theories are not capable to deliver the justifiable response to address the challenges
owing to its ambiguous nature and realistic invalidity. This is effective as identify the
performance that evaluating mechanisms can vary from business to business as mainly driven
through the sector and diligence in which the object is operating. For community zone
enterprise the mechanism of performance shall not be driven financially for the commercially
oriented businesses, performance at financial level shall be an important objective or the

(Jaap Paauwe, 2013) has included that the impact of practices of human resource
management assesses the perspective of employees in which extent or likelihood of practices
on the employee's wellbeing can also be looked at. This can be safely concluded that it is the
solitary literature that addressing the material regarding the wellbeing of employees. The
research includes practices of HPWS like training, selection, appraisal for performance, and
compensation which are the main contributors for engagement of employee. The requirement

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

of development of statistical model regarding assessment or development of relations between

performance of business and rehearses of human resource management has been explained by
the researchers.

It concluded that established model should be equipped well to addressing and

assessing the contribution and viability of every practice within performance of business. This
study also highlights the new dilemma regarding organization related turnover. It includes the
theories related to the turnover that transpires capabilities to improving the performance
which have the positive correlation with the turnover of employees, while opportunities and
motivation have negative correlation. This is very important to mention that research present
the management and supervision role that are directly included with the practices of human

According to (Sheehan, 2014) the nature of human resource differs from person to
person and it highlight the contributory supervision role in keeping and motiving the human
resource to focus on performance. Functions of human resource should be always designed in
an appropriate way to include and assess the individual performance to communication and
implement the practices of human resource management according to planned criteria and
mechanisms. This research focuses on the measurement of organization performance
regarding objectivity. This underlies the further theory and framework development which
effectively asses the organization performance impact from the practices of human resource
and improve the susceptibility of dually casual relations between the practices of human
resources and performance of organization which is required to be explore. This study uses
the old theory and cross sectional data for development of premise that dampens the complete
efforts regarding research.

Referred articles and literature present that theoretical inferences are available
regarding the practices of HR and linkage with the performance of organization. There is still
requirement of considerable work on the theoretical side. Many scientists have not conveyed
any conclusive principle which can deliberately identify and indicate role of practices of HR
and outcome of performance of organization. This is effective to mention that researches are
also not capable to develop the practices of human resources which can be termed as the prior
factor. Research is struggling to discover and identify the practices which can be used by
organizations. Area of research is also weak to present the positive outcomes of practices of
human resources on the organization subjective performance. This can be abstracted that

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

researchers are disinclined for exploring the subjective part of performance because of the
unforeseen reasons.

On the basis of above mentioned theories, this can be concluded that practices of
human resource management and performance can have the substantial impact on the overall
performance of organization that include thee financial and non-financial like satisfaction
level of employees, penetration of market and enhancement of share of market. Owing to
embedded benefits, businesses are considering the employees as an asset. According to
(Alfes, et al., 2013) there are many considerable areas which required to be focused by the
business to gather high level of benefits from human resource management practices. Human
resource contribution within the performance of organization is also varied from industry to
industries in which performance of business not get impacted regarding adopted practices of
human resource. Businesses are required to identify contributed role which played by the
practices of human resource management within their business. Approach such as cost benefit
exploration is also needed to be embraced to have the impact analysis form the incurred cost
within the employee’s development.

This is also important to deduct that huge number of conducted work is based on the
theories which were issues 10 to 20 year ago. Relevance regarding theory is also required to
be explore for owing to change within the environment of work, business models and
framework of atmosphere in which organization are operated. In today’s time businesses are
becoming strong with every passing day. Organizations are required to sustain operations of
business with the objectives to maintain the operations of business with the determination to
maintain the survival and remain cost-effective. New theories are needed to be developed
which could identify and examine organizations with this area.

Another crucial factor which has been detected from the review of literature is related
to the supervisor’s role. These are basic communication center between the practices of
human resource and workers. This is important that the functions of human resource
management should make most of the efforts within the development of the inclusion
program focused on the supervisor's development and training (Jabbour, et al., 2013). There is
also a requirement to conduct the refresher program on a regular basis in which supervisors
should be educated and examined for the understanding regarding the practices of human
resource management. This is also important that supervisors should be communicated the
training by focusing to build empathy and culture of development of a team.

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Linkage between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance

Human resource management function should devise the mechanisms regarding the
performance of employees internally by systems of the annual appraisal. The systems of
appraisal are focusing to the performance of individual. Efforts are needed to be made in
which a system is established which could link a performance of individual employees within
the objective of organization. Functions of human resource can infer the huge number of
benefits out of the system of employee’s performance management (Golicic, & Smith, 2013).

According to (West, et al., 2006) functions of human resource management should

explore many ways and meaning to engage employees within the phase of development of
organization objectives. The channel of clear communication is important to develop which
focus to share the information clearly within the all employees. The adoption of this kind of
measure with the inclusive approach is effective in which employees are involved at high
level within the setting of organization objectives. Through keeping them within the loop,
organization can have the important participation from the organization than in turn will result
in to increase and improve employee’s engagement. Organizations are required to identify its
objectives on the subjective basis as have the considerable impact on the performance and
existence. Objectives should be conversed to employees and determinations made to achieve
the performance against the parameter (Paillé, et al., 2014).

On the basis of discussion it can be concluded that there are many considerable
research conducted through the researchers within the segment of practices of human resource
management. There are still more areas which required to be explored on the empirical and
theoretical font. This areas is still within the exploration stage as organization can develop
within the house techniques or model of performance measurement in which base of
individual employees on the nature of job and assesses the objective on the subjective manner
such as services team customer contribution can be measured by the number of appeared
within the year while many number of present consumers should be benchmark regarding
assessment of performance by keeping all things persistent like issues regarding availability
of product. The organizations can develop in house empirical data for assessment and identify
which are being embraced and required to be accepted with the overall objective to increase
the performance.

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Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., (2013). The link between perceived
human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a
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Boselie, P., Dietz, G., & Boon, C. (2005). Commonalities and contradictions in HRM and
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Jiang, K., Lepak, D. P., Hu, J., & Baer, J. C. (2012). How does human resource management
influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating
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Kehoe, R. R., & Wright, P. M. (2013). The impact of high-performance human resource
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Paillé, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O., & Jin, J. (2014). The impact of human resource management
on environmental performance: An employee-level study. Journal of Business
Ethics, 121(3), 451-466.
Paul Boselie, G. D. (2005). Commonalities and contradictions in HRM and performance
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Storey, J. e. (2019). Strategic Human Resource Management : A Research Overview. London:

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Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small
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West, M. A., Guthrie, J. P., Dawson, J. F., Borrill, C. S., & Carter, M. (2006). Reducing
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