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Maloto v. Court of Appeals burning, tearing, obliterating or cancelling

G.R. No. 76464 February 29, 1988 done by the testator himself or by another
Sarmiento, J. (Ponente) under his express direction and  presence.
Molo vs. Molo
G.R. No. L-2538 September 21, 1951
Facts:  Bautista Angelo, J. (Ponente)
1. Petitioners and respondents are the
neices/nephews or Adriana Maloto who died Doctrine of Dependent Relative Revocation
in 1963. The four heirs believed that the
deceased  did not leave a will, hesnce they Facts:
filed an intestate proceeding. However, the 1. Marcos Molo executed 2 wills, one
parties executed an extrajudicial settlement in August 1918 and another in June 1939. The
of the estate dividing it into four equal parts. latter will contained a revocation clause
which expressly revoked the will in 1918. He
2. In 1967, Atty. Sulpicio Palma, ex-associate died without any forced heirs but he was
of the deceased's counsel allegedly survived by his wife, herein petitioner Juana.
discovered her last will which was The oppositors to the probate were his
purportedly dated 1940, inside a cabinet. nephews and nieces.
Hence the annulment of the proceedings
and a probate petition was filed by the 2. Only a carbon copy of the second will was
devisees and legatees. The said will was found. The widow filed a petition for the
allegedly burned by the househelp under the probate of the 1939 will. It was admitted to
instruction of the deceased probate but subsequently set aside on
ground that the petitioner failed to prove its
3. The lower court denied the probate on due execution. 
the ground that the animus revocandi in the
burning of the will was sufficiently proven. 3. As a result, the petitioner filed another
petition for the probate of the 1918 will this
Issue: Whether or not there was valid time. Again the oppositors alleged that said
revocation of the will will had already been revoked under the
1939 will. They contended that despite the
RULING: No, there was no revocation. For a disallowance of the 1939 will, the revocation
valid revocation to occur,the  'corpus' and clause is valid and thus effectively nullified
'animus' must concur, one without the other the 1918 will.
will not produce a valid revocation. The
physical act of destruction of a will must Issue: Whether or not the 1918 will can still
come with an intention to revoke (animus be valid despite the revocation in the
revocandi). In this case, there's paucity of subsequent disallowed 1939 will
evidence to comply with the said
requirement. The paper burned was not RULING: Yes.The court applied the doctrine
established to be the will and the burning laid down in Samson v. Naval that a
though  done under her express direction subsequent will,containing a clause revoking
was not done in her presence. a previous will, having been disallowed for
the reason that it was not executed in
Under Art. 830, the physical act of accordance with law cannot produce the
destruction, in this case the burning of the effect of annulling the previous will,
will, does not constitute an effective inasmuch as the said revocatory clause is
revocation, unless it is coupled with animus void.
revocandi on the part of the testator. Since
animus is a state of mind, it has to be There was no valid revocation in this case.
accompanied by an overt physical act of No evidence was shown that the testator

deliberately destroyed the original 1918 will the authenticity of the handwriting of the
because of his knowledge of the revocatory deceased may be exhibited and tested
clause contained in the will executed in 1939. before the probate court.”

The earlier will can still be probated under

the principle of dependent relative
revocation.The doctrine applies when a Azaola v. Singson
testator cancels or destroys a will or GR L-14003 Aug 5, 1960
executes an instrument intended to revoke a
will with the intention to make a new FACTS:
testamentary disposition as substitute for
the old, and the new disposition fails of Fortunata S. Vda. De Yance died in Quezon
effect for some reason. City on September 9, 1957. Petitioner
submitted for probate her holographic will,
in which Maria Azaola was made the sole
Rodelas v. Aranza  heir as against the nephew, who is
G.R. No. L-58509 December 7, 1982 the defendant. Only one witness, Francisoco
Relova, J. (Ponente) Azaola, was presented to testify on the
handwriting of the testatrix. He testified
Facts: that he had seen it one month, more or less,
1. The appellant filed a petition for the before the death of the testatrix, as it was
probate of the holographic will of Ricardo given to him and his wife; and that it was in
Bonilla in 1977. The petition was opposed by the testatrix’s handwriting. He presented
the appellees on the ground that the the mortgage, the special power of the
deceased did not leave any will, holographic attorney, and the general power of
or otherwise. attorney, and the deeds of sale including
an affidavit to reinforce his statement. Two
2. The lower court dismissed the petition for residence certificates showing the testatrix’s
probate and held that since the original will signature were also exhibited for
was lost, a photostatic copy cannot stand in comparison purposes.
the place of the original.
The probate was opposed on the ground
Issue: Whether or not a holographic will can that (1) the execution of the will was
be proved by means of a photocopy procured by undue and improper pressure
and influence on the part of the petitioner
RULING: Yes. A photocopy of the lost or and his wife, and (2) that the testatrix did
destroyed holographic will may be admitted not seriously intend the instrument to be her
because the authenticity of the handwriting last will, and that the same was actually
of the deceased can be determined by the written either on the 5th or 6th day of
probate court with the standard writings of August 1957 and not on November 20, 1956
the testator. as appears on the will.

