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( follow nyo nalang ang flow ng coMputation, puro formula naman sya )
Zone classification basic wind speed zone 2 200 kph
Occupancy category 4 , standard occupancy importance factor of 1
Exposure category was exposure c
Topographic factor kzt was 1 because site conditions and locations of structures do not meet all
the conditions specified in section
Wind Directionality Factor,KD=0.85 because this structure is a building
Use Interpolation method for computing Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient, KZ on Table

PORTAL METHOD – basahin lang ang file super detailed na nya ih

STIFFNESS FACTOR COLUMNS: base of column times height of column raise to 3 over 12
times the height of the desired floor
STIFFNESS FACTOR BEAMS : ( base of beam times cube of beam height ) over ( 12 times
span length )
GIRDER FACTOR = Column stiffness over ( column stiffness plus girder stiffness )
G FACTOR DISTRIBUTION = gfactor plus ( gfactor of the next g factor / 2 )
GIRDER MOMENT FACTOR = gfactor distribution times beam stiffness of desired span
COLUMN FACTOR = 1 minus girder factor
C FACTOR DISTRIBUTION = CFactor plus Cfactor over 2 of the next C factor
COLUMN MOMENT FACTOR = cfactor distribution times column stiffness
N = ( h1 times force ) over summation of column moment factor
COLUMN MOMENT = n times column moment factor
GIRDER MOMENT = summation of column moment over summation of girder moment factor
times girder moment factor of member
FIRST i identify kung one way slab or two way slab ang slab natin
Yun ay short dimension over long dimension, then if less than 0.5 ang answer, one way slab
sya, pero pag 0.5 or higher, two way slab ang slab
If two way, use coefficient method to determine the cases of slabs, bale case 1 to 9 sya
depende sa continuity at discontinuity ng slab.
Kelangan din computin ang loads (based sa NCSP ) para makapagcompute ng moments


Short Direction: M a ,¬¿=C a

ω u L a2 ¿

Long Direction: M b ,¬¿=C b

ωu L b2 ¿


Short Direction: M a , pos , DL=C a ω DL La

Long Direction: M b , pos , DL=Cb ω DL Lb2


Short Direction: M a , pos ,≪¿=C a

ω¿ La2 ¿

Long Direction: M b , pos ,≪¿=C b

ω¿ L b2 ¿


Short Direction: M a , pos ,TOTAL= M a , pos ,DL + M a , pos ,≪ ¿¿

Long Direction: M b , pos ,TOTAL= M b , pos ,DL + M b , pos ,≪ ¿¿

Yung ca at cb ay macocompute through interpolation gamit ang values sa coeeficient method

La= short dimension
Lb = long dimension

COMPUTATION OF REQUIRED REINFORCEMENT along short and long direction at both midspan and
continuous edge


Rn =
ϕb d 2
2 Rn
ρactual =
fy [ √
0.85 f ' c
1− 1− '
0.85 f c ]
ρmin =

CHOOSE BETWEEN p actual and p min

A s=ρbd b= 1000 considering 1m strip

SPACING = As/ area ng reinforcement

Weights are based on NSCP
WEIGHT OF COLUMN = (number of columns*cross sectional area of column*floor
height*weight of concrete)
WEIGHT OF SLAB = ( floor area*slab thickness*weight of concrete)
WEIGHT OF CEILING = (weight of ceiling from NSCP in kPa*floor area)
WEIGHT OF FLOOR FINISHING = (weight of f finishing from NSCP in kPa*floor area)
WEIGHT OF BEAM transversal = (total length of beams*cross sectional area of beam*
*weight of concrete)
WEIGHT OF BEAM longitudinal = (total length of beams*cross sectional area of beam*
*weight of concrete)
WEIGHT OF WALL = (weight of wall from NSCP in kPa*perimeter of wall*floor height)
T= 0.0731*height from ground to desired level raised to (3/4)
For the value of v, we have 3 formulas before we consider v actual we must first check if v
actual is in between the vmax and vmin. If v actual is than v min we will use v min, but if v actual
is larger than v max we use vmax
V actual = ( cv*importance factor*total seismic loads ) / (numerical coefficient rep. * T )
V max = ( 2.5* ca * importance factor*total seismic loads ) / (numerical coefficient rep. )
V min = (0.11 * ca * importance factor*total seismic loads )
Weight*Height then get the summation. After that get the lateral force in each level
P = ( V for each floor * weight times height of desired floor ) / summation of weight times height
For the final forces
F FORCE = lateral load p / number of bays


