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Instructor: Dr.

Le Quang Phong Spring 2020


Question: Find a natural product synthesis from the website:,

identify the reactions that you learned in this course and write the report (review) about them. The
report format is on the second page.

Below is the link for filling the compound’s name. Please fill it with your choice of compound at the end
of 20/04/2020. The filling will be “first come first serve”, so make sure that you will not choose the same
molecule with other students.


Please submit your report in docx and pdf file on blackboard no later 11:59pm 29/04/2020.

Instruction: A instruction video will be provided. Make sure you actually read the references and review
all reactions, their mechanism, the reaction conditions (procedure) and discuss about them (what is
function of reagents? What is the reason for choosing that conditions?).

Plagiarism will not be accepted and will be checked (except the Method part) A few websites to check
for plagiarism are:
Instructor: Dr. Le Quang Phong Spring 2020

Scientific Reports Title to see here

(Review of the reactions in the synthesis of….)
Alice Author1, Bob Author2, Christine Author1,2,+, and Phong Q. Le2,*
Affiliation, department, city, postcode, country department of applied biochemistry
School of Biotechnology, International University-Vietnam National University Hochiminh city
Quarter 6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, HCMC
corresponding author:


Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not
include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations.
Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not
include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations.
Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not
include subheadings or citations.

Summary: 1 paragraph + pictures

Please note: Abbreviations should be introduced at the first mention in the main text – no abbreviations lists.
Suggested structure of main text (not enforced) is provided below.

This section should be the introduction of the natural product and the reactions that will be discussed.
The Introduction section, of referenced text1 expands on the background of the work (some overlap with the
Abstract is acceptable). The introduction should not include subheadings.
(About the property, importance, biotivity of the product ; the importance of reaction)
Results (can be changed but should be better)
About outcome of the report (ex: the use of reaction is 80%, the structure of the product…)
Up to three levels of subheading are permitted. Subheadings should not be numbered.

Reaction 1:
Example text under a subsection. Bulleted lists may be used where appropriate, e.g.
This section about the reaction. Should answer these questions (write as essay):
- What step is it in the synthesis?
- What are the reagents used in the reaction?
- What is the product of the reaction?
- What is the yield of the reactions?
Reaction 2:

The Discussion should be succinct and must not contain subheadings.
Reaction 1: (essay)
- What is function of reagents?
- What is the reason for choosing that conditions (temperature, reagents, strong base/acid instead of the
Instructor: Dr. Le Quang Phong Spring 2020

- Is there any lesson learned from changing the reaction condition and from the reaction itself? (Ex: avoid
presence of water/high temperature/strong nucleophiles, reaction work better if have…)
Summarize again
Methods (the way people conduct reaction experimentally in details)
Topical subheadings are allowed. Authors must ensure that their Methods section includes adequate
experimental and characterization data necessary for others in the field to reproduce their work.
This section should be about the procedure of the reaction, how the reactions were conducted.

1. Figueredo, A. J. & Wolf, P. S. A. Assortative pairing and life history strategy – a cross-cultural study.
Hum. Nat. 20, 317–330, DOI: (2009).
2. Hao, Z., AghaKouchak, A., Nakhjiri, N. & Farahmand, A. Global integrated drought monitoring and
prediction system (GIDMaPS) data sets. figshare (2014).

LaTeX formats citations and references automatically using the bibliography records in your .bib file, which you
can edit via the project menu. Use the cite command for an inline citation, e.g.2.
For data citations of datasets uploaded to e.g. figshare, please use the howpublished option in the bib entry
to specify the platform and the link, as in the Hao:gidmaps:2014 example in the sample bibliography file.

Acknowledgements (not compulsory)

Acknowledgements should be brief, and should not include thanks to anonymous referees and editors, or effusive
comments. Grant or contribution numbers may be acknowledged.
About people help you to do the work (find the references, give you some advices)

Author contributions statement

Must include all authors, identified by initials, for example: A.A. conceived the experiment(s), A.A. and B.A.
conducted the experiment(s), C.A. and D.A. analysed the results. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
For example: You do and review the report, P.Q.L : advisor
Additional information (not compulsory)
To include, in this order: Accession codes (where applicable); Competing interests (mandatory statement).
The corresponding author is responsible for submitting a competing interests statement on behalf of all authors
of the paper.
This statement must be included in the submitted article file.

Synthesis type: Total, which means the product can be synthesized from very simple molecules from beginning
Instructor: Dr. Le Quang Phong Spring 2020

Figure 1. Legend (350 words max). Example legend text.

Figures and tables can be referenced in LaTeX using the ref command, e.g. Figure 1 and Table 1.

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