The probate was denied on the ground that

As in the case of Gam v Yap, “the execution under Article 811 of the Civil Code, the
and contents of a lost holgraphic will may proponent must present three witnesses
not be proved by bare testimony pf who could declare that the will and the
witnesses who have seen and/or read such signature are in the writing of the testatrix,
will. Will itself must be presented, otherwise the probate being contested; and because
it shall produce no effect. But it may be the lone witness presented “did not prove
proved by a photograhic or photostatic sufficiently that the body of the will was
copy.. or by other similar meanw, whereby written in the handwriting of the testatrix.”

Petitioner appealed, urging: first, that he possibility that no qualified witness may be
was not boundto produce more than one found (or what amounts to the same thing,
witness because the will’s authenticity was that no competent witness may be willing to
not questioned; and second, that Article 811 testify to the authenticity of the will), and
does not mandatorily require the production provides for resort to expert evidence to
of three witnesses to identify the supply the deficiency.
handwriting and signature of
a holographic will, even if its authenticity What the law deems essential is that the
should be denied by the adverse party. court should be convinced of the will’s
authenticity. Where the prescribed number
ISSUE: of witnesses is produced and the court is
convinced by their testimony that the will is
W/N Article 811 of the Civil Code is genuine, it may consider it unnecessary to
mandatory or permissive. call for expert evidence. On the other hand,
if no competent witness is available, or none
HELD: of those produced is convincing, the Court
may still, and in fact it should, resort to
Article 811 is merely permissive and not handwriting experts. The duty of the Court,
mandatory. Since the authenticity of the will in fine, is to exhaust all available lines of
was not contested, petitioner was not inquiry, for the state is as much interested as
required to produce more than one witness; the proponent that the true intention of the
but even if the genuineness of testator be carried into effect.
the holographic will were contested, Article
811 can not be interpreted to require the
compulsory presentation of three witnesses
to identify the handwriting of the testator, Cuenco vs CA
under penalty of having the probate denied. G.R. No. L-24742, October 26, 1973
Since no witness may have been present at
the execution of a holographic will, none
being required by law (Art. 810, new Civil o The court first taking cognizance of
Code), it becomes obvious that the the settlement of the estate of a decedent,
existence of witness possessing the shall exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of
requisite qualifications is a matter beyond all other courts
the control of the proponent. For it is not
merely a question of finding and producing FACTS:
any three witnesses; they must be witnesses
“who know the handwriting and signature Senator Mariano Jesus Cuenco died in
of the testator” and who can declare Manila. He was survived by his widow and
(truthfully, of course, even if the law does two minor sons, residing in Quezon City, and
not so express) “that the will and the children of the first marriage, residing in
signature are in the handwriting of the Cebu. Lourdes, one of the children from the
testator”. There may be no available witness first marriage, filed a Petition for Letters of
of the testator’s hand; or even if so Administration with the Court of First
familiarized, the witnesses may be unwilling Instance (CFI) Cebu, alleging that the
to give a positive opinion. Compliance with senator died intestate in Manila but a
the rule of paragraph 1 of Article 811 may resident of Cebu with properties in Cebu and
thus become an impossibility. Quezon City.