offers a convenient way to analyse statically indeterminate beams and rigid frames.In the
moment distribution method, every joint of the structure to be analysed is fixed so as to develop
the fixed-end moments.
Moreover, the moment distribution method in mathematical terms can be demonstrated as the
process of solving a set of simultaneous equations by means of iteration. Added to that, it falls
into the category of displacement method of structural analysis.
Moment distribution is an important method in analyzing continuous beams and frames. This
method is developed by Hardy Cross in 1932.
Weights are based on NSCP, while slab weight is ( concrete weight * height of slab )
STIFFNESS FACTOR COLUMNS: ( base of column times height of column raise to 3 ) over
( 12 times the height of the desired floor )
STIFFNESS FACTOR BEAMS : ( base of beam times cube of beam height ) over ( 12 times
span length )
S = ( span length - beam base +( 2 times slab height ))
Wdl = ( S * deadload ) + weight beams

Wll = ( S * liveload )

Moment Distribution Factor for Column = stiffness of column / ( summation of column stiffness +
summation of beam stiffness )

Moment Distribution Factor for Beam = stiffness of beam / ( summation of column stiffness +
summation of beam stiffness )
Factored Loads = 1.2(dead load) + 1.6(live load )
FEM = ( Factored loads times span length squared ) over 12
Then from each case use the highest value of factored loads for each span
BJ = ( FEM * distribution ) then reverse the sign
CO = BJ/2
Continue up to 4 cycles then summation of CO to get the final moment , do this in all 4 cases
then summarized the final moments by always choosing the largest final moment in each case.
Statically indeterminate structures are defined as structures that cannot be statically analyzed
using only equilibrium equations.
Fixed end moments are the moments produced at member ends by  when the joints are fixed
Distribution factors - distribution factors can be defined as the proportions of the unbalanced
moments carried by each of the members.
CO- carry over

BJ – balanced b (di ako sure haha )

( Detailed naman yung beam design natin dun nyo nalang basahin kasi andun yung lahat ng
computation, yung mga ilalagay ko dito ay yun ang mga values na hindi detailed computation. )
Goal : madetermine ang number ng reinforcement (number of bars ) sa isang beam and
madetermine kung singly or doubly reinforced syaa
4 Kinds of Beam Design for each floor ( Discontinuous End Support, Midspan for Continuous
Span, Midspan for Discontinuous Span and Continuous Span )
First determine the actual nominal moment then i cocompare sya sa maximum nominal moment
If Mn> Mnmax : Doubly Reinforced
Mn = MN1 + MN2
MN1 =Mnmax
C = a/0.85
Fs = 600 ((effective depth- c ) / c )
F’s = 600 ( c – (covering concrete / c ) )
If Mn < Mnmax : Singly Reinforced
0.85 f'c 2 Rn
ρ actual =
{1 - sqrt[1- 0.85 f'c
RN – coefficient of resistance
Mwl = moment from wind loads
Mel = moment from seismic loads

( Detailed din ang column design natin sundan lang ang flow ng computation )
GOAL : determine the number of reinforcement ( number of bars ) and spacing of ties
4 TYPES OF COLUMNS DESIGN : corner column,interior,exterior column along transversal,
exterior column along longitudinal
Ag= LOADS times 10 cube over 0.5fc
E= moment over load
Lamda = column base minus 2times clear cover over column height
Pn= LOADS over 0.7
Ast= Ag times 0.025

(Detailed din ang footing design natin sundan lang ang flow ng computation )

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