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TEST I: Write YES if the statement is correct and Write NO if the

statement is un correct. Put the answer on the space provided in
CAPITAL letters.

1. NO Any pipe that conveys waste from various fixture other

than water closet is called soil pipe.
2. NO Any pipe that conveys waste coming from water closet
is called waste pipe.
3. YES Dead end is the extended portion of a pipe that is
closed at one end permitting the stagnation of water or air
4. YES Back flow is the flow of water or other liquid mixture or
substances into distributing pipes of a portable supply of
water from any source.
5. NO Vertical pipe is a pipe that conveys liquid waste from
fixture that is free of fecal matter.
6. YES Relief vent its primary function is to provide circulation
of air between drainage and vent systems.
7. NO Vent system is a pipe installed in vertical position or at
an angle not more than 45 degrees with the vertical.
8. YES Trap seal is a fitting or device so designed as to provide
when properly vented a liquid seal that will prevent the back
passage of air without materially affecting the flow of sewage
through it.
9. YES Side vent is a vent connecting to the drain pipe
through a fitting at an angle not greater than 45 degrees or to
the vertical.
10. YES Sanitary sewer is a sewer intended to receive
sanitary sewage with or without industrial wastes and without
the admixture of surface water, storm water or drainage.

11. NO Main sewer is the principal artery of the venting

system to which vent branches may be connected.
12. YES Return bend is an open return bend usually with
inside threads, but applied also to 180 degrees bend in pipe.

13. YES Standpipe is a vertical pipe usually used for the

storage of water frequently under pressure.

14. NO Fixture supply is a drain from the trap of a fixture to

the junction of that drain with any other drain-pipe.

15. YES Flood level is a device located inside the tank for the
purpose of maintaining water level for effective flushing of the
water closet.

16. NO Horizontal pipe means any pipe or fitting which makes

an angle of more than 45 degrees with the horizontal.

17. NO Branch is the length of soil or waste stack

corresponding in general to a storey height from one floor or storey
of a building are connected to the stack.

18. YES Blind flange is a flange that closes the end of a pipe.
There is no opening for the passage of water.

19. YES Local vent pipe is a pipe on the fixture side of the
trap through which vapor or foul air is removed from a room or

20. YES Subsoil drain are underground drain pipes that

receive sub-surface or seepage water only and convey it to a place
of disposal.


21. PUBLIC SEWER is a common sewer directly controlled by public

authorities where all abutters have equal rights of connection.

22.FLUSH VALVE is a device located at the bottom of the tank for

flushing water closets and similar fixture.

23.BRANCH VENT is a vent connecting one or more individual vents

with a vent stack or stack vent.

24. CONTINUOUS WASTE is a drain from two or three fixture

connected to a single trap. Is also called dual vent.
25. DOUBLE-WALLED PIPE in plumbing it is a secondary pipe. In
sewage a common sewer to which no other common sewer is
tributary. It receives sewage only from building sewer.

26. CONTINUOUS VENT is a vertical vent that is continuation of the

drain to which the vent connects.

27. CIRCUIT VENT is a branch vent that serves two or more traps
and extends from the front of the last fixture connection of a
horizontal branch to the vent stack.

28. FIXTURE UNIT is a quantity in terms of which the load producing

effects on the plumbing system of different kinds of plumbing
fixtures are expressed on some arbitrarily chosen scale.

29. PLUMBING FIXTURES are installed receptacle, devices, or

appliances which are supplied with water, or which receives or
discharges liquid or liquid borne waste, with or without discharge
into drainage system which maybe directly or indirectly connected

MULTIPLE CHOICES (write the answers on the space provided)

30. A Is fixture combining one sink and tray or a two or three

compartment sin or tray in one event.

A.) combination fixtures B.) Continuous vent

C.) Circuit vent

31. M Is the slope or fall of pipe in reference to a fraction of an

inch per foot length of pipe.

K.) Group Vent L.) Grade

M.) Invert

32. D sometimes called individual vent. It is that part of the

vent pipeline which connects directly with an individual waste or
group of wastes underneath or back of the fixture and extended
either to the main vent pipe.

B.) Re-vent pipe C.) Relief Vent

D.) Main Vent

33. E Is pipe installed in a vertical position or at an angle of

not more than 45 degrees with the vertical.
C.) Waste pipe D.) Vent Stack
E.) Vertical Pipe

34. R A pit or receptacle at a low point to which the liquid

waste are drained.

R.) Sump S.) Trap

T.) Tap Seal

35. T Is plugging an opening with oakum lead or other

materials, that are pounded into the place or opening.

R.) Blow off S.) Dry Vent

T.) Calking

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