This is the reason why the 2nd paragraph of The petition still pending with CFI Cebu,
Article 811 allows the court to resort to Rosa Cayetano Cuenco, the second wife,
expert evidence. The law foresees the filed a petition with CFI Rizal for the probate

of the last will and testament, where she The residence of the decent or the location
was named executrix. Rosa also filed an of his estate is not an element of jurisdiction
opposition and motion to dismiss in CFI Cebu over the subject matter but merely of venue.
but this court held in abeyance resolution If this were otherwise, it would affect the
over the opposition until CFI Quezon shall prompt administration of justice.
have acted on the probate proceedings.
The court with whom the petition is first
Lourdes filed an opposition and motion to filed must also first take cognizance of the
dismiss in CFI Quezon, on ground of lack of settlement of the estate in order to exercise
jurisdiction and/or improper venue, jurisdiction over it to the exclusion of all
considering that CFI Cebu already acquired other courts, but this does not mean
exclusive jurisdiction over the case. The ‘exclusive jurisdiction’ per se. Such court,
opposition and motion to dismiss were upon learning that a petition for probate of
denied. Upon appeal CA ruled in favor of will has been presented in another court in
Lourdes and issued a writ of prohibition to compliance with residence requirement,
CFI Quezon. may decline to take cognizance of the
petition and hold it in abyrancr, and defer to
ISSUEs: the second court which has the probate
proceedings the alleged last will.

o Whether or not CA erred in issuing Here, this is what happened; Cebu CFI first
the writ of prohibition against the QC court assumed jurisdiction, but held in abeyance
o Whether or not CFI Quezon acted the intestacy proceedings due to pending
without jurisdiction or grave abuse of probate proceedings in QC CFI. Doctrine of
discretion in taking cognizance and precedence of probate proceedings over
assuming exclusive jurisdiction over the intestatce proceedings apply. QC’s order
probate proceedings in pursuance to CFI already long final since respondents did not
Cebu's order expressly consenting in appeal.
deference to the precedence of probate
over intestate proceedings

HELD: Codoy v. Calugay

312 SCRA 333
The Supreme Court found that CA erred in
law in issuing the writ of prohibition against FACTS:
the Quezon City court from proceeding with
the testate proceedings and annulling and On 6 April 1990, Evangeline Calugay,
setting aside all its orders and actions, Josephine Salcedo and Eufemia Patigas,
particularly its admission to probate of the devisees and legatees of the holographic will
last will and testament of the deceased and of the deceased Matilde Seño Vda. de
appointing petitioner-widow as executrix Ramonal, filed a petition for probate of the
thereof without bond pursuant to the said will. They attested to the genuineness
deceased testator's wish. and due execution of the will on 30 August
On Venue and Jurisdiction
Eugenio Ramonal Codoy and Manuel
Under Rule 73 Sec. 1, the court first taking Ramonal filed their opposition claiming that
cognizance of the settlement of the estate the will was a forgery and that the same is
of a decent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the even illegible. They raised doubts as regards
exclusion of all other courts. the repeated appearing on the will after
every disposition, calling the same out of the

ordinary. If the will was in the handwriting of 1. W/N Article 811 of the Civil Code, providing
the deceased, it was improperly procured. that at least three witnesses explicitly
declare the signature in a contested will as
Evangeline Calugay, etc. presented 6 the genuine signature of the testator, is
witnesses and various documentary mandatory or directory.
The first witness was the clerk of court of 2. Whether or not the witnesses sufficiently
the probate court who produced and establish the authenticity and due execution
identified the records of the case bearing of the deceased’s holographic will.
the signature of the deceased.
The second witness was election registrar HELD:
who was made to produce and identify the
voter’s affidavit, but failed to as the same 1. YES. The word “shall” connotes a
was already destroyed and no longer mandatory order, an imperative obligation
available. and is inconsistent with the idea of
discretion and that the presumption is that
The third, the deceased’s niece, claimed that the word “shall”, when used in a statute, is
she had acquired familiarity with the mandatory.
deceased’s signature and handwriting as she
used to accompany her in collecting rentals In the case at bar, the goal to be achieved by
from her various tenants of commercial the law, is to give effect to the wishes of
buildingsand the deceased always issued the deceased and the evil to be prevented is
receipts. The niece also testified that the possibility that unscrupulous individuals
the deceased left a holographic will entirely who for their benefit will employ means to
written, dated and signed by said deceased. defeat the wishes of the testator.

The fourth witness was a former lawyer for The paramount consideration in the present
the deceasedin the intestate proceedings of petition is to determine the true intent of
her late husband, who said that the the deceased.
signature on the will was similar to that of
the deceased but that he can not be sure. 2. NO. We cannot be certain that the
holographic will was in the handwriting of
The fifth was an employee of the DENR who the deceased.
testified that she was familiar with the
signature of the deceased which appeared in The clerk of court was not presented to
the latter’s application for pasture permit. declare explicitly that the signature
The fifth, respondent Evangeline Calugay, appearing in the holographic will was that of
claimed that she had lived with the deceased.
the deceased since birth where she had
become familiar with her signature and that The election registrar was not able to
the one appearing on the will was genuine. produce the voter’s affidavit
for verification as it was no longer available.
Codoy and Ramonal’s demurrer to evidence
was granted by the lower court. It was The deceased’s niece saw pre-prepared
reversed on appeal with receipts and letters of the deceased and did
the Court of Appeals which granted the not declare that she saw the deceased sign a
probate. document or write a note.

ISSUE: The will was not found in the personal

belongings of the deceased but was in the
possession of the said niece, who kept the

fact about the will from the children of testator. If the will is contested, at least
the deceased, putting in issue her motive. three of such witnesses shall be required.”

Evangeline Calugay never declared that she The word “shall” connotes a mandatory
saw the decreased write a note or sign a order, an imperative obligation and is
document. inconsistent with the idea of discretion and
that the presumption is that the word
The former lawyer of “shall”, when used in a statute, is
the deceased expressed doubts as to the mandatory.
authenticity of the signature in the
holographic will.

(As it appears in the foregoing, the three- Roberts v. Leonidas

witness requirement was not complied GR L-55509 April 27, 1984
A visual examination of the holographic will
convinces that the strokes are different Grimm, an American resident of Manila, died
when compared with other documents in 1977. He was survived by his second wife
written by the testator. (Maxine), their two children (Pete and
Linda), and by his two children by a first
The records are remanded to allow the marriage (Juanita and Ethel) which ended by
oppositors to adduce evidence in support of divorce.
their opposition.
Grimm executed two wills in San Francisco,
The object of solemnities surrounding the California on January 23, 1959. One
execution of wills is to close the door against will disposed of his Philippine estate
bad faith and fraud, to avoid substitution of described as conjugal property of himself
wills and testaments and to guaranty their and his second wife. The second
truth and authenticity. Therefore, the laws will disposed of his estate outside the
on this subject should be interpreted in such Philippines. The two wills and a codicil were
a way as to attain these primordial ends. presented for probate in Utah by Maxine on
But, on the other hand, also one must not March 1978. Maxine admitted that she
lose sight of the fact that it is not the object received notice of the intestate petition filed
of the law to restrain and curtail the exercise in Manila by Ethel in January 1978. The Utah
the right to make a will. (Ajero v CA) Court admitted the two wills and codicil to
probate on April 1978 and was issued upon
However, we cannot eliminate the consideration of the stipulation between
possibility of a false document being the attorneys for Maxine and Ethel.
adjudged as the will of the testator, which is
why if the holographic will is contested, the Also in April 1978, Maxine and Ethel, with
law requires three witnesses to declare that knowledge of the intestate proceeding in
the will was in the handwriting of Manila, entered into
the deceased. a compromise agreement in Utah regarding
the estate.
Article 811, paragraph 1. provides: “In the
probate of a holographic will, it shall be As mentioned, in January 1978, an intestate
necessary that at least one witness who proceeding was instituted by Ethel. On
knows the handwriting and signature of the March 1978, Maxine filed an opposition and
testator explicitly declare that the will and motion to dismiss the intestate proceeding
the signature are in the handwriting of the on the ground of pendency of the Utah

probate proceedings. She submitted to the intestate case should be consolidated with
court a copy of Grimm’s will. However, the testate proceeding and the judge
pursuant to the compromiseagreement, assigned to the testate proceeding should
Maxine withdrew the opposition and the continue hearing the two cases.
motion to dismiss. The court ignored the will
found in the record.The estate was
Nepomuceno v. CA Digests
In 1980, Maxine filed a petition praying for Nepomuceno v. Court of Appeals
the probate of the two wills (already
probated in Utah), that the partition Facts:
approved by the intestate court be set aside 1. Martin Hugo died on 1974 and he left a will
and the letters of administration revoked, wherein he instituted Sofia Nepomuceno as
that Maxine be appointedexecutrix and the sole and only executor. It was also
Ethel be ordered to account for the provided therein that he was married to
properties received by them and return the Rufina Gomez with whom he had 3 children.
same to Maxine. Maxine alleged that they
were defrauded due to the machinations of 2. Petitioner (Sofia) filed for the probate of
Ethel, that the compromiseagreement was the will but the legal wife and her children
illegal and the intestate proceeding was void opposed alleging that the will was procured
because Grimm died testate so partition was through improper and undue influence and
contrary to the decedent’s wills. that there was an admission of concubinage
with the petitioner.
Ethel filed a motion to dismiss the petition
which was denied by Judge Leonidas for lack 3. The lower court denied the probate on
of merit. the ground of the testator's admission of
cohabitation, hence making the will invalid
ISSUE: on its face. The Court of Appeals reversed
and held that the will is valid except the
Whether the judge committed grave abuse devise in favor of the petitioner which is null
of discretion amounting to lack of and void in violation of Art. 739 and 1028.
jurisdiction in denying Ethel’s motion
to dismiss. Issue: Whether or not the court can pass on
the intrinsic validity of a will
RULING: Yes, as an exception. But the
We hold that respondent judge did general rule is that the court's area of
not commit any grave abuse of discretion, inquiry is limited to the an examination and
amounting to lack of jurisdiction, in denying resolution of the extrinsic validity of the will.
Ethel’s motion to dismiss. This general rule is however not inflexible
A testate proceeding is proper in this case and absolute. Given exceptional
because Grimmdied with two wills and “no circumstances, the probate court is not
will shall pass either real or personal powerless to do what the situation
property unless it is proved and allowed” constrains it to do and may pass upon
(Art. 838, Civil Code; sec. 1, Rule 75, Rules of certain provisions of the will. The will itself
Court). admitted on its face the relationship
between the testator and the petitioner.
The probate of the will is mandatory. It
is anomalous that the estate of a person The will was validly executed in accordance
who died testate should be settled in an with law but the court didn't find it to serve
intestate proceeding. Therefore, the a practical purpose to remand the nullified

provision in a separate action for that as universal heir and nothing more, the

purpose only since in the probate of a will, result is the same. The will is null and void.
the court does not ordinarily look into the
intrinsic validity of its provisions. “Preterition” is he omission in the testator’s
will of forced heirs or snyone of them, either
The devisee is invalid by virtue of Art. 739 they are not mentioned or though
which voids a donation made between mentioned, neither instituted as heirs nor
persons guilty of adultery/concubinage at are expressly disinherited. Governed by Art.
the time of the donations. Under Art, 1028 it 854
is also prohibited.
“Disinheritance” is a testamentary
disposition depriving any compulsory heir of
his share in the legitime for a cause
authorized by law. Governed by Art. 918
Nuguid v. Nuguid
GR L-23445, June 23, 1966
Kalaw v. Relova
FACTS: G.R. No. L-40207 September 28, 1984
Melencio-Herrera, J. (Ponente)
Rosario died single, without descendants,
legitimate or illegitimate. Surviving were her Facts:
legitimate parents, Felix and Paz, and 6
brothers and sisters. One of the siblings filed 1. Gregorio Kalaw, the private respondent,
a holographic will allegedly executed by claiming to be the sole heir of sister
Rosario 11 years before her death and prayed Natividad, filed a peition for probate of the
that she be admitted to the probate and be latter's holographic will in 1968. The will
appointed administrator. The parents contained 2 alterations: a) Rosa's name,
opposed saying that they are the designated as the sole heir was crossed out
compulsory heirs of the decedent in and instead "Rosario" was written above it.
the direct ascending line and that the will Such was not initialed, b) Rosa's name was
should be void on the ground of crossed out as sole executrix and Gregorio's
absolute preterition. ma,e was written above it. This alteration
was initialed by the testator.
2. Rosa contended that the will as first
Is the will void on the ground of preterition? written should be given effect so that she
would be the sole heir. The lower court
RULING: denied the probate due to the
unauthenticated alterations and additions.
YES. The decedent left no descendants,
legitimate or illegitimate. But she Issue: Whether or not the will is valid
left forced heirs in the direct ascending line
her parents. And, the will completely omits Whether or not the original unaltered text
both of them; thus receiving nothing by the (where Rosa is sole heir) ,after the
testament, depriving them of their subsequent alterations were voided by
legitime; neither were they expressly court order, shall be probated
disinherited. This is a clear case of
preterition. Note that A. 854 of the NCC RULING: Basic rule is “when a number of
merely nullifies the “institution of heir”. erasures, corrections, and interlineations
Considering that the will presented solely made by the testator in a holographic will
provides for the institution of the petitioner has not been noted under testator’s

signature… the will is not invalidated as Roxas de Jesus is a valid compliance with the
whole but only as tomthe particular words Article 810 of the Civil Code.
erased, corrected, or altered”
But here, the will is voided or revoked since
nothing remains in the will which could Valid date.
remain valid as there was only one
disposition in it; which is he assignment of This will not be the first time that this Court
sole heir of all of Natividad’s estate”. Such departs from a strict and literal application
was altered by the substitution of the of the statutory requirements regarding the
original heir with another. due execution of Wills. The underlying
and fundamental objectives permeating the
To rule that the first will should be given provisions of the law wills consists in the
effect is to disregard the testatrix' change of liberalization of the manner of their
mind. However, this change of mind cannot execution with the end in view of giving the
be given effect either as she failed to testator more freedom in expressing his last
authenticate it in accordance with Art. 814, wishes, but with sufficient safeguards and
or by affixing her full signature. restrictions to prevent the commission
of fraud and the exercise of undue and
improper pressure and influence upon the
testator. If a Will has been executed in
Roxas v. De Jesus substantial compliance with
134 SCRA 245 the formalities of the law, and the possibility
of bad faith and fraud in the exercise thereof
FACTS: is obviated, said Will should be admitted to
probate (Rey v. Cartagena 56 Phil. 282).
Bibiane Roxas died. Her brother, Simeon
Roxas, filed a spec. pro. for partition of the If the testator, in executing his Will,
estate of the deceased and also delivered attempts to comply with all the requisites,
the holographic will of the deceased. although compliance is not literal, it is
Simeon stated that he found a notebook sufficient if the objective or purpose sought
belonging to deceased, which contained a to be accomplished by such requisite is
“letter-will” entirely written and signed in actually attained by the form followed by
deceased’s handwriting. The will the testator. In Abangan v. Abanga 40 Phil.
is dated“FEB./61 ” and states: “This is my will 476, we ruled that: The object of the
which I want to be respected although it is solemnities surrounding the execution of
not written by a lawyer. Roxas relatives wills is to close the door against bad faith
corroborated the fact that the same is and fraud, to avoid substitution of wills and
a holographic will of deceased, identifying testaments and to guaranty their truth and
her handwriting and signature. Respondent authenticity. …
opposed probate on the ground that it such
does not comply with Article 810 of the CC In particular, a complete date is required to
because the date contained in provide against such contingencies as that
a holographic will must signify the year, of two competing Wills executed on the
month, and day. same day, or of a testator becoming insane
on the day on which a Will was executed
ISSUE: (Velasco v. Lopez, 1 Phil. 720). There is no
such contingency in this case.
W/N the date “FEB./61 ” appearing on
the holographicWill of the deceased Bibiana We have carefully reviewed the records of
this case and found no evidence of bad faith

and fraud in its execution nor was there any P2,000,000.00; and that copies of said will
substitution of Wins and Testaments. There were in the custody of the named executrix,
is no question that the holographic Will of private respondent Pacita de los Reyes
the deceased Bibiana Roxas de Jesus was Phillips.
entirely written, dated, and signed by the
testatrix herself and in a language known to Petitioner Octavio S. Maloles II filed a
her. There is also no question as to its motion for intervention claiming that, as
genuineness and due execution. All the the only child of Alicia de Santos (testator’s
children of the testatrix agree on the sister) and Octavio L. Maloles, Sr., he was
genuineness of the holographic Will of their the sole full-blooded nephew and nearest of
mother and that she had the kin of Dr. De Santos. He
testamentary capacity at the time of the likewise alleged that he was a creditor of the
execution of said Will. The objection testator. Petitioner thus prayed for the
interposed by the oppositor-respondent reconsideration of the order allowing the
Luz Henson is that the holographic Will is will and the issuance of letters of
fatally defectivebecause the date “FEB./61 ” administration in his name.
appearing on the holographicWill is not
sufficient compliance with Article 810 of the ISSUE:
Civil Code. This objection is too technical to
be entertained. Whether or not the petitioner, being
a creditor of the late Dr. Arturo de
As a general rule, the “date” in Santos, has a right to intervene and oppose
a holographic Will should include the day, the petition for issuance of letters
month, and year of its execution. However, testamentary filed by the respondent
when as in the case at bar, there is no
appearance of fraud, bad faith, undue RULING:
influence and pressure and the authenticity
of the Will is established and the only issue is No. The petitioner in this case avers that, as
whether or not the date “FEB./61” appearing the nearest next of kin and creditor of the
on the holographic Will is a valid compliance testator, his interest in the matter is material
with Article 810 of the Civil Code, probate of and direct. Even if petitioner is the nearest
the holographic Will should be allowed next of kin of Dr. De Santos, he cannot be
under the principle of substantial considered an “heir” of the testator. It is a
compliance. fundamental rule of testamentary
succession that one who has no compulsory
or forced heirs may dispose of his entire
estate by will.
 Maloles II vs Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 133359, January 31, 2000 Thus, Article 842 of the Civil Code provides:

FACTS: “One who has no compulsory heirs

may dispose by will of all his estate or any
On July 20, 1995, Dr. Arturo de Santos, part of it in favor of any person having
Filipino and a resident of Makati City, filed a capacity to succeed.”
petition for probate of his will 1 in the
Regional Trial Court. He alleged that he “One who has compulsory heirs
had no compulsory heirs; that he had named may dispose of his estate provided he does
in his will as sole legatee and devisee not contravene the provisions of this Code
the Arturo de Santos Foundation, Inc.; that with regard to the legitimate of said heirs.”
he disposed by his will his properties with
an approximate value of not less than

Compulsory heirs are limited to the of Alejandro’s last will and testament. The
testator’s — children of spouses filed their opposition.

1. Legitimate children and The RTC ruled that Lourdes being not the
descendants, with respect to their legitimate wife of Alejandro the will is intrinsically void,
parents and ascendants; though extrinsically void; the oppositors are
2. In default of the foregoing, the only heir entitled to the estate. Lourdes
legitimate parents and ascendants, with filed a Motion for Consideration arguing that
respect to their legitimate children and she is entitled to some compensation since
descendants; she took care of Alejandro prior to his death
3. The widow or widower; although they were not legally married to
4. Acknowledged natural children, and each other. This was denied by the trial
natural children by legal fiction; court. The CA dismissed her appeal for her
5.  Other illegitimate children referred failure to wile the same within the extended
to in Article 287 of the Civil Code. period. CA order became final.

Petitioner, as nephew of the testator, is not ISSUE:

a compulsory heir who may have
been preterited in the testator’s will. Nor May a last will and testament admitted to
does he have any right to intervene in the probate but declared intrinsically void in an
settlement proceedings based on his order that has become final
allegation that he is a creditor of and executor still be given effect?
the deceased. Since the testator instituted
or named an executor in his will, it is RULING:
incumbent upon the Court to respect
the desires of the testator. Only if No. A final and executor decision or order
the appointed executor is can no longer be disturbed or reopened no
incompetent, refuses the trust, or fails to matter how erroneous it may be.
give bond may the court appoint other
persons to administer the estate. None of The Supreme Court ruled that the will
these circumstances is present in this case. of Alejandro was extrinsically valid but
the intrinsic provisions thereof are
Dr.Santos’ probate of his own will is valid in void. Alejandro gave all the property to the
accordancd to Art. 838, which allows filing concubine. Such is invalid because one
of petition ofmprobate of he will filed by the cannot dispose what he does not own. In
testator himself. this case, the whole property is
the conjugalproperty of Alejandro and
Aniceta. Such has become final
and executor. The only instance where a
Dorotheo v. CA party interested in probate proceeding may
GR No. 108581, December 8, 1999 have a final liquidation set aside is when he
is left out by reason of circumstances
FACTS: beyond his control or through mistake or
inadvertence not imputable to negligence
Aniceta Reyes died in 1969 without her with circumstances do not concur herein.
estate being settled. Thereafter, her
husband Alejandro also died. n 1977, Lourdes Under Art. 960, testacy is preferred over
Dorotheo, petitioner who claimed to have intestacy. But before there can be testacy
taken care of Alejandro before he died, filed distribution, the will must pass the tests and
a special proceeding for the probate safeguards provided by law. No intestate
distribution can be done until and unless the

will failed to pass both its extrinsic and On appeal, the CA reversed said Decision
intrinsic validity. holding that the decedent did not comply
with Articles 313 and 314 of the NCC. It found
If will is extrinsically void, rules of intestacy that certain dispositions in the will were
applies regardless if intrisicslly valid. If either unsigned or undated, or signed by
extrinsically valid, next to determine is not dated. It also found that the
intrinsic (whether provisions of will are valid erasures, alterations and cancellationsmade
according to laws of succession). Here the had not been authenticated by decedent.
will is ruled extrinsically valid but intrinsically
invalid as it deprived compulsory heirs of ISSUE:
their share and the property involved is
conjugal propert of Alejandro and Anita. Whether the CA erred in holding that
Intestacy applies. Articles 813 and 814 of the NCC were not
complies with.

Ajero v. CA
236 SCRA 488 YES. A reading of Article 813 shows that its
requirement affects the validity of
FACTS: the dispositions contained in the
holographic will, but not its probate. If the
The holographic will of Annie San was testator fails to sign and date some of
submitted for probate. the dispositions, the result is that
Private respondent opposed the petition on these dispositions cannot be effectuated.
the grounds that: neither the testament’s Such failure, however, does not render the
body nor the signature therein was in whole testament void.
decedent’s handwriting; it Likewise, a holographic will can still be
contained alterations and corrections which admitted to probate notwithstanding non-
were not duly signed by decedent; and, the compliance with the provisions of Article
will was procured by petitioners through 814.
improper pressure and undue influence.
Unless the
The petition was also contested by Dr. Ajero authenticated alterations, cancellations or
with respect to the disposition in the will of insertions were made on the date of the
a house and lot. He claimed that said holographic will or on testator’s signature,
property could not be conveyed by their presence does not invalidate the will
decedent in its entirety, as she was not its itself. The lack of authentication will only
sole owner. result in disallowance of such changes.

However, the trial court still admitted the It is also proper to note that
decedent’s holographic will to probate. he requirements of authentication of
The trial court held that since it must decide changes and signing and
only the question of the identity of the will, dating of dispositions appear in provisions
its due execution and the (Article 813 and 814) separate from that
testamentary capacity of the testatrix, it which provides for the necessary conditions
finds no reason for the disallowance of the for the validity of the holographic will
will for its failure to comply with the (Article 810).
formalities prescribed by law nor for lack of
testamentary capacity of the testatrix. This separation and distinction adds support
to the interpretation that only
the requirements of Article 810 of the NCC –

and not those found in Articles 813 and 814 – On May 30, 1975, a prominent and wealthy
are essential to the probate of a holographic resident of that town named Venancio
will. Rivera died. On July 28, 1975, Jose Rivera,
claiming to be the only surviving legitimate
Section 9, Rule 76 of the Rules of Court and son of the deceased, filed a petition for the
Article 839 of the Civil Code enumerate the issuance of letters of administration over
grounds for disallowance of wills. Venancio’s estate. Docketed as SP No. 1076,
These lists are exclusive; no other grounds this petition was opposed by Adelaido J.
can serve to disallow a will. Rivera. Who denied that Jose was the son of
the decedent. Adelaido averred that
In a petition to admit a holographic will, the Venancio was his father and did not
only issues to be resolved are: die interstate but in fact left
two holographic wills.
1.whether the instrument submitted is,
indeed, the decedent’s last will and ISSUE:
Whether or not Jose Rivera was the
2.whether said will was executed in legitimate son of the deceased Venancio
accordance with the formalities prescribed Rivera.
by law;
3.whether the decedent had the necessary
testamentary capacity at the time the will In case of doubt, under Art. 220 of the NCC,
was executed; and all presumptions favor the solidarity of the
family. Thus every intendment of the law or
4.whether the execution of the will and its fact leans toward the validity of marriage
signing were the voluntary acts of the the legitimacy of children. Even in
decedent. the absence of any certificate of marriage or
other documentary proof of the existence of
The object of the solemnities surrounding marriage, the law presumes a man and
the execution of wills is to close the door woman cohabiting with each other as being
against bad faith and fraud; accordingly, married, in the absence of proof to the
laws on this subject should be interpreted to contrary.
attain these primordial ends.
Based on this unrefuted legal presumption,
In the case of holographic wills, what Jose Rivera is not the son of the deceased
assures authenticity is the requirement that Venancio Rivera whose estate is in question,
they be totally authographic or handwritten in addition to the intriguing circumstances
by the testator himself. Failure to strictly surrounding Jose’s claim that he was a
observe other formalities will no result in the legitimate son.
disallowance of a holographic will that is
unquestionable handwritten by the testator. Hence, being a mere stranger, he had no
personality to contest the wills and his
opposition thereto did not have
the legal effect of requiring the three
JOSE RIVERA petitioner, vs. witnesses as stated in Art. 811. The
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and testimony of Zenaida and Venancio Rivera,
ADELAIDO J. RIVERA, respondents. Jr. who authenticated the wills as having
G.R. Nos. 75005-06 February 15, 1990 been written and signed by their father, was

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